campus ministry program - Creighton Prep - Creighton University

campus ministry program - Creighton Prep - Creighton University

campus ministry program - Creighton Prep - Creighton University


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the <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> story<br />

<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> forms men of faith, scholarship, leadership<br />

and service in the Catholic and Jesuit tradition. We are also<br />

committed to graduating young men who are more open<br />

to growth, intellectually competent, loving, religious and<br />

committed to doing justice.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• Average ACT score: 26<br />

• Nine perfect ACT scores in the past five years<br />

• 46 National Merit semifinalists over the past six years (eight in the Class of 2012)<br />

• 63% of our graduating Class of 2012 earned $21.4 million in college scholarships<br />

• Graduates over the last five years have earned approximately $100 million in scholarships<br />

• 98% of our seniors attend a four-year college or university<br />

• Over 90% of our students are involved in clubs, activities or athletics<br />

• Student to teacher ratio: 13:1<br />

• Average class size: 22<br />

• Over 20,000 student service hours that return $550,000 of value to the community annually<br />

• 11,000 active alumni with members in each of the 50 states and in 17 countries throughout the world<br />

<strong>Prep</strong> has produced alumni that have directed stars on the silver screen, written award-winning<br />

books, preached the word of God, designed national monuments, composed award-winning music,<br />

led troops into battle, taught thousands of students, delivered thousands of babies, excelled in<br />

professional athletics and saved countless lives.<br />

We invite you to attend our great school and find out why it is often said that “<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> is a<br />

way of life for the rest of your life.”<br />

Josh Luedtke<br />

Director of Admissions<br />

Joe Pick<br />

Enrollment Management

Cura Personalis<br />

Program<br />

<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong>aratory School recognizes that all students learn<br />

differently. The philosophy of the Cura Personalis Program (CPP) is<br />

that fairness is when everyone gets what they need to be successful,<br />

not when everyone is treated the same. <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> will provide<br />

appropriate, individualized accommodations for students who<br />

can offer a clear statement of a specific diagnosis from a qualified<br />

professional made within the last three years.<br />

<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> collaborates with families, health care and<br />

educational professionals in order to develop an appropriate<br />

accommodation plan that can be implemented within the<br />

capability of our resources.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• The CPP offers a study skills course for freshmen that may need additional academic support.<br />

• A partnership with the National Honor Society students allows the CPP to offer tutoring<br />

twice a week for those students who may need additional assistance with a class.<br />

• Two full time faculty members that work specifically with students to provide academic<br />

support and address learning needs.

CamPus <strong>ministry</strong><br />

Program<br />

The Jesuit schools, through an educational pedagogy, nurture<br />

spiritual growth in their students. The primary goal of a Jesuit<br />

school is a spiritual one. Academic excellence, athletic prowess,<br />

and strength of character all must point toward the “purpose for<br />

which we were created; to be in union with God.”<br />

(1st Principle & Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises)<br />

We dream of students who leave <strong>Prep</strong> with a firm foundation in a<br />

living faith. We want our students to recognize that the Catholic<br />

Church is not just a building, but a Eucharistic community of<br />

people who will support and nurture them throughout life.<br />

Within Campus Ministry, we strive to teach our students the<br />

leadership skills of Christ. It is our job to get them excited about<br />

being Christian leaders in our world.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• Students have the opportunity to examine their lives in a reflective and spiritual way and to develop a<br />

personal and transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.<br />

• Retreat opportunities: Freshmen Retreat, Faces of Christ, Overnight Retreat, Junior Encounter,<br />

Ignatian Service Retreat, and Senior Retreat.

