Walk Two Moons

Walk Two Moons

Walk Two Moons


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<strong>Walk</strong> <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Moons</strong><br />

By: Sharon Creech<br />

“Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins.”<br />

Name: ______________________________<br />

Teacher: _____________________________

<strong>Walk</strong> <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Moons</strong> is told from the backseat of a car. Trace the trip on the map.<br />

Before you read: Describe a road trip you have taken. Explain why you took the trip and how you<br />

passed the time along the way. Describe what affected you most during your journey.<br />

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Story Map:<br />

Setting:<br />

Characters: Write a couple of facts about each character<br />

Salamanca Tree Hiddle -<br />

Mr. Hiddle -<br />

Gram Hiddle -<br />

Gramps Hiddle -<br />

Phoebe -<br />

Margaret -<br />

Conflicts:<br />

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Recurring Symbols and Images in <strong>Walk</strong> <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Moons</strong><br />

Directions: Record references to these prevalent images in the book. Then write a sentence to explain<br />

what each image means to you as you read the book.<br />

Marriage Bed<br />

Trees<br />

Indian Lore<br />

Similar to the American Indians losing their land, Sal loses her home when her father takes<br />

the job in Ohio and rents out their farm in Kentucky.<br />

Mrs. Partridge receives a message, “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his<br />

moccasins.” Native Americans were judged and forced to move away from their land because<br />

people did not understand their culture.

Responding: Chapters 1-11<br />

Personal Response: What surprises you the most after reading this section<br />

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1. What reasons do Gramps and Sal’s father give Sal for going on the trip According to Sal, what are the real reasons<br />

Why might the real reasons have been left unspoken<br />

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2. How does Sal feel about Mrs. Cadaver Why, do you suppose, does she feel this way<br />

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3. What does Sal notice about Phoebe’s parents that reminds her of the Pickfords, her mother’s parents Do you think she<br />

finds either couple very likeable Explain.<br />

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4. Sal explains that the first mysterious message means that one shouldn’t judge people until one has been in their shoes.<br />

Is this advice that Phoebe follows Give reasons for your answer.<br />

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5. By the end of this section, how has the author held the reader’s interest<br />

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6. Why, do you suppose, does Sal pass the time by telling the story about Phoebe’s family<br />

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7. What does Sal’s tendency to flinch when someone touches her suggest about her character<br />

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Responding: Chapters 12-22<br />

Personal Response: Which part of this section made the greatest impression on you Why<br />

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1. What is the single most precious object in Gram and Gramp Hiddle’s house What does this suggest about their<br />

relationship<br />

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2. What does Sal understand about Mrs. Winterbottom that Phoebe and Prudence do not What makes Sal conscious of<br />

something that Mrs. Winterbottom’s own daughters are unaware of<br />

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3. Why does hearing a bird outside the hospital remind Sal of home Why does Gram suggest that this is “a good sign”<br />

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4. What name does Sal’s mother wish people would call her How is this wish related to the reason she gives for having to<br />

leave the farm<br />

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5. When Phoebe’s father reads the note from his wife, Sal says, “I had a sinking, sinking feeling.” What does the note say,<br />

and why does Sal react the way she does<br />

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6. Several mysteries remain unanswered at this point in the novel. Come up with possible explanations for these<br />

mysteries: Who is Mrs. Cadaver Who is the lunatic Why is someone leaving the mysterious messages Why has Mrs.<br />

Winterbottom disappeared What has happened to Sal’s mother<br />

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Responding: Chapters 23-33<br />

Personal Response: How do you feel about Mr. Birkway Would you like to have him as a teacher Why or why not<br />

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1. What does Sal believe may have caused her mother to lose her baby How might that belief affect Sal’s feelings<br />

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2. What does Sal see on the roof of Mary Lou’s garage Why does she say, “It made me feel peculiar” (page 92)<br />

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3. What mystery does the myth of Pandora’s box explain Why may this story have such an effect upon Sal<br />

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4. What story does the poem “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” tell Why does Sal analyze it in class “as if it was my poem”<br />

(page 100)<br />

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5. What does Sal learn about Mrs. Cadaver’s husband How does this alter her attitude towards Mrs. Cadaver<br />

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6. Phoebe is not portrayed as a likeable character in this section, yet Sal remains a loyal friend to her. What fact about<br />

Phoebe’s situation influences Sal’s loyalty to her<br />

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Responding: Chapters 34-44<br />

Personal Response: Were you able to predict what Sal would find in Lewiston How did you feel about the outcome of<br />

the novel<br />

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1. What does Sal worry about as Gramps drives along the winding mountain roads Why is she so nervous<br />

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2. What does Sal learn about Ben’s mother How might this information bring Sal and Ben closer together<br />

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3. Why does Mr. Winterbottom tell his wife that he doesn’t think he knows her Why does this make Sal “sad down to my<br />

bones” (p.138)<br />

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4. What did Sal’s dog, Moody Blue, do with her puppies when they were about six weeks old Why does this remind Sal of<br />

her mother<br />

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5. What does Sal find in Lewiston How does this discovery change her<br />

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6. Might it have been better if Sal’s father had taken her with him when he first went out to Lewiston<br />

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7. What is the most important lesson that Sal learns at the end of <strong>Walk</strong> <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Moons</strong><br />

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Themes in the Book<br />

Directions: These themes appear frequently in the book. Look for examples and record them on the chart; include a page<br />

number as well as a short description.<br />

Prejudging<br />

Sal is determined to dislike Margaret Cadaver without really knowing the truth about her. In<br />

chapter 4, Sal says, “Somehow it was easier to deal with Margaret if there were reasons not to<br />

like her, and I definitely did not want to like her.” (22)<br />

Bravery<br />

Family Life

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