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Hungarian Forces

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Rear view of the weapon

Rear view of the weapon

Hungarian Participation

Hungarian Participation

Don River Front, USSR.

Don River Front, USSR.

Augmentation to the war effort

Augmentation to the war effort

Waiting for the baptism of fire...

Waiting for the baptism of fire...

Abandoned enemy tank

Abandoned enemy tank

Captured fort with its weapon

Captured fort with its weapon

Wounded Hungarian soldier

Wounded Hungarian soldier

To prevent frost bite

To prevent frost bite

Morale booster gifts

Morale booster gifts

Soldiers with a Rába Botond

Soldiers with a Rába Botond

Pause in combat activity

Pause in combat activity

Farewell to a fallen comrade

Farewell to a fallen comrade

Crashed enemy plane

Crashed enemy plane

Grave of a fellow soldier

Grave of a fellow soldier

"Nimrod" selfpropelled gun

"Nimrod" selfpropelled gun

Grab a meal on top of an AA gun

Grab a meal on top of an AA gun

Left-handed soldier with a fur hat

Left-handed soldier with a fur hat

A barrage on the enemy

A barrage on the enemy

Happy in Hungarian captivity

Happy in Hungarian captivity

Farewell to a comrade in arms

Farewell to a comrade in arms

A drink and a tiny Christmas tree

A drink and a tiny Christmas tree

Captured Soviet soldiers

Captured Soviet soldiers

Training on the Tiger

Training on the Tiger



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