Clubs &<br />

inVolVement<br />


Big Brothers: Seniors only<br />

Campus Ministry Advisory Board (CMAB)<br />

Fall Service Day<br />

Habitat for Humanity<br />

Operation Others (OO)<br />

Retreat Leadership<br />

Service Trips<br />

(Dominican Republic, Rosebud Native American Reservation, Mexico)<br />

Tutoring at Jesuit Academy<br />


A.P.L.A.U.D. (Drug Free Club)<br />

Academic Decathlon<br />

Honors Academic Decathlon<br />

Ambassador Club<br />

Architecture Club<br />

Athletic Training Staff<br />

Band (Concert & Jazz)<br />

Big Brothers<br />

Bridge Club<br />

Campus Ministry<br />

Campus Ministry Advisory Board<br />

Chess Club<br />

Christian Life Communities<br />

Disc Golf<br />

Dodgeball<br />

Drama<br />

E.M.E.’s<br />

EMHC<br />

Film Club<br />

Forensics<br />

French Club<br />

French Honor Society<br />

Green Circle<br />

Harvard Model Congress<br />

Health and Fitness<br />

History Day<br />

ILAC<br />

Ink Inc.<br />

Jay Journal (Newspaper)<br />

Jay Junior (Yearbook)<br />

JETS Engineering Club)<br />

Latin Club<br />

Leadership Club<br />

Letterman Club<br />

Liturgical Band<br />

Math Club<br />

Mock Trial<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Operation Others CORE Team & Club<br />

Peer Tutoring<br />

Powerlifting<br />

<strong>Prep</strong> Accepts Diversity Club<br />

Quiz Bowl<br />

Retreat leadership<br />

Robotics Club<br />

Science Club<br />


Clubs &<br />

inVolVement (ContinueD)<br />

Senior Advising<br />

Solidarity Social Justice Group<br />

Spanish Club<br />

Spanish Honor Society<br />

Speech Team<br />

Stock Market Competition<br />

Student Council<br />


CLC meets weekly or bi-monthly in a small<br />

group of 8-12 students to discuss faith, family,<br />

school and relationships. CLC is moderated by<br />

a <strong>Prep</strong> teacher or alumnus.<br />

dRAmA<br />

<strong>Prep</strong> has a fall and a spring play in conjunction<br />

with Marian High School. There are needs for<br />

lighting, sound and set design as well as acting<br />

parts. Duchesne and Mercy also have plays for<br />

<strong>Prep</strong> actors.<br />

T.E.A.M.S.<br />

Ultimate Frisbee Club<br />

Video Editing/Podcasting<br />

Young Democrats<br />

Young Independents<br />

Young Republicans<br />

AtHLEtICS<br />


FALL<br />

Cross Country<br />

Football<br />

Tennis<br />

WINtER<br />

Basketball<br />

Swimming<br />

Wrestling<br />

SpRING<br />

Baseball<br />

Golf<br />

Soccer<br />

Track<br />

INtRAmURALS:<br />

Brisquitball<br />

Basketball<br />

Kickball…and More! See Mr. Kleber for details.<br />

CLUB SpORtS<br />

Ice Hockey<br />

Lacrosse<br />

Trap Shooting

english<br />

The English curriculum emphasizes the skills necessary for clear<br />

communication, intentional reading, analytical and creative<br />

thinking, and writing for reflection and audience.<br />

The freshman curriculum provides a breadth of readings as<br />

the students study the different genres. Sophomore year is<br />

thematically developed around the concept of the hero and the<br />

junior curriculum is the study of American literature. Seniors are<br />

provided with electives that develop their writing and expand their<br />

literary boundaries.<br />

Courses also incorporate multimedia technology, public speaking<br />

skills, reading strategies and vocabulary development.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• Honors and advanced placement courses are offered at each level.<br />

• Courses are offered for dual enrollment at <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>University</strong>, the <strong>University</strong> of Nebraska at Omaha<br />

and Nebraska Wesleyan <strong>University</strong>.<br />

• Students have won various local, state and national writing contests.

Fine arts<br />

A study of the arts is a valuable component of a balanced education<br />

and helps make students more aware of the emotional and physical<br />

environments in which they live.<br />

This study also involves critical and creative thinking as well as<br />

problem-solving techniques that assist students in understanding<br />

the social and cultural forces that shape their world. In this way,<br />

art gives meaning to the human experience in much the same way<br />

religion does.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• Art, Graphics and Architecture classes are offered.<br />

• The school has received over 450 local, state, regional and national art awards,<br />

including 60 just last year.<br />

• Choir group performs as music ministers at Masses and at various competitions throughout the year.<br />

<strong>Prep</strong>’s choir won its first Superior at Districts in 2012.<br />

• In addition to the 26th consecutive Superior rating in the District music contest, the <strong>Creighton</strong><br />

