Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
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“We at <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perpetual</strong> <strong>Help</strong> Parish, are a multi-cultural faith community; we strive to be welcoming to all who<br />
come to our parish and commit ourselves to direct others to Jesus through a meaningful liturgical celebration and devotion<br />
to Mary.”<br />
Pastor: Rev. Antonio G. Petilla<br />
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Dwight Dennis G. Barlaan<br />
Deacon: Rev. William F. Bruening<br />
School Principal: Mr. William Kovacich<br />
Phones:<br />
Rectory: (650) 755-9786<br />
School: (650) 755-4438<br />
RE-ED: (650) 755-4010<br />
Masses:<br />
Weekdays: 7:30 AM<br />
Saturdays: 8:00 AM, in honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Perpetual</strong> <strong>Help</strong><br />
4:00 & 5:30 PM, Vigil Masses<br />
Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 AM<br />
1:00 PM (Spanish)<br />
First Fridays: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM<br />
Holy Days : 7:30, 9:00 AM, 12:15 & 6:30 PM<br />
Confessions:<br />
Saturdays 3:00-3:55 PM (or by appointment)<br />
Baptisms:<br />
Sundays 2:30 PM 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday in English.<br />
3rd Sunday in Spanish (parents and sponsors must attend<br />
the 1st Wednesday instruction in English and 2nd<br />
Wednesday in Spanish at 7:00 PM-Jubilee Hall)<br />
Marriages:<br />
Every Saturday (please call us six months in advance)<br />
Devotions to <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perpetual</strong> <strong>Help</strong>:<br />
7:30 - Rosary, 7:45 - Novena, 8:00 AM - Mass<br />
(Every Saturday)<br />
Adoration <strong>of</strong> the Blessed Sacrament:<br />
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (Private Adoration) 5:30-6:30 PM<br />
(Communal Holy Hour)<br />
To join & worship with us at OLPH, please<br />
complete a Parish Registration Form and send<br />
it back to the <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
Name: ________________________________<br />
Address: ______________________________<br />
______________________________<br />
Telephone No: __________________________
Second Sunday <strong>of</strong> Easter<br />
(Divine Mercy Sunday)<br />
May 1, 2011<br />
“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”<br />
— John 20:29b<br />
Dear Parishioners and Friends,<br />
DOUBTING THOMAS! A fascinating fellow, with some<br />
hang-ups. Why wasn’t he around on Easter Sunday, when<br />
Jesus first appeared? What made him so skeptical, so mulish,<br />
when trusted friends like Peter, James and John told<br />
him “We have seen the Lord”? We do not know. What we<br />
do know is that the doubter uttered the most perfect affirmation<br />
<strong>of</strong> Christ’s nature in all the Gospels—”Lord and<br />
God”. Thomas, <strong>of</strong> course, did not “see” God; what he saw<br />
with his eyes, all that sheer reason could reveal to him, was<br />
a man. His cry, therefore, went far beyond the evidence.<br />
And, because it exceeded the evidence, “My Lord and my<br />
God” was an act <strong>of</strong> faith, a gift, which would have been impossible<br />
without God’s gracious giving. It was a response to<br />
God’s Self-revealing.<br />
What the Apostle Thomas is saying to you and me is that<br />
Christian faith is a religious experience. <strong>Our</strong> faith is a<br />
thrilling thing not because it furnishes us a hatful <strong>of</strong> answers<br />
to life’s many questions but because it makes for experience<br />
<strong>of</strong> the living God. <strong>Our</strong> faith, like Thomas 'faith, is<br />
a living faith when it is a flaming response <strong>of</strong> our whole<br />
being to the Risen Jesus present before us and within us.<br />
<strong>Our</strong> faith is a living faith when it means “I Love You, Lord,<br />
with every fiber <strong>of</strong> my flesh, every stirring <strong>of</strong> my spirit.”<br />
And that is an experience <strong>of</strong> God—not a vision!<br />
Remember, too, that Thomas’ experience <strong>of</strong> God took place<br />
in the midst <strong>of</strong> a community, disciples who had journeyed<br />
to Jerusalem with Jesus, had share His supper, had<br />
watched Him die from near or afar. Which means that our<br />
Christian faith must be lived in community, too. We might<br />
as well get ready for it now; our mansion mates in heaven<br />
will include Muslims and Moonies, Hindus and Buddhists,<br />
all manner <strong>of</strong> folk who would sooner drink strychnine than<br />
be baptized.<br />
We learn to live our faith in community by cherishing what<br />
