The Chin Wag August 19 2020

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<strong>Chin</strong>chilla House N Tea<br />

Pre loved furniture, bubble<br />

tea, speciality teas, candles<br />

burners melts, clothes,<br />

shoes & much more...<br />

07 4665 5859<br />

Cnr 81 Wambo Street, <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Facebook: <strong>Chin</strong>chilla House N Tea<br />

E-mail : [email protected]<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> th , <strong>2020</strong><br />

Advertising: 0411 896 004 News Leads: 0413 727 890<br />

Postal: PO Box 226 Toogoolawah Q 4313<br />

Free in <strong>Chin</strong>chilla and the Western Downs<br />

Vol. 01 No. 05<br />

Buy & Sell<br />

Inside<br />

Public Notices<br />

Inside<br />

Western Downs<br />

Trade<br />

Directory<br />

Page 8<br />

Independently owned &<br />

operated publishing news<br />

about western downs<br />

issues & people<br />

Tricky<br />

Suduku<br />

Puzzles<br />

Inside<br />

Origin Energy has teamed up with the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Commerce and Industry<br />

(CCCI) to build the economic and social health of <strong>Chin</strong>chilla and the<br />

surrounding regions. Pictured (L-R) Andrew Turner, Glen Fields, Robyn Haig<br />

and Shannon McDermott who are working to make this happen.

ZOE BELL<br />

[email protected]<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Community<br />

Commerce and Industries (CCCI)<br />

are providing local residents to<br />

have their opinions heard and<br />

to assist them with the continual<br />

improvement of the liability of<br />

the region into the future.<br />

Hoping to deliver a robust and diverse<br />

economy where strong relationships that<br />

can be built with not only local business but<br />

the community alike, the CCCI are asking<br />

locals to fill out their 2040 vision priorities<br />

survey to help them to do just that.<br />

Already having some great initiatives<br />

such as the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Botanic Parklands,<br />

improvements to the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Weir,<br />

CCTV cameras in the town centre,<br />

increasing police roster and the upgrade<br />

of the Wambo Street and Warrego Highway<br />

crossing, the organisation is now focussing<br />

on what’s next.<br />

“We are excited to be reaching out to not<br />

only our valued members but to our entire<br />

community,” President of the CCCI Shannon<br />

McDermott said.<br />

Earlier this year the CCCI held a 2040 vision<br />

workshop where they consulted with CCCI<br />

members, the community, the council and<br />

local schools to identify a compelling vision<br />

of what <strong>Chin</strong>chilla may look like in another<br />

20 years.<br />

Mr McDermott said there were some great<br />

ideas and visions that were put forward<br />

during these workshops.<br />

“Ideas that brought a sense of optimism<br />

about our ability to transform our economy<br />

over the next 20 years to one that does not<br />

have a reliance on one industry sector and<br />

one that is self-sustaining,” he said.<br />

“A vision that aims to align passions<br />

and efforts to improve the liability and<br />

prosperity of our region into the future.’<br />

“Our strong desire to celebrate our identity<br />

and preserve our history was evident.<br />

“Our people want to live in a modern town<br />

that maintains its rural feel and keeps us<br />

grounded to our country roots.”<br />

After the workshops these vision and<br />

ideas were summarised into five main<br />

liveability categories including Built and<br />

Natural Environment, Economic Prosperity,<br />

Social Stability and Equity, Education<br />

Opportunities and Culture, Entertainment,<br />

Recreation and Tourism.<br />

From the survey results these initiatives<br />

will be ranked to identify which of them are<br />

most important to the people.<br />

“Everyone’s decisions will help form the<br />

basis of the CCCI’s next five-year strategic<br />

plan and will also help to understand<br />

what is important to others within the<br />

community,” Mr McDermott said.<br />

“As we move into these next five years, I<br />

openly invite people to work with us and<br />

add their voice to help the CCCI achieve<br />

these outcomes for the benefit of all.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> survey takes about ten minutes to<br />

compete and you can access by visiting<br />

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/<br />

HCJJ89H or the CCCI Facebook page.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CCCI are then hoping to present<br />

preliminary results at our Year Ahead<br />

Breakfast on <strong>August</strong> 25 th <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Pictured: President of the CCCI Shannon<br />

