WyoHistory.org, a project of the Wyoming Historical Society, was founded in 2010 by the Society and by former Project Director Tom Rea, with oversight of an enthusiastic advisory board.

The website first went live online in May 2011.


WyoHistory.org encourages exploration of Wyoming and its past by building and maintaining a permanent, interactive encyclopedia of Wyoming history as an ongoing project of the Wyoming Historical Society.


WyoHistory.org aims to be the primary source of online information about Wyoming history for the public, including teachers, students, tourists, public officials, history buffs and scholars. WyoHistory.org seeks readers’ feedback as it continues to add high-quality articles and information about local resources, activities and events.

People behind the scenes

(All staff and writers work on contract as financing permits.)

Kylie McCormick, editor; Rebecca Hein, assistant editor; Tom Rea, editor emeritus; and Steve Foster, designer. For links to more about the writers of the articles, scroll down slightly on the home page to the Contributors drop-down menu.


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Contact us at [email protected] for information on levels and types of available sponsorships.

Contact Us

[email protected]

  • For writers: Contact the editor for submission guidelines.
  • For contributors of oral histories: Contact the editor for more information.


WyoHistory.org was designed and developed using Drupal by Steve Foster, a former journalist for the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, freelance designer and owner of Purple Rivers Design, a Denver-based web design and content company.


WyoHistory.org welcomes the support of the following sponsors:

Contact us at [email protected] for information on levels and types of available sponsorships.