the <strong>Church</strong> teaches, by seeing fellowship as inescapably<br />
Christian, a sharing <strong>of</strong> what we have that lightens the burden<br />
<strong>of</strong> those who experience so much <strong>of</strong> Christ’s Crucifixion<br />
and so little <strong>of</strong> His Resurrection, by plunging into the<br />
prayers <strong>of</strong> the community that is ceaselessly aware <strong>of</strong> God’s<br />
presence in our gathering together.<br />
This is what faith lived in community really means.<br />
SAVE UP<br />
When saving for old age, be sure to lay up a<br />
few pleasant thoughts.<br />
—Anonymous<br />
Everyone is encouraged to participate<br />
in the May Flower Devotion!<br />
There will be Floral <strong>of</strong>fering every<br />
Saturday during the 8:00 AM<br />
mass by all devotees to our<br />
Blessed Mother Mary!<br />
The May Flower Devotion serves<br />
as prelude to our Fiesta Celebration<br />
in honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perpetual</strong> <strong>Help</strong> our Patroness.<br />
Let us therefore make use <strong>of</strong> this devotion as a remote<br />
preparation to our <strong>Lady</strong>’s Feast and remind one another<br />
specially those whom we are missing in our Saturday<br />
gathering in her honor, members <strong>of</strong> the Archconfraternity<br />
and recruit new ones to join.<br />
Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8<br />
Tuesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14<br />
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21<br />
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36<br />
Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15<br />
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21<br />
Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16; 1 Pt 1:17-21;<br />
Lk 24:13-35<br />
The Homily<br />
The ambo, or pulpit, is a special place—it is the place<br />
for God’s word. That is why it is not used for all the spoken<br />
words <strong>of</strong> the Mass, even important words like the collects and<br />
the blessing. The ambo is only used for the scripture readings,<br />
and for the homily and the prayer <strong>of</strong> the faithful.<br />
The homily is part <strong>of</strong> the Liturgy <strong>of</strong> the Word. It flows<br />
from the readings we have just heard, and helps us to understand<br />
the way in which God is speaking to us today. The homily<br />
is not a lecture, a catechism lesson, or a speech. It is more<br />
like an exhortation; it has an urgency about it, for it calls us to<br />
find ourselves in the scripture, to live the faith we pr<strong>of</strong>ess, to<br />
see our world by the light <strong>of</strong> the Gospel. The homily, in itself a<br />
response to God’s word, demands a response from us. There<br />
are many styles <strong>of</strong> preaching and many ways to respond to the<br />
scriptures. But whether the homily is weak or strong, an open<br />
ear and an open heart can find in it an abundance <strong>of</strong> spiritual<br />
nourishment. —Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.<br />
We are inviting children 8 yrs. old & up to join<br />
the OLPH Children’s Choir. We sing at the 10<br />
o’clock mass every first Sunday <strong>of</strong> the month.<br />
Please call Cynthia Marquez at 415 987-3801<br />
for more details.
Please be reminded <strong>of</strong> our First Friday<br />
devotion to the Sacred Heart <strong>of</strong> Jesus on<br />
May 6, 2011.<br />
Mass Schedule: 7:30 AM and 6:30 PM<br />
Exposition <strong>of</strong> Blessed Sacrament:<br />
8:30AM—5:30 PM<br />
Communal Holy Hour: 5:30 PM—6:30 PM<br />
“Could you not watch with me one hour?”<br />
-Matthew 26:40<br />
“LOAVES & FISHES SUNDAY.” This annual second collection<br />
asks parishioners within the Archdiocese <strong>of</strong> San Francisco<br />
to live their faith by generously supporting the good work<br />
<strong>of</strong> Catholic Charities CYO. Your contributions directly support<br />
programs and services that provide relief for homeless families,<br />
ailing seniors, immigrants, the working poor, children and<br />
youth, and many other <strong>of</strong> our most vulnerable neighbors who<br />
are in need. <strong>Help</strong> us change lives today.<br />
For more information on the work <strong>of</strong> Catholic Charities CYO<br />
and how you can help support and strengthen families please<br />
contact Jane Ferguson Flout at (415) 971-1227 or [email protected].<br />
Jesus meets the need <strong>of</strong> each disciple. To the fearful in the upper<br />
room, He speaks words <strong>of</strong> peace. To doubting Thomas, He<br />
provides the tangible pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> His resurrection. What do I need<br />
