Mark I Auto Injector Administration
Mark I Auto Injector Administration
Mark I Auto Injector Administration
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Nerve Gas <strong>Auto</strong>injector <strong>Administration</strong> (DRAFT)<br />
1. INTRODUCTION: Nerve Gas auto-injectors are to be used when EMS personnel are exposed to<br />
nerve agents (Sarin, Suman, Tabun, Vx) and have signs and symptoms of nerve agent exposure,<br />
or when ALS personnel treat victims in an MCI situation in the hot zone.<br />
2. EQUIPMENT<br />
2.1 <strong>Mark</strong> I autoinjector antidote kit containing:<br />
] Atropine autoinjector (2 mg in 0.7 cc’s)<br />
] Pralidoxime chloride autoinjector - 2-PAM (600 mg in 2 cc’s)<br />
2.2 Additional atropine (2 mg) autoinjectors<br />
3. PROCEDURE: If you experience any or all of the nerve agent poisoning symptoms,<br />
you must IMMEDIATELY self-administer the nerve gas antidote<br />
(see policy # 7150 for signs and symptoms)<br />
3.1 Injection Site Selection<br />
MARK I antidote kit<br />
] The injection site for administration is normally in the outer thigh muscle (Figure 1). It is<br />
important that the injections be given into a large muscle area.<br />
] If the individual is thinly-built, then the injections should be administered into the upper outer<br />
quadrant of the buttocks (Figure 2).<br />
Figure 1 - Thigh injection site<br />
Figure 2 - Buttocks injection site<br />
3.2 Arming The <strong>Auto</strong>injector:<br />
] Immediately put on your protective<br />
mask.<br />
] Remove the antidote kit<br />
] With your nondominant hand, hold<br />
the autoinjectors by the plastic clip<br />
so that the larger autoinjector is on<br />
top (Figure 3A) and both are<br />
positioned in front of you at eye<br />
level.<br />
] With your dominant hand grasp the<br />
atropine autoinjector (the smaller<br />
of the two) with the thumb and first<br />
Figure 3 - Removing atropine autoinjector from the clip.<br />
Nerve Gas <strong>Auto</strong>injector <strong>Administration</strong>
Procedure:<br />
Nerve Gas <strong>Auto</strong>injector <strong>Administration</strong> (DRAFT)<br />
two fingers (Figure 3B). DO NOT cover or hold the needle end with your hand, thumb, or<br />
fingers-you might accidentally inject your self. An accidental injection into the hand WILL<br />
NOT deliver an effective dose of the antidote, especially if the needle goes through the<br />
hand.<br />
] Pull the injector out of the clip with a smooth motion (Figure 3C). The autoinjector is now<br />
armed.<br />
3.3 Administering the antidote to yourself:<br />
] Hold the autoinjector with your thumb and two fingers (pencil writing position). Be careful<br />
not to inject yourself in the hand!<br />
] Position the green (needle) end of the injector against the injection site (thigh or buttock)<br />
(Figure 4). DO NOT inject into areas close to the hip, knee, or thigh bone.<br />
Figure 4: Thigh and buttock sites for self-administration<br />
] Apply firm, even pressure (not jabbing motion) to the injector until it pushes the needle into<br />
your thigh (or buttocks). Using a jabbing motion may result in an improper injection or injury to<br />
the thigh or buttocks.<br />
] Hold the injector firmly in place for at least 10 seconds. Firm pressure automatically triggers<br />
the coiled spring mechanism. This plunges the needle through the clothing into the muscle and<br />
at the same time injects the antidote into the muscle tissue.<br />
] Carefully remove the autoinjector from your injection site.<br />
] Next pull the 2 PAM Cl injector<br />
(the larger of the two) out of the<br />
clip (Figure 5)<br />
] Inject yourself in the same<br />
manner as the steps above,<br />
holding the black (needle) end<br />
against your outer thigh (or<br />
buttocks) (Figure 4).<br />
] Massage the injection sites, if<br />
time permits.<br />
Figure 5 - Removing 2 PAM autoinjector from clip.<br />
] After administering the first set of injections, wait 5 to 10 minutes. After administering one set<br />
of injections, you should initiate decontamination procedures, as necessary, and put on any<br />
remaining protective clothing.<br />
Nerve Gas <strong>Auto</strong>injector <strong>Administration</strong>
Procedure: Date: 12/01/01<br />
Nerve Gas <strong>Auto</strong>injector <strong>Administration</strong> (DRAFT)<br />
] Atropine only may be repeated every 10 - 15 minutes as needed. (Note: multiple doses of<br />
atropine may be needed.)<br />
3.4 Administering the antidote to another in the Hot Zone:<br />
] Squat, DO NOT kneel, when masking the casualty or administering the nerve agent antidotes<br />
to the casualty. Kneeling may force the chemical agent into or through your protective clothing.<br />
] Mask the casualty.<br />
] Position the casualty on his or her side (swimmers position).<br />
] Position yourself near the casualty's thigh.<br />
] The procedure for site selection and medication administration is the same as 3.1 – 3.3 above.<br />
] Atropine only should be repeated as needed. (Note: multiple doses of atropine may be<br />
needed – see section 4.)<br />
Figure 6: Thigh and buttock administration to a casualty<br />
4. DOSAGE SCHEME FOR MARK I ADMINISTRATION - via autoinjector for self administration or<br />
use in the hot zone<br />
Signs & Symptoms Onset # of autoinjectors to use:<br />
Vapor: small exposure<br />
] Pinpoint pupils<br />
Seconds<br />
] Runny nose<br />
] Mild SOB<br />
Liquid: small exposure<br />
] Sweating<br />
] Twitching<br />
] Vomiting<br />
] Feeling weak<br />
Both: large exposure<br />
] Convulsions<br />
] Apnea<br />
] Copious secretions<br />
Minutes to<br />
Hours<br />
Seconds<br />
to Hours<br />
MARK I autoinjector antidote kit – 1 dose initially<br />
(containing atropine and 2-PAM)<br />
May repeat x1 in 10 minutes<br />
MARK I autoinjector antidote kit – 1 dose initially<br />
(containing atropine and 2-PAM)<br />
May repeat x1 in 10 minutes<br />
MARK I autoinjector antidote kit – 3 doses initially<br />
(containing atropine and 2-PAM)<br />
Additional atropine may be needed until a positive response is achieved<br />
(decrease in bronchospasm and/or respiratory secretions)<br />
Nerve Gas <strong>Auto</strong>injector <strong>Administration</strong>