Greer Middle School
Greer Middle School
Greer Middle School
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Primary Dress Code Violations<br />
Distracting, revealing, overly suggestive or<br />
otherwise disruptive attire.<br />
Chains, etc. that dangle from clothes.<br />
Hats, “hoodies hoodies”, , and sunglasses<br />
Attire affiliated with a "gang" in any negative<br />
sense of the term.<br />
Clothing that contains language that is obscene,<br />
profane, lewd, vulgar, indecent or offensive.<br />
Shirts that are low cut and show cleavage.<br />
Spaghetti strap shirts and/or tank tops.<br />
Shirts that do not cover the midriff.<br />
Pants and slacks that drag the ground.<br />
Undergarments that are exposed.<br />
Facial jewelry located anywhere except the ears.