Visitor Visa Application (INZ 1017) - New Zealand Immigration Service

Visitor Visa Application (INZ 1017) - New Zealand Immigration Service

Visitor Visa Application (INZ 1017) - New Zealand Immigration Service


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When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

<strong>Application</strong> checklist<br />

All applicants must provide:<br />

Completed, signed application form.<br />

Appropriate fee.<br />

Two passport-sized colour photographs for<br />

everyone included in the application.<br />

Passport or travel document for everyone included<br />

in the application.<br />

Medical or chest X-ray certificates if required<br />

by Section E: Health for everyone included in the<br />

application.<br />

Evidence of financial support consisting of:<br />

• a completed Sponsorship Form For Temporary Entry<br />

(<strong>INZ</strong> 1025), or<br />

• evidence showing you have sufficient funds in your<br />

name to support yourself.<br />

Evidence that you have the means to leave<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> consisting of:<br />

• a completed Sponsorship Form For Temporary Entry<br />

(<strong>INZ</strong> 1025), or<br />

• pre-purchased travel out of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>, or<br />

• evidence showing you have sufficient funds in your<br />

name to purchase travel out of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

If your partner and/or dependent children are<br />

included in this application:<br />

• evidence of your relationship with your partner<br />

and evidence that you are currently living together<br />

in a genuine and stable partnership and/or<br />

• evidence that you are the parent or legal guardian<br />

of the children included in this application<br />

Applicants for specific visa types must provide the<br />

documents listed below.<br />

Applicants who are... Must provide...<br />

Tourists or<br />

visiting family<br />

or friends<br />

Visiting for<br />

business<br />

2 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012<br />

Evidence that you are<br />

a bona fide visitor, for<br />

example:<br />

• evidence that you intend<br />

to return to your home<br />

country at the end of<br />

your stay<br />

• evidence that you are<br />

genuinely visiting for the<br />

purpose of holidaying,<br />

sightseeing or visiting<br />

family or friends<br />

Evidence of your employment<br />

Evidence of the business you<br />

will undertake in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

Guardians of<br />

students<br />

Dependent<br />

children of<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

citizens,<br />

residents, or<br />

temporary visa<br />

holders<br />

Parents and<br />

grandparents<br />

of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

citizens or<br />

residents<br />

Evidence that you are the<br />

parent or legal guardian<br />

of the student you are<br />

accompanying and evidence<br />

you provided care for the<br />

student in your home country.<br />

Evidence of your<br />

relationship with your<br />

parent or legal guardian.<br />

If you are a dependent child<br />

of an Essential Skills visa<br />

holder, evidence that your<br />

parent meets the minimum<br />

income threshold.<br />

If you are a dependent child<br />

of a Religious worker visa<br />

holder, either:<br />

• evidence that your parent<br />

meets the minimum<br />

income threshold, or<br />

• a completed Sponsorship<br />

Form For Temporary Entry<br />

(<strong>INZ</strong> 1025) indicating that<br />

the religious organisation<br />

sponsoring my parent will<br />

support me.<br />

Sponsorship form completed<br />

by your <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> child or<br />

grandchild.<br />

Evidence of your relationship<br />

with your child or grandchild.<br />

Note: Detailed information about the type of documents<br />

you should provide in support of your application<br />

is available from the <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

branch where you will submit your application. Go to<br />

www.immigration.govt.nz/contactus and select the<br />

appropriate branch.<br />

If your circumstances are not covered in the<br />

above list, refer to the <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

website, www.immigration.govt.nz/visit, or the<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Operational Manual,<br />

www.immigration.govt.nz/opsmanual, for information<br />

about the documents you must provide.<br />

Returning your documents<br />

Please tick one of the following options<br />

Please return all documents to me by secure post<br />

at the address given at B3 .<br />

I wish to collect my documents when ready.<br />

Note: This option is not available in all branches, see your branch<br />

website at www.immigration.govt.nz/contactus to check if you<br />

can collect your documents

OFFICE USE ONLY Client no.: Date received: / / <strong>Application</strong> no.:<br />

Which type of visitor visa are you applying for?<br />

General (tourist) Business Dependent child Parent or grandparent Guardian of a student<br />

Other<br />

Section A Principal applicant’s personal details<br />

Attach two colour passport-size photographs of yourself here.<br />

The photographs must be less than six months old.<br />

Write your full name on the back of both photographs.<br />

For more information about the questions in this section, see ‘Completing<br />

Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

A1 Name as shown in passport<br />

Family/last name<br />

Given/first name(s)<br />

A2 Preferred title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr other (specify)<br />

