Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner

Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner

Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner

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Material Safety Data Sheet: <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® <strong>All</strong>-<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Cleaner</strong><strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® Scrubbing PadVersion No. 13005ENCA08B Date of Issue: December 2008 ANSI-Z400.1-2003 FormatSection 1:PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct Name:Additional Name:<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® <strong>All</strong>-<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Cleaner</strong><strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® Scrubbing Pad<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® Concentrated <strong>Cleaner</strong>/Degreaser/DeodorizerManufacturer’s Product Code Numbers: *Please refer to page 4Company: Sunshine Makers, Inc.15922 Pacific Coast HighwayHuntington Harbour, CA 92649 USATelephone: 800-228-0709 !"#$%-795-6000 Fax: 562-592-3830Emergency Phone: Chem-Tel 24-Hour Emergency Service: 800-255-3924Use of Product:An all purpose cleaner and degreaser used diluted in water for direct, spray and dip tank procedures.Scrubbing pad is used with water for manual scrubbing applications.Section 2:HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEmergency Overview: CAUTION. Mild eye irritant.<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> @ is a dark green liquid with a sassafras odor. Scrubbing Pad is a green fibrous rectangle."!!!HMIS Rating:Health = 1 = slightFire = 0Reactivity, and Special = 0 = minimalEye Contact:Skin Contact:Ingestion:Inhalation:Carcinogens:Medical Conditions:Mild Eye Irritant.No adverse effects expected under typical use conditions. Prolonged exposure may cause dryness. Underthis condition, use of gloves or skin moisturizer after washing may be indicated.May cause stomach or intestinal upset if swallowed (due to detersive properties.)No adverse effects expected under typical use conditions. Adequate ventilation should be present whenusing <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® over a prolonged period of time. Open windows or ventilate via fan or other airmovingequipment if necessary.No ingredients are listed by OSHA, IARC, or NTP as known or suspected carcinogens.No medical conditions are known to be aggravated by exposure to <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® . Dermalsensitiveusers may experience mild but reversible reactions.UN Number: Not Required Dangerous Goods Class: Non-hazardousSection 3:COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSThe ingredients of <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® <strong>All</strong>-<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Cleaner</strong> with established exposure limits are undiluted 2-butoxyethanol(

Material Safety Data Sheet: <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® <strong>All</strong>-<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Cleaner</strong><strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® Scrubbing PadVersion No. 13005ENCA08B Date of Issue: December 2008 ANSI-Z400.1-2003 FormatSection 4:FIRST AID MEASURESEye Contact: Reddening may develop. Immediately rinse the eye with large quantities of cool water; continue 10-15minutes or until the material has been removed; be sure to remove contact lenses, if present, and to lift upperand lower lids during rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation persists.Skin Contact:Swallowing;Inhalation:Section 5:Minimal effects, if any; rinse skin with water, rinse shoes and launder clothing before reuse. Reversiblereddening may occur in some dermal-sensitive users; thoroughly rinse area and get medical attention ifreaction persists.Essentially non-toxic. Give several glasses of water to dilute; do not induce vomiting. If stomach upsetoccurs, consult physician.Non-toxic. Exposure to concentrate may cause mild irritation of nasal passages or throat; remove to freshair. Get medical attention if irritation persists.FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® is stable, not flammable, and will not burn. No special procedures required.Flash Point/Auto-Ignition: Not flammable.Flammability Limits: Not flammable.Extinguishing Media: Not flammable/non-explosive.Special Fire Fighting Procedures: None required.Section 6:ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes. Do not rub eyes with hands during cleanup. No special precautions fordermal contact are needed. Wash hands thoroughly after cleaning up spill or leak.Method for cleaning up: Recover usable material by convenient method, residual may be removed by wipe or wet mop.If necessary, unrecoverable material may be washed to drain with large quantities of water.Section 7:HANDLING AND STORAGENo Special precautions are required. This product is non-hazardous for storage and transport according to the U.S.Department of Transportation Regulations. <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® requires no special labeling or placarding to meet U.S.Department of Transportation requirements.UN Number: Not Required Dangerous Goods Class: Non-hazardousSection 8:EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits:Ventilation:Human HealthEffects or RisksFrom Exposure:Eye protection:Skin protection:The <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® formulation presents no health hazards to the user when used according to labeldirections for its intended purposes. Mild skin and eye irritation is possible (please see Eye contactand Skin contact in section IV.) No special precautionary measures required under normal useconditions.No special ventilation, precautions or respiratory protection is required during normal use. Largescaleuse indoors should provide an increased rate of air exchange.Adverse effects on human health are not expected from <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® , based on 20 years of use of<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® without reported adverse health incidence in diverse population groups, includingextensive use by inmates of U.S. Federal prisons in cleaning operations.<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® is a mild eye irritant; mucous membranes may become irritated by concentrate. Eyeprotection not generally required. Wash hands after using wipes.<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® is not likely to irritate the skin in the majority of users. Repeated daily application tothe skin without rinsing, or continuous contact on the skin may lead to temporary, but reversible,irritation. Rinse completely from skin after contact.Material Safety Data Sheet: SIMPLE GREEN ® ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER & SCRUBBING PADPg 2 of 2