McDermott<br />

LOCAL MP<br />




Crossing the floor in Parliament is a<br />

rare event, but an LNP backbencher<br />

says he was forced to do just that in the<br />

<strong>August</strong> State Government sitting.<br />

Last week Member for Callide MP Colin Boyce<br />

voted against his party and didn’t support the<br />

Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Bill,<br />

on behalf of the Mining and Resource Industries and<br />

the Grazing and Farming Industries and everybody<br />

associated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bill, which passed, allows for an appointment<br />

of a commissioner who will provide advice on<br />

rehabilitation or best practice for management of<br />

land.<br />

Mr Boyce said the proposal to create a commissioner<br />

position seemed logical and reasonable on face<br />

value.<br />

"However, when you dig down into the substance of<br />

this proposal it's intent is entirely different," he said.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> mining and resource sector already implements<br />

and practises world’s best rehabilitation and<br />

environmental standards that are second to none.<br />

"To overlay another level of bureaucracy is totally<br />

unwarranted."<br />

Mr Boyce told parliament the committee report<br />

says that the Rehabilitation Commissioner will be<br />

appointed upon recommendation by the Minister,<br />

the Commissioner will take direction from the<br />

Minister and there are no specific qualifications<br />

necessary.<br />

This Bill creates the addition of another Government<br />

Department, for $8 million taxpayer dollars,” he said.<br />

"This clause is absolutely toxic in my opinion.<br />

"It affords the minister, especially someone that may<br />

well be given to extremes of ideology, an opportunity<br />

to effectively weaponise any and all directions that<br />

are given to the rehabilitation commissioner.<br />

"Effectively the rehabilitation commissioner may<br />

become a political hitman for a government of the<br />

day.<br />

"This is especially relevant where the current<br />

government is captive of a Cabinet with ideological<br />

and political leanings overwhelmingly favouring<br />

extreme green eco Marxists ideology and by default<br />

a stand of anti-agriculture, anti-resources, antidevelopment<br />

and therefore anti-employment and<br />

so anti-prosperity."<br />

Mr Boyce claimed the commissioner would not be<br />

an independent position.<br />

"To attach agriculture to this Bill, in particular<br />

requirements for an environmental authority for<br />

cropping and horticulture activities, is nothing short<br />

of appalling," he said.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> report notes that the Bill will align application<br />

requirements for an environmental authority for<br />

cropping and horticulture activities with matters to<br />

be considered when making a decision to grant the<br />

environmental authority.”<br />

Mr Boyce said he is deeply concerned for regions<br />

with the passing of this Bill last week Parliament<br />

and the revelations of the Federal Senate Inquiry in<br />

the fraudulent Reef Science that underpins the Reef<br />

Legislation.<br />

“Put simply, farmers will have to lodge a permit to<br />

plant their crops.”<br />

Mr Boyce said that the Callide Electorate is the<br />

economic engine room of Queensland and produces<br />

the food that feeds Australia, the fibre to put the<br />

clothes on your back and the materials to build<br />

homes.<br />

“We generate the power that keeps you warm at<br />

night; we provide jobs for thousands,” he said.<br />

“We provide the revenue that pays Public Service<br />

wages – and I will not see this<br />

capability<br />

compromised.”<br />

Should you wish to view the<br />

speech, it can be seen at www.<br />

colinboyce.com.au or on his<br />

Facebook page Colin Boyce –<br />

Member for Callide.<br />

Advertise in <strong>The</strong> Lockyer NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> , <strong>2020</strong> - Page 2


USERS<br />

URGED TO<br />


SAFETY<br />


<strong>The</strong> Australia Government has<br />

joined the Australian Road Safety<br />

Foundation (ARSF), in urging all<br />

motorists using rural roads to<br />

reconsider their behaviour and<br />

put road safety first, during this<br />

Rural Road Safety Month and<br />

beyond.<br />

Rural Road Safety Month was launched in<br />

2018, following research showing rural road<br />

users were over-represented in the nation’s<br />

road toll for death and serious injury.<br />

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for<br />

Infrastructure, Transport and Regional<br />

Development Michael McCormack said, with<br />

rural road fatalities making up two thirds of<br />

last year’s national road toll, the community<br />

must come together and recognise that road<br />

safety is everyone’s business.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Australian Government is committed to<br />

getting Australians home sooner and safer,<br />

which is why we committed $500 million for<br />

a Targeted Road Safety package to help keep<br />

Australian drivers safe as they emerge from<br />

COVID-<strong>19</strong> restrictions — however, we cannot<br />

do it alone,” Mr McCormack said.<br />

“Last year 835 people lost their lives on<br />

regional roads, devastating their friends<br />

and communities and leaving behind 835<br />

mourning families.<br />

“It is the job of every motorist or rider across<br />

the country to help us bring that number<br />

down to zero because even one death or one<br />

crash on our roads is one too many.”<br />

Assistant Minister Buchholz said the Morrison-<br />

McCormack Government had put road<br />

safety high on the agenda and was working<br />

closely with road safety advocates, state<br />

and local governments and stakeholders to<br />

ensure investments were delivering targeted<br />

outcomes.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Australian Government has a long-term<br />