A3 Other names you are known by or have ever been known by<br />

A4 Gender Male Female A5 Date of birth<br />

A6 Town/city of birth<br />

Country of birth<br />

A7 Passport details<br />

Number<br />

Country<br />

A8 Other citizenships you hold<br />

Expiry date<br />

A9 Partnership status Single Separated Partner Divorced<br />

Married/in civil union Engaged Widowed<br />

Section B Contact details<br />

B1 Your current residential address.<br />

Address<br />

Telephone (landline)<br />

Email<br />

Telephone (mobile)<br />

B2 If you are currently in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>, your most recent overseas address.<br />

Address<br />

4.5cm<br />

4.5cm<br />

3.5cm 3.5cm<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 3

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

B3 Name and address for communication about this application.<br />

Same as address at B1 , or as below<br />

Family/last name Given/first name(s)<br />

Company name (if applicable) and address<br />

Telephone (daytime) Telephone (evening)<br />

Email<br />

B4 Do you authorise the person stated at B3 to act on your behalf? Yes No<br />

B5 Have you received immigration advice on this application?<br />

You can find a definition of immigration advice at www.immigration.govt.nz/advice.<br />

Yes Make sure that your immigration adviser completes Section J: <strong>Immigration</strong> adviser’s details.<br />

No<br />

B6 Names and addresses of any friends, relatives, or contacts you have in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> (if applicable)<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

Relationship Date of birth (if known)<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

Relationship Date of birth (if known)<br />

B7 List all periods of employment, including self-employment<br />

Date from<br />

(DD/MM/YY)<br />

4 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012<br />

Date to<br />

(DD/MM/YY)<br />

/ / / /<br />

/ / / /<br />

/ / / /<br />

/ / / /<br />

/ / / /<br />

Name of employer Location Type of work/occupation/job title

Section C Partner’s personal details<br />

If you selected ‘Married/in civil union’, ‘Partner’ or ‘Engaged’ in question A9 , you must complete this section, whether<br />

or not your partner is travelling with you.<br />

If applicable, attach two colour passport-size photographs of your<br />

partner here. The photographs must be less than six months old.<br />

Write your partner’s full name on the back of both photographs.<br />

C1 Partner’s name as shown in passport<br />

Family/last name<br />

Given/first name(s)<br />

C2 Other names your partner is known by or has ever been known by<br />

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

C3 Partner’s gender Male Female C4 Partner’s date of birth<br />

C5 Partner’s town/city of birth<br />

Partner’s country of birth<br />

C6 Partner’s passport details<br />

Number<br />

Country Expiry date<br />

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

C7 Other citizenships your partner holds<br />

C8 Is your partner included in this application? Yes No<br />

4.5cm<br />

4.5cm<br />

3.5cm 3.5cm<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 5

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

Section D Dependent children’s personal details<br />

You must complete this section with the details of each dependent child included in this application. If you wish to include<br />

more than four dependent children in your application, use the form Additional Dependants for a <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> (<strong>INZ</strong> 1205).<br />

Dependent child one<br />

Attach two recent colour passport-size photographs of the child<br />

here. The photographs must be less than six months old.<br />

Write the child’s full name on the back of both photographs.<br />

D1 Child’s name as shown in passport<br />

Family/last name<br />

Given/first name(s)<br />

D2 Child’s gender Male Female D3 Child’s date of birth<br />

D4 Child’s country of birth<br />

D5 Child’s passport details<br />

Number<br />

Country Expiry date<br />

D6 Other citizenships child holds<br />

For more information about this question, see ‘Completing Sections A, C, and D: Personal details’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

