job description responsibility/accountability statement key result areas

job description responsibility/accountability statement key result areas

job description responsibility/accountability statement key result areas


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JOB DESCRIPTIONTITLE OF POSITIONOCCUPANTProjects CoordinatorBUSINESS UNIT/DEPTCapital Projects GroupREPORTS TOManager Capital ProjectsCLASSIFICATIONLOCATIONMile EndEMPLOYMENT STATUS2 years (secondment / fixed term)POSITION NUMBERASO5The purpose of this Job Description is to provide a broad outline of the responsibilities of the role. Anemployee will be required to perform from time to time other duties as required to fulfil the objective ofthe position.RESPONSIBILITY/ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENTThe Projects Co-ordinator is accountable to the Manager Capital Projects, and is responsible for thedelivery of minor projects, participation in a multi disciplinary group the development of contractualdocumentation and contract management. and provision of technical advice for the procurement andmaintenance of public transport assets to meet operational requirements at the lowest overall cost tothe community.KEY RESULT AREAS Leadership & Management Customer Service Administration Rail Safety, Quality & Environment Training & Education OHS&W Project Management Contract Management Human Resource ManagementDoc #: 302728 V1 Projects CoordinatorPage 1 of 4

KEY RESULTAREASAFE WORKINGKRA1 Manage contract/tender process to ensure provision andmaintenance of a safe working environment within Planning &Development by:KeyPerformanceIndicator/s (KPI)KEY RESULTAREAKRA2KeyPerformanceIndicators (KPI)a) exercising <strong>responsibility</strong> required in accordance with the OHS&WAct and related regulations in relation to ;accident reporting, debriefs and follow-up investigations;compliance with safe work procedures and work instructions;regular scheduled safety audits and inspections;recognising, recording and using hazardous materials andchemicals with due care in the work place;b) supporting the investigation of Hazard Logs raised by Planning &Development staff or other Public Transport Services staff.Compliance with safe working legislation and regulations.PROJECTS CO-ORDINATIONManage the efficient and effective delivery of capital projects by:• Managing the development and maintenance of a capital projectsregister.• Ensure contractual management to the required standards ofprobity, governance, accounting standards and documentmanagement.• Manage the development and maintenance of procedures,guidelines and management systems to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 andother relevant Australian standards.• Manage the development and perform audits to ensure the ProjectsGroup complies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and other relevantAustralian standards.• Manage minor projects and ensure they are delivered to theapplicable time, cost and quality requirements, by undertaking allaspects of the project Concept, Design, Implementation andCompletion phases as detailed in the Project Management Manual.• Ensuring that appropriate Safety Management systems areestablished and implemented for all projects.• Manage all stakeholders needs.• Managing variations to project scopes to ensure that projectdeliverables are achieved.• Contributing to the completion of the Projects Group annual projectprogram, including the provision of project progress reports andforward estimates.• Manage development enhance and run reports on a regular basis.• Other duties as directed.Accurate reporting delivered within set timelinesProcedures updated as requiredAudits conducted as per audit timetableDoc #: 302728 V1 Projects CoordinatorPage 2 of 4

KEY RESULTAREAKRA3KeyPerformanceIndicators (KPI)KEY RESULTAREAKRA4KeyPerformanceIndicators (KPI)KEY RESULTAREAKRA5KeyPerformanceIndicators (KPI)CONTRACT MANAGEMENTManage the delivery of Minor/Major Contracts by:• Managing the preparation of specifications and tender documentation.• Obtaining all appropriate approvals to commence and undertakecontracts.• Evaluation of tenders and recommendations for awarding contracts.• Acting as a contract manager and ensuring the required outcomes areachieved.• Undertaking all contract work to the required standards of probity,governance, accounting, document management and other PublicTransport Services Policies and Procedures.• Ensuring contractors engaged on minor projects are aware of theirobligations under the OHS&W Act and Rail Safety Act and haveappropriate Safety Management Systems in place before workcommences on Public Transport Service’s worksites.All project management requirements are achieved in accordance withproject specifications and timelines.LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENTProvide leadership in coordinating and managing projects byundertaking the following: Leadership and direction provided to contractors and internalworkforce appropriate to minor projects being undertaken, includingchanging priorities and situations. Monitoring and providing feedback on contractor and internalworkforce performance involved in minor project work. Supporting the implementation of Public Transport Service’sPerformance Management and Development system.Effective communication and consultation with stakeholdersCUSTOMER SERVICEManage the development of a customer focused service and a positivecorporate image, including the maintenance of good working relationships withBoard members, staff, Unions and the general public, by:• Developing and maintaining positive relationship with <strong>key</strong> internal andexternal customers.• Ensuring timely and cost effective service delivery outcomes to allcustomers.All Customer Service standards met.Doc #: 302728 V1 Projects CoordinatorPage 3 of 4

PERSON SPECIFICATIONEssential (E)Desirable (D)Qualifications• Diploma qualifications in project management or relevant experience. (E)• Degree qualifications in financial or business management or relevant experience. (D)Relevant Knowledge & ExperienceProject & Contract• Relevant experience in documentation of processes and procedures. (E)• A record of strong performance in meeting objectives. (E)• An understanding of project management techniques. (E)• Contract management experience. (D)• Experience in the planning and coordination associated with project delivery. (D)• Experience with the commercial, financial and technical requirements of minor projects, includingestimating, budgeting and cost forecasting. (D)• Experience in managing minor projects, including the supervision and management of minorcontracts. (D)CompetenciesAnalytical SkillsDecision Making SkillsTeam SkillsResource ManagementNegotiation Skills and ConflictProblem ResolutionConcern with QualityProfessional DevelopmentCustomer ServiceAbilities/skills/behavioursAbility to use logical skills for the analysis of information.Ability provide direction to contractors and internal workforce in relationto project workAbility to work in, and contribute to, a team environmentAbility to source the necessary resources from within, and external to,the organisationAble to negotiate with stakeholdersConcern for the quality of one’s own work, other workers and theorganisation as a whole.Willingness to continue to develop project management skillsWillingness to participate in change managementAbility to listen to the customer and provide appropriate solutions toachieve a satisfactory <strong>result</strong>Doc #: 302728 V1 Projects CoordinatorPage 4 of 4

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