plan, a 10-year infrastructure vision with a<br />

pipeline of projects and investment worth<br />

$100 billion. <strong>The</strong>se projects will improve our<br />

road network and make safety improvements<br />

across the country,” Mr Buchholz said.<br />

“We have also opened the Office of Road<br />

Safety to provide greater leadership and<br />

coordination of road safety efforts at a<br />

national level. This is putting road safety at<br />

the forefront of our transport infrastructure<br />

investment program and is bringing all levels<br />

of government together.”<br />

Australian Road Safety Foundation founder<br />

and CEO Russell White said every driver,<br />

whether city or country based, must take<br />

ownership of their role in reducing the<br />

regional road toll.<br />

“Despite smaller population numbers, 109<br />

people have already lost their lives on New<br />

South Wales' rural roads this year, which shows<br />

that just one dangerous choice can have dire<br />

consequences,” Mr White said.<br />

"We will continue to see an unnecessary<br />

loss of life in rural communities until we<br />

acknowledge that all road users have a<br />

personal responsibility to ensure safety is front<br />

of mind when behind the wheel.”<br />

Mr Buchholz said there were many factors<br />

contributing to the road toll.<br />

“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. When<br />

Advertise in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

ZOE BELL<br />

[email protected]<br />

With a passion for building the<br />

economic and social health of<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla and the surrounding<br />

regions, Origin Energy has<br />

teamed up with the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Commerce and Industry (CCCI) to<br />

help make this happen.<br />

Early last week the two organisations signed<br />

a three-year partnership.<br />

General Manager, Condabri and Talinga,<br />

Alexandra Kennedy-Clark said by increasing<br />

people resources and financial resourcing to<br />

the CCCI she hopes to see Origin’s support<br />

result in an increase in memberships and new<br />

systems which will promote growth and help<br />

drive a prosperous economy in the Western<br />

Downs.<br />

“We’re also proud to see the partnership<br />

provide further resources to the BEST<br />

program,<br />

‘Bringing Employers and Students Together’,<br />

you get behind the wheel of a car, truck, bike or bus<br />

– you’re responsible for doing the right thing. Do not<br />

drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, wear<br />

your seatbelt, stop for regular beaks, slow down and<br />

do the right thing.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Australian Government is continuing to make<br />

targeted investments through the Black Spot<br />

Program to address high risk areas, to get people<br />

home sooner and safer.<br />

“Similarly, the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity<br />

Program is upgrading danger points that experience<br />

high traffic flows of heavy vehicles.<br />

“While we will continue to invest in safer roads, there<br />

is always more to be done and driver awareness and<br />

behaviour is a big factor in road safety.<br />

“Our Government is also providing vital funding to<br />

revitalise the Driver Reviver Program, including $8m<br />

for site upgrades.<br />

“I encourage everyone to make the pledge to Choose<br />

Road Safety and support rural road safety month<br />

through hosting local events or sharing road safety<br />

information among staff, students, colleagues, family<br />

and friends,” Mr Buchholz said.<br />

Pictured: Manager of CCCI Robyn Haig and Andrew Turner.<br />

and assist in expanding the planned careers<br />

expo scheduled for later this year,” she said.<br />

“Both of these activities help students<br />

from the region to understand the diverse<br />

industries and career options available locally,<br />

helping them plan for exciting futures.<br />

“This support builds on our Origin Regional<br />

Assist Program which was recently<br />

announced, where we<br />

are providing services to assist small business<br />

and their employees in regional Queensland<br />

communities to access a range of counselling<br />

services through Converge International.”<br />

CCCI President Shannon McDermott said the<br />

partnership with Origin is playing a pivotal<br />

role in increasing the CCCI’s capability by<br />

supporting the transition to a full-time<br />

manager, in addition to existing part-time<br />

event coordinator and admin roles.<br />

“Having these resources available has enabled<br />

the CCCI to not only improve its ability to<br />

share information with its members but focus<br />

on new and improved ways to support local<br />

businesses and the community,” he said.<br />

Manager of CCCI Robyn Haig said instead of<br />

having to reduce CCCI services during the<br />

pandemic, and they have been able to launch<br />

new campaigns.<br />

“One of those was the Community Spirit<br />

Challenge to bring our community together,’’<br />

she said.<br />

<strong>The</strong> partnership is also helping drive the<br />

development of a new five-year strategic<br />

plan for the CCCI, which is consulting with<br />

members, council, schools and the local<br />

community to understand what is essential<br />

for the region so that it can transition into a<br />

self-sustaining economy with a diversity of<br />

industries.<br />

With the support of Origin through this<br />

partnership, the CCCI is focused on delivering<br />

targeted help, encouraging innovation,<br />

supporting networking and identifying<br />

opportunities for its members and<br />

community into the future.<br />

For information on how to access the Regional<br />

Assist Program, or for more information<br />

about the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Community Commerce<br />