Dependent child two<br />

Attach two recent passport-size photographs of the child here.<br />

The photograph must be less than six months old.<br />

Write the child’s full name on the back of both photographs.<br />

D7 Child’s name as shown in passport<br />

Family/last name<br />

Given/first name(s)<br />

D8 Child’s gender Male Female D9 Child’s date of birth<br />

D10 Child’s country of birth<br />

D11 Child’s passport details<br />

Number<br />

Country<br />

D12 Other citizenships child holds<br />

6 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012<br />

4.5cm<br />

4.5cm<br />

3.5cm 3.5cm<br />

Expiry date<br />

4.5cm<br />

4.5cm<br />

3.5cm 3.5cm

Dependent child three<br />

Attach two recent passport-size photographs of the child here.<br />

The photographs must be less than six months old.<br />

Write the child’s full name on the back of both photographs.<br />

D13 Child’s name as shown in passport<br />

Family/last name<br />

Given/first name(s)<br />

D14 Child’s gender Male Female D15 Child’s date of birth<br />

D16 Child’s country of birth<br />

D17 Child’s passport details<br />

Number<br />

Country Expiry date<br />

D18 Other citizenships child holds<br />

Dependent child four<br />

Attach two recent passport-size photographs of the child here.<br />

The photograph must be less than six months old.<br />

Write the child’s full name on the back of both photographs.<br />

D19 Child’s name as shown in passport<br />

Family/last name<br />

Given/first name(s)<br />

D20 Child’s gender Male Female D21 Child’s date of birth<br />

D22 Child’s country of birth<br />

D23 Child’s passport details<br />

Number<br />

Country<br />

D24 Other citizenships child holds<br />

4.5cm<br />

4.5cm<br />

3.5cm 3.5cm<br />

Expiry date<br />

4.5cm<br />

4.5cm<br />

3.5cm 3.5cm<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 7

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

Section E Health<br />

For more information about the questions in this section, see ‘Completing Section E: Health’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

E1 Do you or any person included in this application have tuberculosis (TB)? Yes No<br />

E2 Do you or any person included in this application have any medical condition that requires, or may require, one of the<br />

following during your stay in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>?<br />

• Renal dialysis Yes No<br />

• Hospital care Yes No<br />

• Residential care Yes No<br />

Residential care is long-term care provided in live-in facilities for the aged or for people with physical, sensory,<br />

intellectual, or psychiatric disabilities.<br />

E3 If you have answered Yes to any of the questions in E1 and E2 , please provide details.<br />

E4 Are you or any person included in this application pregnant?<br />

Yes Date the pregnant applicant is due to give birth<br />

No Go to E6<br />

8 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012<br />

Go to E5<br />

E5 If the applicant who is pregnant intends to give birth in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>, please indicate how the cost of maternity<br />

health services will be paid for and provide the relevant evidence.<br />

Not applicable as the applicant who is pregnant does not intend to give birth in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

The applicant who is pregnant is, or will be eligible for publicly-funded maternity health services and has<br />

provided evidence of her eligibility.<br />

The applicant who is pregnant will cover the cost of maternity health services and has attached copies (not<br />

originals) that they have at least NZ$9000 of funds available.<br />

The sponsor of the applicant who is pregnant has guaranteed to cover the cost and a completed Sponsorship<br />

Form for Temporary Entry (<strong>INZ</strong> 1025) is attached.<br />

Medical certificates you must provide<br />

Select the appropriate option to indicate whether you and the other people included in this application are required<br />

to provide medical certificates. Medical certificates must be less than three months old when you submit them to<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

E6 Are you applying for a parent/grandparent visitor visa?<br />

Yes You must complete a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) and Chest X-Ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096). Go to E10 .<br />

No Go to E7 .<br />

E7 Will you be in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> for more than six months in total?<br />

Yes You may have to provide a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) or Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096) if indicated at E8 .<br />

No You do not have to provide a chest X-ray certificate or a medical certificate. Go to Section F: Character<br />

E8 How long do you intend to stay in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>? If you are in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>, this includes time you have already spent here.<br />

More than six months but not more than 12 months. You must provide a Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096) if you are from a<br />

place that is not listed as having a low incidence of tuberculosis. See notes below E9 , then go to E10 .<br />

More than 12 months. You must provide a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) and a Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096).

E9 Are you applying for a visitor visa as the dependent child of a <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> citizen or resident?<br />

Notes:<br />

Yes You may be able to provide a Limited Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1201) rather than a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007).<br />

Refer to the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide (<strong>INZ</strong> 1018) for further information. See notes below, then go to E10 .<br />

No See notes below, then go to E10<br />

• Refer to Completing Section E: Health in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide (<strong>INZ</strong> 1018) for the ‘List of countries, areas and territories with a low incidence<br />

of tuberculosis’.<br />

• Pregnant women and children under the age of 11 are not required to have an X-ray, unless a special report is required.<br />