<strong>Prep</strong> Band won the Sweepstakes award in 2010, 2011 and 2012, as the top band in regional<br />

competitions in Chicago and Kansas.

inFormation<br />

CommuniCations<br />

teChnology<br />

<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong>’s ICT Department helps students develop a wide<br />

variety of skills in technological literacy in order to compete in<br />

today’s global society.<br />

The skills <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> students acquire include ethical and<br />

responsible behavior, knowledge of resources, process and<br />

applications, along with the ability to access, organize, analyze,<br />

synthesize and present information.<br />

A special emphasis in <strong>program</strong>ming enhances the students’ ability<br />

to learn the concepts required to understand the fundamentals of<br />

object oriented coding.<br />

Communication proficiency is also developed through<br />

communications classes focusing on print, video, interpersonal,<br />

and problem-solving strategies. Students also foster improved<br />

efficiency through The Cloud and Web 2.0 tools.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• The school has Macintosh and PC laboratories with cross-platform software.<br />

• Instruction is offered in Alice, a Java-based graphical user interface that assists students<br />

in learning object-oriented <strong>program</strong>ming skills.

PreP teChnology<br />

<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong>aratory School is committed to excellence in<br />

teaching and learning by actively engaging students in the<br />

21st century.<br />

With wireless access throughout the entire <strong>campus</strong>, students are<br />

encouraged to bring their own devices for use in the classroom.<br />

Two mobile iPad carts and five labs are also available for classroom<br />

teachers to integrate technology into their curriculum.<br />

The science classrooms are set up with iMacs to aid in experiments.<br />

The World Language Department has a lab with 25 computers for<br />

listening and translation activities.<br />

Students can access computers in the library or open lab area<br />

before school, during their lunch period, and during free time<br />

during the day.

Cassem<br />

memorial library<br />

Cassem Memorial Library was remodeled and reopened in<br />

November 2003. The library has seating for 40-45 and 15<br />

computers available for student use throughout the school day.<br />

We have two conference rooms with computers for audio/video<br />

production with a PC in one room and a Mac in the other.<br />

Our current holdings are 11,414 which includes print, audio,<br />

and video materials. New materials are added throughout the<br />

school year.<br />

For the 2013-14 school year, we will create two new work areas<br />

for students with personal devices. Students will be able to easily<br />

charge their device or work while also charging their device.

mathematiCs<br />

The ability to comprehend, develop, and utilize mathematical concepts<br />

is invaluable throughout life. All people need some fluency in this area<br />

in order to contribute to and fare well in our contemporary world.<br />

(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)<br />

The <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> Mathematics Department strives to enhance<br />

students’ knowledge and understanding of math both as a tool and a<br />

way of thinking that can be used to address problems in the world.<br />

The Mathematics Department provides multiple levels of algebra<br />

through statistics and calculus. Sequencing of courses also provides<br />

students with the opportunity to start at different levels of algebra<br />

and geometry.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• The current math faculty has over 190 combined years of teaching at <strong>Prep</strong>.<br />

• <strong>Prep</strong> offers an 8th grade algebra course before school for students desiring to<br />

accelerate their <strong>program</strong> of study.

PhysiCal eDuCation<br />

The Physical Education Department provides students with the<br />

opportunity to prepare for a lifelong healthy and active lifestyle.<br />

The goal of the Physical Education Department reflects the same<br />

ideal as the mission of the school: the education of the total person.<br />

With this goal in mind, the Department emphasizes physical,<br />

intellectual and social development through student participation<br />

in vigorous physical activities and learning the principles of<br />

physical fitness as well as the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• Excellent facilities such as The Heider Center and Carmen & Don Leahy Stadium offer superior<br />

environments for teaching and learning activities.<br />

• Block scheduling allows the sophomore PE class to be split into Health Education in the classroom and<br />

Physical Education in The Heider Center or Carmen & Don Leahy Stadium.<br />

• All levels can participate in Fitness for Life I or Fitness for Life II through our certified strength<br />

training coach.