and Industry, small business owners and their<br />

employees should contact their nominated<br />

Council Chamber representative.<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> , <strong>2020</strong> - Page 3



<strong>The</strong> Westerns Downs is full of<br />

beautiful landscapes, stunning<br />

sunsets and some impressive<br />

farms which you can’t help but<br />

just pull out your camera and<br />

take a photo.<br />

Rural Aid is calling local photographers or<br />

budding photographers to do just and take<br />

part in their inaugural photo competition.<br />

Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said the<br />

competition is perfect for those who have a<br />

love for rural Australia.<br />

“We want to see images, ground level or<br />

aerial, of our Aussie farmers and their families<br />

and a depiction of what their life is like on<br />

the land or in the bush,” John said.<br />

“Australia is a large country and we have<br />

many types of farmers across this land and<br />

on our oceans. Livestock from cattle to bees,<br />

different types of grain growers, fruit and<br />

vegetables, grapes for our wine growers and<br />

seafood – farmed inland and on the ocean.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>se farmers are there supporting<br />

Australians with food on our tables and add<br />

substantially to our gross domestic product<br />

in the good times and continue to work hard<br />

during challenging times, such as drought,<br />

flood and fire.<br />

“Our farmers have been through so much<br />

and these images will also be a great<br />

way to show how they are faring in these<br />

challenging times. Of course, we’re also<br />

looking to support photographers across<br />

Australia who are also facing challenging<br />

times.”<br />

If you lack inspiration or are unsure what<br />

exactly to photograph, then Mr Warlters<br />

to check out the<br />

Rural Aid Australia<br />

Facebook and<br />

Instagram pages.<br />

He said they are full<br />

of great images of<br />

rural Australia and<br />

the farmers the<br />

charity supports,<br />

who also support them.<br />

“As well as giving the world a snapshot<br />

of farming life, the land and the bush in<br />

Australia, this competition is also a great<br />

way of showing off the photographic talent<br />

posting to our social media channels,” he<br />

said.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> added incentive is there are also great<br />

prizes to be won.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> top two prizes are gift cards and if you<br />

receive first place it is to the value of $500<br />

and $250 if you place second.<br />

Both third place and the people’s choice<br />

winners will receive a Rural Aid prize pack to<br />

the value of $100.<br />

<strong>The</strong> competition will run from 5pm AEST,<br />

Monday <strong>August</strong> 10, to 5pm AEST, Thursday<br />

September 3, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Entrants must submit a high-resolution image<br />

by either posting the image on Instagram<br />

with the hashtags #RAPhotoContest &<br />

#SpiritoftheBush and tagging @ruralaid in<br />

the picture or by emailing the submission to<br />

[email protected].<br />

Photos will then be added to stories and<br />

a highlight reel on the Rural Aid Instagram<br />

page.<br />

<strong>The</strong> No.1 Newspaper in<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla & surrounds!<br />


Email: [email protected]<br />

Office: 0411 896 004<br />

Post: P.O. Box 226, Toogoolawah Q 4313<br />


Email: [email protected]<br />

Call: 0413 22 52 01<br />

ADVERTISING: Dugald Strachan<br />

EDITOR: Scott Strachan<br />

SUB-EDITOR: Xanthe Strachan<br />

JOURNALIST: Zoe Bell<br />

BUSINESS MANAGER: Melissa Strachan<br />

ACCOUNTS: Leanne King<br />

WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA: Savanah Aylward<br />

A publication of...<br />

Advertise in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> , <strong>2020</strong> - Page 4