Material Safety Data Sheet: <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® <strong>All</strong>-<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Cleaner</strong><strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® Scrubbing PadVersion No. 13005ENCA08B Date of Issue: December 2008 ANSI-Z400.1-2003 FormatSection 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION – continued –General hygieneconditions:There are no known hazards associated with this material when used as recommended.The following general hygiene considerations are recognized as common good industrial hygienepractices:- Avoid breathing vapor or mist.- Avoid contact with eyes.- Wash thoroughly after handling and before eating, drinking, or smoking.Section 9:PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance & Odor: <strong>Cleaner</strong> is a dark green liquid, pad is a fibrous green matrix; both exhibit a sassafras odor.Specific Gravity: 1.010 ± 0.010 Vapor Pressure: 18 mm Hg @ 20 o C; 23.5 mmHg @ 26 o CEvaporation: >1 (butyl acetate = 1) Vapor Density: 1.3 (air = 1)Water Solubility: 100% Density: 8.5 lbs/gallonBoiling Point: 100.6 o C (212 o F) pH: 9.5 ± 0.3Ash Content: At 600 o F: 1.86% by weight Nutrient Content:Freezing Point: Approx -9 o C (16 o F) Phosphorus: 0.3% by formulaIf product freezes, it will reconstitute without loss of efficacy Nitrogen 5 g/kg body weight* *Calculation from OECD series on testing and assessmentnumber 33, Chapter 3.2Dermal LD 50 (rabbit) >2 g/kg body weightEye Irritation:Dermal Irritation:Repeat ExposureVia Skin Contact:ReproductiveEffects Assessment:Moderate / Mild reversible eye irritation may occur based on relevant laboratory studies. Thispotential is reduced by immediate rinsing of eyes in case of eye contact.Mild, reversible skin irritation may occur based on relevant laboratory studies. A 6-hour exposureto human skin under a patch did not produce irritationBased on relevant laboratory studies, no toxic effects are expected to be associated with daily skinexposures (with up to 2 g/kg/day tested for 13 weeks on rabbits). Skin irritation may, however,occur with repeated or prolonged exposures.Based on Relevant laboratory studies (CD-1 mouse 18-week fertility assessment continuousbreeding), no adverse effects on reproduction, fertility, or health of offspring are expected.Material Safety Data Sheet: SIMPLE GREEN ® ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER & SCRUBBING PADPg 3 of 3

Material Safety Data Sheet: <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® <strong>All</strong>-<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Cleaner</strong><strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> ® Scrubbing PadVersion No. 13005ENCA08B Date of Issue: December 2008 ANSI-Z400.1-2003 FormatSection 12:ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONHazard to wild animals & aquatic organisms: Low, based on toxicological profile.Biodegradability: Readily biodegradable based on biodegradation profile.Environmental Toxicity Information: It is important not to allow the runoff from cleaning into closed systems such asdecorative ponds. Always protect closed systems with tarps or dikes if necessary.Section 13:DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws. Dispose of used or unused product, and emptycontainers in accordance with the local, State, Provincial, and Federal regulations for your location. Never dispose of useddegreasing rinsates into lakes, streams, and open bodies of water or storm drains.Section 14:TRANSPORT INFORMATIONThis product is non-hazardous for transport according to the U.S. Department of Transportation ServicesUN Number: Not required Dangerous Goods Class: Non-hazardousSection 15:REGULATORY INFORMATION*Reportable components:<strong>All</strong> components are listed on: EINECS and TSCA InventoryNo components listed under: Clean Air Act Section 112SARA:This material contains 2-Butoxyethanol, < 4%, (CAS# 111-76-2) which is subject to the reportingrequirements of Section 313 of SARA Title III and 49 CFR Part 373.RCRA Status: Not a hazardous waste. CERCLA Status: No components listedTSCA TRI Reporting: Not required / Not listed CA PROP. 65 Status: No components listedSection 16:OTHER INFORMATIONQuestions about the information found on this MSDS should be directed to:SUNSHINE MAKERS, INC. – TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT15922 Pacific Coast Hwy. Huntington Harbour, CA 92649Phone: 800/228-0709 [8am-5pm Pacific time, Mon-Fri] Fax: 562/592-3830 Email: [email protected] Stock Numbers & Industrial Numbers:Retail Numbers:<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Green</strong> Part Number NSN Size Part Number Size13012 7930-01-342-5315 24 oz spray (12/case) 13002 16 oz Trigger (12/case)13005 7930-01-306-8369 1 Gallon (6/case) 13005 1 Gallon (6/case)13006 7930-01-342-5316 5 Gallon 13013 24 oz Trigger (12/case)13016 7930-01-342-5317 15 Gallon 13014 67 oz / 2 L (6/case)13008 7930-01-342-4145 55 Gallon 13033 32 oz Trigger (12/case)Scrubbing Pad Part Number NSN Size * part number is for both industrial and retail10224 7930-01-346-9148 Each (24/case) **International Part Numbers May Differ.DISCLAIMER: The information provided with this MSDS is furnished in good faith and without warranty of any kind. Personnel handling thismaterial must make independent determinations of the suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposalof this material and the safety and health of employees and customers. Sunshine Makers, Inc. assumes no additional liability or responsibilityresulting from the use of, or reliance on this information.Material Safety Data Sheet: SIMPLE GREEN ® ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER & SCRUBBING PADPg 4 of 4

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