campus ministry program - Creighton Prep - Creighton University
campus ministry program - Creighton Prep - Creighton University
campus ministry program - Creighton Prep - Creighton University
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PhysiCal eDuCation<br />
The Physical Education Department provides students with the<br />
opportunity to prepare for a lifelong healthy and active lifestyle.<br />
The goal of the Physical Education Department reflects the same<br />
ideal as the mission of the school: the education of the total person.<br />
With this goal in mind, the Department emphasizes physical,<br />
intellectual and social development through student participation<br />
in vigorous physical activities and learning the principles of<br />
physical fitness as well as the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.<br />
Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />
• Excellent facilities such as The Heider Center and Carmen & Don Leahy Stadium offer superior<br />
environments for teaching and learning activities.<br />
• Block scheduling allows the sophomore PE class to be split into Health Education in the classroom and<br />
Physical Education in The Heider Center or Carmen & Don Leahy Stadium.<br />
• All levels can participate in Fitness for Life I or Fitness for Life II through our certified strength<br />
training coach.