CALL DUGALD ON 0413 22 52 01 OR EMAIL [email protected]<br />




WDRC<br />

Mayor<br />

Paul McVeigh<br />


Shannon<br />

McDermott<br />

CCCI President<br />

CCCI Members<br />

FREE<br />

Non-Members<br />

$30pp<br />

• At approximately 1:00 AM on Sunday the<br />

9th of <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, an 18-year-old male was<br />

intercepted on Windmill Street <strong>Chin</strong>chilla.<br />

As a result of the intercept, Police will allege<br />

that the male was driving an Unregistered<br />

and Uninsured motor vehicle. Further, the<br />

male person provided a specimen of breath<br />

for analysis and recorded a reading in excess<br />

of 3 times the legal alcohol limit (high range).<br />

<strong>The</strong> male’s licence was suspended until Court<br />

due to the reading exceeding 0.150. <strong>The</strong><br />

male was issued with a Notice to Appear in<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla Magistrates Court at a later date.<br />

• On the 8th day of <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, a male local<br />

aged in his 30’s was charged for Contravening<br />

a Domestic Violence Order. <strong>The</strong> male was<br />

arrested and transported to <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Police<br />

Station. <strong>The</strong> male was charged and released<br />

on Bail Conditions to Appear in <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Magistrates Court at a later date.<br />

• On the 8th day of <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Police in conjunction with Dalby Criminal<br />

Investigation Branch executed a Warrant at<br />

an address in <strong>Chin</strong>chilla. As a result of the<br />

Warrant, a female person in her 30’s was<br />

charged with a number of drug related<br />

offences. <strong>The</strong> female was issued with a<br />

Notice to Appear in <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Magistrates<br />

Court at a later date.<br />

male from the Gold Coast was intercepted at<br />

the Crossroads of <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Tara Road and<br />

Kogan Condamine Road <strong>Chin</strong>chilla for the<br />

purpose of a breath test. As a result of that<br />

intercept, the male was charged with a Drink<br />

Driving Offence and will appear in <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Magistrates Court at later date.<br />

• On the 7th day of <strong>August</strong> and local man<br />

stated that he was at the Botanic Gardens<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla where a number of items were<br />

alleged to have been stolen. Investigations<br />

into this matter are continuing with a<br />

number of leads being followed up by Police.<br />

COVID-<strong>19</strong><br />

COVID checks of all licenced premises are<br />

continuing.<br />

Social distancing laws will be enforced, and<br />

where appropriate, enforcement action will<br />

be taken against individuals and licenced<br />

premises.<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla Police encourage Licencee’s and<br />

Patrons to familiarise themselves with COVID<br />

restrictions from the Qld Government.<br />

.<br />

For Non-urgent Crime Think Policelink,<br />

phone 131 444 or visit www.policelink.<br />

qld.gov.au<br />

If it’s an Emergency, life threatening and<br />

happening now call 000 (Triple Zero)<br />

• On the 8th day of <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, a local<br />

man has reported the theft of a trailer from<br />

a property on Red Hill Road <strong>Chin</strong>chilla.<br />

<strong>The</strong> trailer was located on a large property<br />

adjacent to a shed. Investigations are<br />

continuing into the matter.<br />

• On the 7th day of <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, a 26-year-old<br />

Health & <strong>The</strong>rapeutic<br />

1 set of <strong>Wag</strong>ner aluminium forearm<br />

crutches, adjustable height $40 Ph<br />

0417 723 229 <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Home Furnishing<br />

Modern metal frame bed, queen, slate<br />

base, never been used $300 Ph 0417<br />

723 229 <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Solid wooden chest with 6 drawers<br />

and mirror, GC $80 Ph 0417 723 229<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Country style kitchen hutch, solid<br />

wood, GC, $170 Ph 0417 723 229<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Niagara massage recliner and lift chair,<br />

new condition $950 Ph 0418 623 444<br />

Old dining room hutch, in good order<br />

Ph Charlie 0415 061 674 <strong>Chin</strong>chilla area<br />

Single lift bed with massage $150 Ph<br />

0418 623 444 Dalby<br />

Horse & Saddlery<br />

4 stock saddles $400 for the pick Ph<br />

Charlie 0415 061 674 <strong>Chin</strong>chilla area<br />

Old time sulky Ph 0415 061 674<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla area<br />

Assorted horse gear Ph Charlie 0415<br />

061 674 <strong>Chin</strong>chilla area<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Large suitcase on wheels, used once<br />

$45 Ph 0417 723 229 <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />




CALL 0411 896 004 OR<br />

EMAIL<br />

[email protected]<br />




Advertise in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> , <strong>2020</strong> - Page 5



<strong>Chin</strong>chilla Uniting Church<br />

31 Middle St<br />

9.30am Sunday Worship<br />

Pastor Tanya Errey<br />

Ph 4662 7318<br />

Life Church chinchilla<br />

117 Cemetery Road<br />

10am Sunday Morning Service<br />

Zoom prayer meeting<br />

Tuesday 7pm<br />

Tony Kuster 0427 628 469<br />

Annette Kuster 0412 731 970<br />

www.lifechurchchinchilla.org<br />

Facebook Life church <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />



EMAIL:<br />

[email protected]<br />

PHONE<br />

0411 896 004<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla Country Market<br />

