Bible Story 211 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 ...

Bible Story 211 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 ...

Bible Story 211 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 ...


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<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Story</strong> <strong>211</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rich</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lazarus</strong><br />

<strong>Luke</strong> <strong>16</strong>:<strong>19</strong>-<strong>31</strong><br />


• Craft<br />

o Give each child a string of leather to make a bracelet with a knot tied near the middle<br />

o Give each child 5 beads: 1 black, 1 red, 1 white, 1 yellow, <strong>and</strong> 1 green<br />

o Have the children string the beads on the leather <strong>and</strong> tie a knot at the end of the beads<br />

o Tie the bracelets around the children’s wrists<br />

o Explain the meaning of each color:<br />

black: sin in our lives<br />

red: Jesus’ blood on the cross<br />

white: Jesus washes our sin away<br />

yellow: the streets of gold in heaven<br />

green: growing in Jesus through prayer <strong>and</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> study<br />

o Encourage the children to use the bracelets to share Jesus with their friends<br />


PRAYER<br />

STORY<br />

<strong>Luke</strong> <strong>16</strong>:<strong>19</strong>-<strong>31</strong><br />

• Act out the story<br />

o Have teachers/helpers or children who can read act as Abraham, the rich<br />

man, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lazarus</strong> as you tell <strong>and</strong> explain the story<br />


<strong>Luke</strong> <strong>16</strong>:<strong>31</strong><br />

“If they do not hear Moses <strong>and</strong> the prophets, neither will they be persuaded<br />

though one rise from the dead.”<br />

• We have to believe God’s Word. If people don’t believe the <strong>Bible</strong>, they won’t believe that<br />

Jesus rose from the dead <strong>and</strong> be willing to give their lives to Him<br />

• Practice verse by doing motions<br />

o “do not” – shake head “no”<br />

o “hear” – cup h<strong>and</strong> behind ear<br />

o “Moses <strong>and</strong> the prophets” – use h<strong>and</strong>s to act as a book opening<br />

o “neither” -- shake head “no”<br />

o “be persuaded” – place both h<strong>and</strong>s over heart <strong>and</strong> pat chest<br />

o “rise” – squat <strong>and</strong> jump up<br />

o “dead” -- fall down as if dead


• Application<br />

o Give the children an opportunity to bring in money to help support<br />

missionaries in impoverished areas of the world, such as “Gospel for Asia.”<br />

We are rich in America. Encourage the children to sacrifice some of the<br />

money they may be saving for a special toy so that someone else can learn<br />

about Jesus<br />

• Game<br />

o Make two lines on the ground using masking tape or rope. Make the lines<br />

far enough apart that no child could jump from one to the other<br />

o Give the children an opportunity to attempt to jump from one line to the<br />

other<br />

o Talk about how the people in Hades wanted to get to “Abraham’s bosom,”<br />

<strong>and</strong> those in “Abraham’s bosom” may have wanted to help the people in<br />

Hades, but they couldn’t; it was too late. <strong>The</strong>re was a large chasm<br />

between them, which couldn’t be crossed<br />

o Encourage the children to make sure they have Jesus in their hearts <strong>and</strong> to<br />

tell their friends <strong>and</strong> family about Jesus too<br />

• Color<br />

o Color the picture with the memory verse on it<br />


- Coloring paper with memory verse on it (Print the coloring page from<br />

http://children.calvarychapel.com/site/curriculum_n.htm <strong>and</strong> cut <strong>and</strong> paste the memory<br />

verse onto the bottom)<br />

- Crayons<br />

- Costumes<br />

- Leather string or cut shoestring for each child to make a bracelet<br />

- 1 black bead for each child<br />

- 1 red bead for each child<br />

- 1 white bead for each child<br />

- 1 yellow bead for each child<br />

- 1 green bead for each child<br />

- Letter to the parents explaining the opportunity for the children to give to missions<br />

- Masking tape or 2 ropes

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