sCienCe<br />

The Science Department at <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> seeks to prepare<br />

students for a highly technological future by helping them learn<br />

to process and organize information, think critically and make<br />

intelligent, informed science-related decisions.<br />

We want to share with students a systematic approach to exploring<br />

the scientific aspects of the world in which they live, apply the<br />

scientific method and prepare them for college science courses<br />

through classes designed to provide the requisite scientific<br />

concepts, fundamental principles and laboratory experiences.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) earned seven out of the last eight<br />

state championships and scored in the top 2.5% of all teams nationally in 2011.<br />

• Honors and advanced placement courses are offered in biology, chemistry and physics.<br />

• <strong>Prep</strong> has ten modern, well-equipped lecture/lab classrooms.

soCial stuDies<br />

The mission of the Social Studies Department is to develop<br />

capable citizens who are empowered with the knowledge, skills<br />

and attitudes that enable them to make informed decisions in a<br />

culturally diverse and interdependent world.<br />

Our students have opportunities to take challenging courses that<br />

range from World History, to Practical Law and several AP courses.<br />

Students are taught to utilize research skills as well as multimedia<br />

presentations through applications like Glogster.<br />

There are opportunities to be active outside of the classroom with<br />

opportunities in Young Republicans, Young Democrats, and<br />

Mock Trial. Students also have opportunities to travel with the<br />

department. Stanford Model United Nations visit San Francisco<br />

and participate at the model U.N. at Stanford <strong>University</strong>. Harvard<br />

Model Congress ventures to Boston and participates in model<br />

Congress at Harvard <strong>University</strong>. In April, you will find our U.S.<br />

Government students spending time in Washington D.C.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• 56 students averaged a 4.0 on 2012 departmental AP exams

theology<br />

The mission of the <strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong>aratory School Department of<br />

Theology is to present to students a comprehensive vision of what<br />

it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ in its spiritual, liturgical,<br />

and moral dimensions. Always conscious of our Jesuit heritage and<br />

mission, we form students in the Catholic intellectual tradition in<br />

the spirit of St. Anselm’s ‘faith seeking understanding.’ We strive<br />

to integrate the study of theology with a lived Christian faith,<br />

challenging our students to become men of character and faith<br />

who use their gifts for the good of the world.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• Ten department members have master’s degrees in Catholic Theology.<br />

• In the past four years, Theology Department teachers have traveled to the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Italy,<br />

the Lakota Nation, Mexico and Uganda either with students or as part of their continued education.<br />

• In a typical week at <strong>Prep</strong>, 110 students spend part of their school day in service of the materially poor<br />

and marginalized at more than 30 different local agencies and schools.

WorlD languages<br />

We believe that the study of a language other than one’s own native<br />

language is the most direct means to expose students to diverse<br />

cultures short of actually living in another culture.<br />

It is our task to guide students to both an appreciation for the<br />

differences in the world views of those who speak or spoke<br />

languages other than English and to an understanding of the<br />

role of language in shaping our thoughts and values as well as the<br />

inherent limitations of any one language to adequately express<br />

human ideas and emotions.<br />

In Spanish and French, we achieve these ends by improving student<br />

abilities in speaking, listening, reading and writing the target<br />

language. In Latin, since no one today communicates in oral Latin<br />

as a native language, our focus is on teaching students to read Latin<br />

along with a secondary focus on writing so that they can read the<br />

actual words of the ancient Romans and benefit from a first-hand<br />

exposure to ancient Roman culture. As of Fall 2013, we will be<br />

offering Italian, one of the only schools in the Midwest to offer all<br />

of the Romance languages.<br />

Why <strong>Prep</strong>?<br />

• <strong>Prep</strong>’s new language lab provides students with opportunities to practice speaking and<br />

hearing their target language.<br />

• <strong>Prep</strong> is one of the only schools in the Midwest to offer classes in Italian.<br />

• All of <strong>Prep</strong>’s language teachers have extensive international experience that has<br />

come through traveling, living and studying abroad.





<strong>Creighton</strong> <strong>Prep</strong> forms men of faith,<br />

scholarship, leadership and service in the<br />

Catholic and Jesuit tradition<br />

Omaha’s Jesuit College <strong>Prep</strong>aratory School Since 1878<br />

7400 Western Ave. Omaha, NE 68114-1878 402.393.1190<br />


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