3 rd Sunday of month<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla Showgrounds<br />

(unless grounds are booked)<br />

7am start Ph Lindley or Marie<br />

0439 074 088<br />

Jondowae Lions Market<br />

3 rd Sunday of month<br />

Lions Park Jandowae<br />

3rd Sunday of the month<br />

Ph Norma (07) 4668 5486<br />


<strong>2020</strong><br />

AUGUST<br />

18 - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary<br />

Bravehearts Child Protection and Safety<br />

Session. 1.50pm<br />

24 - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary<br />

Preppie 4 a Morning - a come and try day<br />

for 2021 prep students - 9am - 11am<br />

26 - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary<br />

Book Week Parade at 9am in the school<br />

hall<br />


26 - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary<br />

Child Protection Week Liturgy - 2.15pm<br />


15 - <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Country Market<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla Showgrounds<br />

3rd Sunday of month<br />

(unless grounds are booked)<br />

7am start<br />

Ph Lindley or Marie<br />

0439 074 088<br />

28 - Official Opening of the Tara &<br />

District Art Exhibition<br />

6pm Tara Function Room<br />

<strong>19</strong> Fry St, Tara<br />

Ph 1300 268 624<br />

29 – Tara & District Art Exhibition<br />

Tara Memorial Hall<br />

<strong>19</strong> Fry Street, Tara (until December 2)<br />




Grandma’s Boyfriend<br />













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0411 896 004<br />

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Advertise your business or event<br />

in this newspaper.<br />

0411 896 004<br />

It’s easy to do.<br />

for all of the details.<br />

A 5-year old boy went to visit his<br />

grandmother one day. While playing with<br />

his toys in her bedroom while grandma<br />

was dusting furniture, he looked up and<br />

said, “Grandma, how come you don’t have<br />

a boyfriend?”<br />

Grandma replied, “Honey, my TV is my<br />

boyfriend. I can set in my bedroom and<br />

watch it all day long. <strong>The</strong> TV evangelists<br />

keep me company and make me feel so<br />

good.<strong>The</strong> comedies make me laugh. I’m<br />

so happy with my TV as my boyfriend.”<br />

Grandma turned on the TV and the<br />

picture was horrible. She started adjusting<br />

the knobs trying to get the picture in<br />

focus. Frustrated, she started hitting on<br />

the backside of the TV hoping to fix the<br />

problem.<br />

<strong>The</strong> little boy heard the doorbell ring so<br />

he hurried to open the door.When he<br />

opened the door, there stood Grandma’s<br />

minister. <strong>The</strong> minister said, “Hello son is<br />

your grandma home?”<br />

<strong>The</strong> little boy replied, “Yeah, she’s in the<br />

bedroom bangin’ her boyfriend.”<br />

Advertise in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> , <strong>2020</strong> - Page 6