to become His disciple? What do I have to share that might<br />
meet someone else’s need?<br />
In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst <strong>of</strong> us and says: Peace be<br />
with you!”<br />
During Mass we turn to each other and<br />
say “ Peace be with you!” As you give your gift<br />
to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, you say<br />
“Peace be with you!” to those who are poor and<br />
hungry.<br />
<strong>Our</strong> Offering to God and His People for the week <strong>of</strong><br />
April 17, 2011 :<br />
1st Collection………………….$5,326.40<br />
2nd Collection—(AAA)……… 2,128.69<br />
<strong>Our</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering for the week <strong>of</strong> April 24th will be reported next week.<br />
<strong>Our</strong> Second Collection today is for our Parochial School<br />
& Religious Education Program<br />
Next week, our second collection is for<br />
Catholic Charities CYO Appeal<br />
DOUBT<br />
There lives more faith in honest doubt, Believe me, than<br />
in half the creeds. —Alfred, Lord Tennyson<br />
Los que nos felicitamos por ser “realistas” en este mundo<br />
podemos escuchar la primera lectura de hoy y decir, “¡bájense de<br />
las nubes!” cuando oímos el relato de Lucas sobre los primeros<br />
días ideales del movimiento cristiano. Todo parece color de rosa,<br />
se obran muchos prodigios, todos comparten sin egoísmo, comen<br />
juntos “con alegría” y el Señor aumentaba el número de creyentes.<br />
¿Cómo no sentirse atraído a un grupo semejante? Desde el viento<br />
que llenó el cuarto en la planta alta durante Pentecostés así como<br />
el Espíritu de Dios sobre las aguas en Génesis, y el fuego que apareció<br />
sobre cada discípulo, como la luz que apareció en el albor de<br />
la Creación, la intensión de Lucas en Hechos es mostrar una nueva<br />
creación, una restauración de la bondad original<br />
de la Creación por la obra del Espíritu Santo. Es<br />
el Espíritu quien continúa formándonos en el<br />
Cuerpo de Cristo. En ciertas ocasiones, así como<br />
Tomás en el Evangelio, decimos ¡bájense de las<br />
nubes!” pero la última realidad es que el Espíritu<br />
obra continuamente para hacer que nuestras comunidad<br />
cristiana sea una nueva creación, una<br />
en que los demás encontrarán el gozo y la belleza de Dios.<br />
© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.<br />
¡Aleluya!<br />
Aunque la asamblea está familiarizada con esa<br />
palabra, es bueno recordar el significado: ¡Alaben a Dios!<br />
¡Gloria a Dios! Este vocablo de origen hebreo fue tomado por<br />
los cristianos y adaptado a su liturgia, para cantarse, precisamente<br />
antes de la proclamación del Evangelio. En su naturaleza<br />
más pr<strong>of</strong>unda, esta aclamación exige ser cantada, exige<br />
movimiento. Movimiento físico y ritual. Estamos sentados,<br />
hemos escuchado la promesa de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento,<br />
hemos escuchado los escritos apostólicos y, después del<br />
debido silencio, la asamblea canta a Dios una alabanza y se<br />
pone de pie, como pueblo libre que escuchará el mensaje de su<br />
Señor. Alaba a Dios no sólo porque es bueno, sino porque se<br />
nos ha dado en el Verbo, que es Cristo y Cristo sigue dándose<br />
en su palabra, que es el Evangelio. Este rito “en el cual la<br />
asamblea de los fieles recibe al Señor que está por hablar en el<br />
Evangelio, lo saluda y confiesa su fe con el canto” (IGMR, 62),<br />
constituye la cima de la Liturgia de la Palabra. Porque esto es<br />
una oración de alabanza, lo gritamos, lo aclamamos, lo cantamos.<br />
¡Aleluya! ¡Gloria a Dios! ¡Gloria al Señor! ¡Aleluya!<br />
—Miguel Arias, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.<br />
Lunes: Hch 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8<br />
Martes: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14<br />
Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21<br />
Jueves: Hch 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36<br />
Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15<br />
Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21<br />
Domingo: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15); 1 Pe 1:17-21;<br />
Lc 24:13-35<br />
La Administracion de Nuestro Tiempo, Talento y<br />
Tesoro como Bienes de Dios, segun “el Libro”<br />
Jesus satisface las necesidades de cada discipulo. Al que esta<br />
con miedo en el cuarto de arriba, El le dice palabras de paz. El<br />
le da la prueba tangible de Su resurreccion al desconfiado<br />
Tomas. Que necesito yo para ser Su discipulo? Que tengo yo<br />
para compartir que podria satisfacer las necesidades de otro?