• You do not need to provide a chest X-ray certificate if you have provided one which was issued less than 36 months ago, with a previous<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> application, unless your health has deteriorated since your previous certificate was issued, or unless you have spent<br />

six consecutive months since your previous application, in a place not listed as having a low incidence of tuberculosis.<br />

• You do not need to provide a medical certificate if you have provided one which was issued less than 36 months ago, with a previous <strong>Immigration</strong><br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> application, unless your health has deteriorated since your previous certificate was issued.<br />

E10 Tick the option below which applies to you:<br />

I attach both a Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096) and a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) or a Limited<br />

Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1201). Go to Section F: Character<br />

I have attached only a Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096) because:<br />

I am staying between six to 12 months and I am from, or have visited for more than three months, a place<br />

that is not listed as having a low incidence of tuberculosis, or<br />

I have previously provided a chest X-ray certificate; however:<br />

it was dated by the radiologist more than 36 months ago, or<br />

my health has deteriorated since my last certificate was issued, or<br />

I have spent six consecutive months since my previous application, in a place not listed as having a low<br />

incidence of tuberculosis. Go to Section F: Character<br />

I am required to provide a Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096), however, as I am pregnant or under 11 years of<br />

age, I am not required to have an X-ray; and:<br />

I am not required to provide a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) at this stage; or<br />

I have therefore provided only a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) or a Limited Medical Certificate<br />

(<strong>INZ</strong> 1201). Go to Section F: Character.<br />

I attach only a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007) or a Limited Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1201) because I have<br />

previously provided a medical certificate, however:<br />

it was dated by the medical examiner more than 36 months ago; or<br />

my health has deteriorated since my last certificate was issued. Go to Section F: Your character.<br />

I do not have to provide a Chest X-ray Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1096) and either a General Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1007)<br />

or a Limited Medical Certificate (<strong>INZ</strong> 1201) at this stage because:<br />

• I have provided a medical certificate and chest X-ray certificate which were issued less than 36 months ago,<br />

with a previous <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> application; and<br />

• my health has not deteriorated; and<br />

• I have not spent six consecutive months in a place which is not listed as having a low incidence of tuberculosis<br />

since my previous application. Go to Section F: Your character.<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 9

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

Section F Character<br />

All applicants must complete this section. Note: if your application is declined for character reasons, <strong>Immigration</strong><br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> may place a notation in your passport indicating that you applied for a visa for <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

For more information about the questions in this section, see ‘Completing Section F: Character’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

F1 Have you or any other person included in this application been:<br />

• convicted Yes No<br />

• charged Yes No<br />

• under investigation Yes No<br />

for any offence(s) against the law in any country including <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>?<br />

F2 Have you or any other person included in this application been:<br />

• excluded (refused entry) from Yes No<br />

• refused a visa by Yes No<br />

• removed or deported from<br />

any country including <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>?<br />

Yes No<br />

If you have answered Yes to any of the questions in F1 and F2 , please provide details below.<br />

Continue on a separate piece of paper if necessary.<br />

10 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012

Section G <strong>Visa</strong> type<br />

G1 Are you outside <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>?<br />

Yes Estimated date of arrival in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

Estimated date of departure from <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

No Estimated date of departure from <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

G2 If you are applying for a visitor visa, what is the purpose of your visit to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>?<br />

G3 If you are applying for a limited visa, what is the ‘express purpose’ for visiting <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>? If you are applying for a<br />

further limited visa, also give the reasons why you need to stay in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> for longer.<br />

Date your ‘express purpose’ starts/started<br />

Date your ‘express purpose’ will be completed<br />

See the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide (<strong>INZ</strong> 1018) for more information about the restrictions imposed on limited visas.<br />

G4 Is your visa application dependent on another person who is either in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or holds a visa to be in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>?<br />

No Go to Section H: Financial support while you are in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

Yes Indicate the relationship with the other person. Note you must provide evidence of that relationship.<br />

I am the guardian of a student visa holder.<br />

I am the parent or grandparent of a <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> citizen or resident who has sponsored me.<br />

I am the dependent child of a <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> citizen, resident or temporary visa holder.<br />

Other (specify)<br />

Please provide details of the other person:<br />

Family/last name Given/first name(s)<br />

Date of birth<br />

Section H Financial support while you are in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

For more information about this section and acceptable evidence of funds, see ‘Completing Section H: Financial support while you are in<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’ in the <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> Guide.<br />

H1 Are you using your own funds for your visit to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or are you being sponsored?<br />