ZOE BELL<br />

[email protected]<br />

Still in high school looking at a<br />

job advertisement for Shell QGC<br />

apprenticeships and traineeships,<br />

well-known <strong>Chin</strong>chilla local Oliva<br />

Mutch (pictured above) didn’t<br />

apply because she didn’t think<br />

the job was for her.<br />

A year ago she was six months out of high<br />

school, working a casual and thought to<br />

herself that she needed to create something<br />

and challenge herself.<br />

So, this time when she saw the same Shell<br />

QGC advertisement she applied and was<br />

successful in gaining the position, stating it<br />

was one of the best things she ever did.<br />

MIGAS, together with the Shell-operated<br />

QGC business, are searching for the next<br />

generation of locals to join QGC’S onshore<br />

natural gas business in the Western Downs<br />

region.<br />

Currently, they have had 33 young people<br />

from the Western Downs through the<br />

Apprentice and Trainee program since it<br />

launched in 2017 and they are looking for a<br />

further twelve to join that list.<br />

Now eight months into her traineeship where<br />

she is completing her certificate three in<br />

process plant operations, Miss Mutch says she<br />

has learnt so much in such a short time.<br />

“I came in not knowing much about the job<br />

and mechanical work,” she said.<br />

“One of the biggest things I’ve learnt is the<br />

process of how the equipment and the plant<br />

removes water from the gas and how to set up<br />

isolations, so it’s safe for mechanical people to<br />

work on a piece of equipment.”<br />

Before applying for the position, Miss Mutch<br />

did admit that she was a little worried about<br />

the job because it was such a male-dominated<br />

industry.<br />

However, after her first shift, she found the<br />

work culture was excellent, and everyone was<br />

friendly and welcoming, which made her feel<br />

at ease quickly.<br />

She works seven days on and seven days off<br />

with another trainee working the other shifts.<br />

In relations to study, she isn’t required to<br />

go to TAFE and instead has an assessor that<br />

comes out and marks her and signs her off on<br />

her modules before they are then sent back<br />

off to TAFE.<br />

“It’s challenging,” she said.<br />

“You are always learning, and when you think<br />

you know something, there is something else<br />

you need to know.<br />

“Even operators are still learning new things.”<br />

With hopes to being an operator five years<br />

down the track and eventually transitioning<br />

into an office-based role as a maintenance<br />

scheduler, the young trainee believes this role<br />

gave her excellent experience about what the<br />

jobs are and what skills they require.<br />

Wishing that she applied in her first year out<br />

of high school, Miss Mutch would encourage<br />

any potential young person thinking of<br />

applying in the upcoming intake not to<br />

hesitate and apply.<br />

“It’s an amazing opportunity that doesn’t<br />

come around often and sets you up for the<br />

future so just go for it,” she said.<br />

“Your name is in the industry, and you get the<br />

experience behind you as well.<br />

“Even if you’re not the most confident person,<br />

to enter into an industry like this, I would say<br />

go for it.<br />

“I know a lot of females would be like this,<br />

but they just need to go for it because it’s an<br />

amazing culture to be in and people always<br />

want to help you and give you the best<br />

training possible no matter what gender you<br />

are.”<br />

Applications open this Friday, <strong>August</strong> 21 and<br />

to apply you can visit their website www.<br />

migas.com.au/jobs.qgcpathways.<br />

This year I<br />

pledge to ...<br />

1. Shop Local<br />

2. Use Local<br />

3. Eat Local<br />

4. Enjoy Local<br />

... and support<br />

the local<br />

businesses<br />

that support<br />

me and my<br />

community<br />

Sore eyes?<br />

Zoning out?<br />

Yawning?<br />

Driver Fatigue: Wake up to the signs.<br />

Advertise in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

Here for Life<br />

Authorised by the Queensland Government, Brisbane.<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY<strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong> , <strong>2020</strong> - Page 7


Advertise in <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

ZOE BELL<br />

[email protected]<br />

unique experience or to indulge their creative<br />

side.<br />

“Workshops will be starting up very soon,” she<br />

said.<br />

“Classes includes macramé, jewellery making,<br />

mosaic, crochet bowls, crazy art, flower<br />

arranging, cookie decorating, soap making,<br />

candle making, barbed wire garden art class<br />

and many more.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> first workshop will be a dip and sip class<br />

where participants will be able to drink their<br />

favourite wine and create a squiggly cow<br />

masterpiece.<br />

<strong>The</strong> children will be the next ones to benefit<br />

with this new form of entertainment with a<br />

workshop in store specially for them.<br />

It is scheduled for Thursday, September 24 at<br />

11am and 4pm<br />

“All events will be posted on the Whistle Stop<br />

Facebook page,” she said.<br />

“If you are a local who has a craft and would<br />

like to teach a class plus get in contact with<br />

me also because we are always looking for<br />

more people to get involved.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> store is normally open seven days a week<br />

from 9am till 4pm, however will be closed<br />

when Ms Ashcroft must travel to attend to her<br />

macramé workshops.<br />

Last year <strong>Chin</strong>chilla and<br />

surrounding residents fell in love<br />

with a Christmas pop up shop<br />

that sold locally handmade gifts,<br />

so much so they kept asking the<br />

owner if it was going to open<br />

again this year.<br />

Occupying the shop in Heeney Street opposite<br />

the Club Hotel a few months leading up to<br />

Christmas, business owner Debbie Ashcroft<br />

had bigger and better plans for this year.<br />

”I thought about it and decided I’d do it in a<br />

bigger building and also have a small cafe<br />

attached so people could enjoy homemade<br />

cakes and pastries as well as coffee and tea<br />

while they look around the shop or while they<br />

are doing workshops,” she said.<br />

So last week yet another local business<br />

opened its doors to the public when Ms<br />

Ashcroft launched Whistle Stop Café and<br />

Handmade Gifts.<br />

Located on <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Street opposite the<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla train station, and just waiting on<br />