May 1<br />
SUN<br />
2 MON<br />
MAY 1-7, 2011<br />
7:00 AM + Priscillo Cabrera<br />
8:30 AM T/G Natalie Jackson<br />
+ Eduardo Gonzales<br />
+ Alfredo & Eufronia Roxas<br />
+ Eduardo Pichay<br />
10:00 AM For the People <strong>of</strong> OLPH Parish<br />
11:30 AM T/G Henry & Tina Fortich 40th W.A<br />
T/G Claudine Camacho<br />
+ Alejandra & Felix del Rosario<br />
+ Pedro & Isabel Odulio<br />
+ Marciano Carnero<br />
1:00 PM T/G Divine Mercy req. Harris Fa.<br />
T/G Pedro Hernandez<br />
T/G Maria Harris for Fr. Petilla’s<br />
50th Ordination Anniversary.<br />
+ Mercedes Zapata<br />
7:30 AM<br />
T/G Servando Guevarra...B’day<br />
+ Miguel & Trinidad Naranja<br />
+ Carmen G. Floresca<br />
3 TUES 7:30 AM T/G Philip & Dosi Tennant<br />
+ Eufracio Ermitano<br />
+ Montano Garcia<br />
+ Janice Lim Escober<br />
4 WED 7:30 AM T/G Pat & Tess Mingoa...48th W.A.<br />
+ Msgr. John A. Blancaver<br />
5 THURS<br />
FIRST<br />
6 FRI<br />
7 1ST<br />
SAT<br />
7:30 AM<br />
7:30 AM<br />
6:30 PM<br />
8:00 AM<br />
4:00 PM<br />
5:30 PM<br />
+ Teodora Eleazar<br />
+ Carolina Bayani<br />
+ Msgr. Johnn A. Blancaver<br />
+ May Tennant<br />
T/G Remy Balderama & Family<br />
+ Florencio Rili, Jr.<br />
+ Jose & Leonardo Laza<br />
+ Ma. Asuncion A. Metica<br />
T/G Kirk MacKinney...B’day<br />
T/G Anabel Sarmiento<br />
+ Deceased Members <strong>of</strong><br />
Occhipinti Family<br />
T/G Vince Reyes<br />
+ Sergio & Florentina Baguio<br />
Let us pray for our sick relatives and friends, elderly and homebound<br />
in the parish:<br />
Sira Pittabino, Gloria Tamo, Marie Power, Marcial Marcaida,<br />
Jocelyn Presto, Antonina Reyes, Fr. Jing Nacor and Nora<br />
Nacor, Claudine Mingoa, Marina Nunez, Nita Calagui, Belen<br />
Garay, Benilda Enriquez, Terry Macaraig, Lita Floresca and<br />
Angel Soriano .<br />
For Homebound visits, please call the Rectory Office at<br />
650 755-9786.
Lugar: 80 Wellington Ave.,<br />
Daly City, Iglesia Nuestra<br />
Senora del Perpetuo<br />
Socorro<br />
Pecha: Domingo 1 de Mayo, 2011<br />
Ministerio de Musica: Salvacion Y Alabanza de la Iglesia Santa Veronica<br />
Queridos hermanos los esperamos, demos gracias al<br />
Senor por que es Bueno, porque es eternal su<br />
misericordia<br />
Que Dios Te Bendiga<br />
**********************************************<br />
PROGRAMA de la FIESTA de la<br />
Domingo, 1 de Mayo 2011<br />
1:00……………………..Santa Misa Solemne<br />
CELEBRANTES: Padre A.ntonio G. Petilla<br />
: Padre Fernando Velazco<br />
EXPOSICION del Santisimo y Hora Santa<br />
2:00 PM …………….Exposicion del Santisimo<br />
Sacramento del altar<br />
2:10 PM……………...Cantos a Jesus<br />
Sacramentado<br />
2:20 PM……………...Oracion de alabanzas<br />
a Jesus Sacramentado<br />
2:30 PM ……………..Oracion de accion de<br />
Gracias a Jesus en la Eucaristia<br />
2:40 PM ……………..Cantos de Meditacion<br />
2:45 PM……………...Oracion de sanacion<br />
interior y sanacion fisica<br />
3:00 PM…………….. Coronilla a la Divina<br />
Misericordia Intersecion por<br />
el mundo entero<br />
3:15 PM …………….Pasar al salon parroquial,<br />
Para compatir bocadillos y<br />
rifa del cuadro De Jesus de<br />
la Divina Misericordia y los<br />
recuerdos….<br />
Todo es gratis…….Que Dios te cuide