Own funds – attach copies of evidence you have sufficient funds to support yourself and evidence you either<br />

have arranged travel out of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or have sufficient funds * to do so.<br />

Sponsored – attach completed sponsorship form.<br />

* Sufficient funds for support means at least NZ$1000 per month you intend to stay in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> per person included in your<br />

application, or NZ$400 if you have accommodation. Funds must be in your own name.<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 11

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

Section I<br />

12 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012<br />

Declaration by applicant<br />

All of the people included in this application must complete this section.<br />

I have provided true and correct answers to the questions in this form.<br />

I will inform <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> of any relevant fact or change of circumstances (including a change in my<br />

employment or partnership status) that may (i) affect the decision on my application for a visa, or (ii) affect the decision<br />

to grant entry permission based on the visa for which I am applying.<br />

I agree to leave <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> before my visa expires. If I remain in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> after my visa has expired, I may be<br />

deported by <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

I agree that if I am not entitled to free health care in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>, I will pay for any health care or medical assistance<br />

I may require in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

I understand that if I have received immigration advice from an immigration adviser and if that immigration adviser<br />

is not licensed under the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Licensing Act 2007 when they should be, <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> will<br />

return my application.<br />

I authorise <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> to provide information about my health and my immigration status to any health service<br />

agency. I authorise any health service agency to provide information about my health to <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

I authorise <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> to make any necessary enquiries about information on this form and/or<br />

accompanying documentation. I authorise any agency whether in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or overseas, including but not limited to<br />

border or immigration agencies, education providers, financial institutions, foreign embassies, government authorities,<br />

health care providers, police or other law enforcement agencies, that holds information (including personal information)<br />

related to information on this application form and/or accompanying documentation to disclose that information to<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>. so that they can:<br />

• make a decision on this application<br />

• answer enquiries about my immigration status once my application has been decided.<br />

I authorise any agency that holds information (including personal information) related to those matters to disclose that<br />

information to <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

If I am granted a visa with the condition that I accompany a student, I agree to live with that student. I understand that both the<br />

student and I may be liable for deportation if I do not meet this condition.<br />

If I am granted a limited visa, I agree that I will leave <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> on or before the expiry date of that visa . If I do not<br />

leave <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>, I may be immediately deported from <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> without the right of appeal.<br />

I have provided all the documents required by the checklist on page 2.<br />

Signature of principal applicant Date<br />

Signature of partner Date<br />

Signature of accompanying dependent children over 18 years of age (if applicable)<br />

Child one Date<br />

Child two Date<br />

Child three Date<br />

Child four Date<br />

Note that a parent or guardian may sign on behalf of a child under 18 years.<br />

This form has been approved under section 381 of the <strong>Immigration</strong> Act 2009

Section J <strong>Immigration</strong> adviser’s details<br />

This section must be completed by the applicant’s immigration adviser. If the applicant does not have an immigration<br />

adviser, this section does not have to be completed.<br />

J1 If you are a licensed adviser, please provide your licence details.<br />

Licence type full provisional limited List conditions specified in the register<br />

Licence number 2 0 Go to Section K: Declaration by person assisting the applicant<br />

J2 If you are exempt from licensing, tick one box below to show why you are exempt from licensing then go to<br />

Section K: Declaration by person assisting the applicant.<br />

I provided immigration advice in an informal or family context only, and I did not provide the advice systematically<br />

or for a fee.<br />

I have provided immigration advice in the course of my work (employed or volunteer) and that work exempts me<br />

from the requirement to be licensed. Indicate the reason for your exemption below.<br />

Lawyer with current <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> practicing certificate Community Law Centre Citizens Advice Bureau<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Member of Parliament or staff <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> public servant Foreign Diplomatic/Consular<br />

See www.immigration.govt.nz/adviserlicensing for more information about who is exempt from licensing.<br />

Section K Declaration by person assisting the applicant<br />

This section must be completed and signed by the applicant’s immigration adviser, or by any person who has assisted<br />

the applicant by providing immigration advice, explaining, translating, or recording information on the form for the<br />

applicant. If the applicant does not have an immigration adviser, and no one helped the applicant to fill in this form, this<br />

section does not have to be completed.<br />

If you are not exempt under the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Licensing Act 2007, it is an offence for you to provide immigration advice without holding a license,<br />

and <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> will refuse to accept your client’s application. More information about immigration adviser licensing can be obtained from<br />

the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Authority website www.iaa.govt.nz, via email [email protected] or by telephone on 0508 422 422.<br />

