24hr Fluid Balance Chart for Children OF10176 May 2008.indd - ICID
24hr Fluid Balance Chart for Children OF10176 May 2008.indd - ICID
24hr Fluid Balance Chart for Children OF10176 May 2008.indd - ICID
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First Name Hosp. No. Seek senior advice if urine output<br />
24 Hour <strong>Fluid</strong> <strong>Balance</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Children</strong><br />
Surname<br />
less than 0.5mls/kg/hr <strong>for</strong> 2 consecutive<br />
hours or less than 1.0mls/<br />
DoB Weight<br />
kg/hr in an infant<br />
Minimum expected urine output based on<br />
Age Date<br />
weight = mls/hr<br />
Time Input Output<br />
Total<br />
Input<br />
Total<br />
Output<br />
01.00<br />
02.00<br />
03.00<br />
04.00<br />
05.00<br />
06.00<br />
07.00<br />
08.00<br />
09.00<br />
10.00<br />
11.00<br />
12.00<br />
Total 12 hour fl uid balance +/-<br />
13.00<br />
14.00<br />
15.00<br />
16.00<br />
17.00<br />
18.00<br />
19.00<br />
20.00<br />
21.00<br />
22.00<br />
23.00<br />
24.00<br />
Total 24 hour fl uid balance +/-<br />
Nursing Intervention<br />
First Name Hosp. No. Seek senior advice if urine output<br />
24 Hour <strong>Fluid</strong> <strong>Balance</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Children</strong><br />
Surname<br />
less than 0.5mls/kg/hr <strong>for</strong> 2 consecutive<br />
hours or less than 1.0mls/<br />
DoB Weight<br />
kg/hr in an infant<br />
Minimum expected urine output based on<br />
Age Date<br />
weight = mls/hr<br />
Time Input Output<br />
Total<br />
Input<br />
Total<br />
Output<br />
01.00<br />
02.00<br />
03.00<br />
04.00<br />
05.00<br />
06.00<br />
07.00<br />
08.00<br />
09.00<br />
10.00<br />
11.00<br />
12.00<br />
Total 12 hour fl uid balance +/-<br />
13.00<br />
14.00<br />
15.00<br />
16.00<br />
17.00<br />
18.00<br />
19.00<br />
20.00<br />
21.00<br />
22.00<br />
23.00<br />
24.00<br />
Total 24 hour fl uid balance +/-<br />
Nursing Intervention