Fallopia’s 3-star review:
Stillwell Avenue subway station, a.k.a. Coney Island is dear to my heart and naturally I'm not sure I like the renovation job done on it, being that I liked the old filthy, grubby station JUST FINE.
The new geodesic-dome structure over the platform is impressive, and THERE IS NO BATHROOM, G*DDAMNIT. I mean, most people would rather hold it than use the crappy restroom that was there before, but there was a public restroom, whereas none of the fast-food stalls are required to have public restrooms and when you gotta go, you gotta go. It saved my @$$ more than once; the ride from the Lower East Side to here is usually more than an hour, even if you take the Q express.
And Philip's Candy Shop is long-gone. A 1996 New York Times article called it "The Sugar Fix at the End of the Line" http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/07/nyregion/new-yorkers-co-the-sugar-fix-at-the-end-of-the-line.html?scp=1&sq=The%20Sugar%20Fix%20at%20the%20End%20of%20the%20Line&st=cse and it was dismantled a few years later.
I miss the vintage Coppertone ad gracing the front of the station, right near the "BMT Lines" sign--the one with the little blond girl and her dog is tugging on the bottom of her bathing suit and partially exposing her butt. "Tan, don't burn with Coppertone," it said.
In the current station it's not possible to see the layers of history the way you could before, and I miss that; it might be "safer," "cleaner," and " nicer," and my mother would like it better, but the current station sure isn't the same as the one featured in The Warriors (the best movie ever made, IMHO.)