Name and address of person assisting applicant. Same as address given at B3 , or as below.<br />

Family/last name Given/first name(s)<br />

Company name (if applicable) and address<br />

Telephone (daytime)<br />

Fax Email<br />

Telephone (evening)<br />

I understand that after the applicant has signed this form it is an offence to change or add further information, change<br />

any documents attached to the form, or attach any further documents to the form.<br />

I note that the maximum penalty for this offence is a fine of up to NZ$100,000 and/or a term of imprisonment of up to<br />

seven years. However, if changes are needed, the person making the changes must state on the form what information<br />

or documents have been changed and give reasons for the changes.<br />

I certify that the applicant asked me to help them complete this form and any additional forms. I certify that the applicant<br />

agreed that the information provided was correct before signing the declaration.<br />

I have assisted the applicant as an interpreter/translator<br />

I have assisted the applicant with recording information on the form<br />

I have assisted the applicant in another way. Specify<br />

I have provided immigration advice (as defined in the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Licensing Act 2007) and my details in<br />

Section J: <strong>Immigration</strong> adviser’s details are correct.<br />

Signature of person assisting Date D D M M Y Y Y Y<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 13

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

14 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012

About the information you provide<br />

Deciding whether you are eligible for a visa<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> collects the information<br />

about you on this form to decide whether you are eligible<br />

for a visitor visa or a limited visa. We may also use the<br />

information to contact you for research purposes or to<br />

advise you on immigration matters.<br />

Collecting the information is authorised by the<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> Act 2009 and the <strong>Immigration</strong> Regulations<br />

made under that Act. You do not have to provide the<br />

information, but if you do not we are likely to decline<br />

your application.<br />

Deciding whether you are eligible to board a flight<br />

to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

The information we collect may also be used to<br />

determine whether you are allowed to board a flight to<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>. We will not share your personal information<br />

with airline check-in agents; however, we will send a<br />

boarding message to the airline check-in agent based on<br />

the information you have provided in this form.<br />

<strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> may also share the information<br />

you have provided with other government agencies that<br />

are entitled to it by law, or with other agencies (as you<br />

have agreed in the declaration).<br />

You are able to ask for the information we hold about you<br />

and have any of it corrected if you think it is necessary.<br />

The address of <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> is PO Box<br />

3705, Wellington, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>. This is not where your<br />

application should be sent.<br />

Other documents we may need<br />

Sometimes we may ask for additional documents or<br />

information to consider with an application.<br />

You may wish to send other documents or information<br />

so that we can consider it with this application. Send<br />

photocopies only (not original documents), as these<br />

documents will not be returned to you. If we need to see<br />

an original document, we will ask you to produce it later.<br />

For more information<br />

If you have questions about completing the form:<br />

• see our website www.immigration.govt.nz/contactus<br />

• phone our call centre on 0508 558 855 (within <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>).<br />

Section L Paying your application fee<br />

To find out how much the fee is and where to send<br />

your application, use our office and fees finder at<br />

www.immigration.govt.nz/fees.<br />

Note: some offshore branches do not accept credit cards.<br />

The office and fees finder contains information about<br />

alternative methods of payment.<br />

Your application fee<br />

Amount you are paying:<br />

Currency<br />

<strong>Application</strong> number<br />

(office use only)<br />

Preferred methods of payment<br />

We recommend that you use one of the following methods<br />

of payment for better security and faster processing:<br />

Bank cheque/bank draft<br />

Credit card (choose one)<br />

Mastercard <strong>Visa</strong><br />

SWITCH card (UK only)<br />

Name of cardholder<br />

Card number<br />

CVC/CVV number<br />

SWITCH card issue number<br />

Note: Your CVC/CVV number is the three-digit number found on the<br />

signature strip on the back of your credit card.<br />

Expiry date<br />

Signature of cardholder<br />

Date<br />

Other methods of payment<br />

Personal cheque. Note that we will hold your application for<br />

10 working days to allow the cheque to be cleared.<br />

Cash. Our <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> branches do not accept cash. Most of our<br />

branches outside <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> do not accept cash.<br />

EFTPOS. Note this option is only available for applications lodged in<br />

person in one of our <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> offices.<br />

We do not accept money orders.<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012 – 15

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.<br />

16 – <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Visa</strong> <strong>Application</strong> - July 2012

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