its coffee machine to be fully up and running.<br />

“I’m not a full-blown cafe just a very small<br />

coffee shop selling locally made goods,” she<br />

said.<br />

“I’ve had very busy days since opening and<br />

everyone that’s visited has commented on<br />

how nice the shop looks and what a great<br />

idea it is.”<br />

Hoping to showcase the talent of local<br />

Western Downs Artisans, Ms Ashcroft sells<br />

their work in store on their behalf.<br />

Currently the store has over 25 local artisans<br />

that have their creative items in store and she<br />

unfortunately had to turn people away due to<br />

current lack of space.<br />

However with a dedicated kids table for<br />

children to sell their crafts with commission,<br />

Ms Ashcroft is always looking for children’s art<br />

to earn them some extra pocket money.<br />

“I already have nine year old Charlotte’s craft<br />

that I sell for her with no commission, so if<br />

there are any other children who like to sell<br />

handmade items in store, I would be more<br />

than happy to take them,” she said.<br />

To add to the already impressive business, Ms<br />

Ashcroft future plans involve holding art and<br />

craft workshops in store.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se will be run during the evenings and<br />

on weekends for anyone who is looking for a<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> - Page 8

ZOE BELL<br />

[email protected]<br />

<strong>The</strong> stage was set for a big match<br />

under the lights at the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

recreation grounds on a Saturday<br />

night as the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Bears took<br />

on Dalby in the local derby and<br />

the game did not disappoint.<br />

Time was reaching the 42nd minute in the<br />

second half, and the teams were locked in<br />

a tight arm wrestle with plenty of scoring<br />

opportunities from either side but both<br />

were unable to make them count on the<br />

scoreboard.<br />

With two minutes left on the clock, it looked<br />

like a zero a piece was going to be the final<br />

score before somehow, the teams were finally<br />

seperated by a goal.<br />

<strong>Chin</strong>chilla reined superior, scoring a goal<br />

Email sports results & news to: [email protected]<br />


ZOE BELL<br />

[email protected]<br />

From the humble beginnings of<br />

under 10s netball in Miles to the<br />

big stage where players she used<br />

to look up to play, Kylie Salisbury<br />

is now preparing for the biggest<br />

competition of her netball<br />

journey.<br />

After a knee injury prevented her from<br />

trialing for the Darling Downs Panthers<br />

under 16 team three years ago and she was<br />

unsuccessful in getting to the side for the<br />

under 18 Ipswich Jets, the luck has turned<br />

around this year for the young netballer.<br />

On Thursday last week, Kylie was given<br />

the exciting news that she has finally been<br />

successful in securing her place in the Darling<br />

Downs under 18 Panthers team and she will<br />

battle it in the Nissan state titles.<br />

“This year was my last year to do anything<br />

higher than the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla netball, being the<br />

last under 18s so I was like I’ll go and give it<br />

one last crack,” she said.<br />

“I’m so excited.<br />

“It’s going to be so great to play in a higher<br />

league with a lot more experienced players<br />

and I’m hoping that by playing better players<br />

that it will improve my game.<br />

“I’m a little bit nervous because being a<br />

shooter it’s like ‘oh my god I hope I get the<br />

shots in,’ so I’ve been shooting more shots in<br />

the backyard.”<br />

Kylie has been playing netball for almost ten<br />

years and has gone through the ranks at the<br />

in the final two minutes and pinching the<br />

victory over their cross town rivals.<br />

Captain of the team Jonty Calleja said there<br />

was one difference that led to his team<br />

winning the match.<br />

“It all came down to hunger,” he said.<br />

“You could really see that the boys were<br />

hungry for the win in the second half.<br />

“Any 50/50 opportunities in the first half<br />

would be won by Dalby but in the second half<br />

if it were an 80/20 ball we would win it in the<br />

second half.”<br />

Despite a slow start and Coach Stewart Hope<br />

stating the goal should have come a lot<br />

sooner, he said a goal is still a goal and that<br />

the team will take the win.<br />

“At half time we had a bit of a chat about<br />

what we had to do and the second half we<br />

improved.<br />

“We swapped a few players into different<br />

positions, and they stepped up to the task,<br />

Miles Netball Association, <strong>Chin</strong>chilla Netball<br />

Association and has completed the Darling<br />

Downs Cubs training session which she said<br />

have all helped her get to where she is today.<br />

Her success has come through a lot of hard<br />

work and dedication with the athlete training<br />

a minimum of three days a week.<br />

“On Tuesday night I coach the under 8s in<br />

net-set-go in <strong>Chin</strong>chilla and then train for the<br />

Darling Downs inter-district before playing in<br />

the ladies’ competition at <strong>Chin</strong>chilla,” she said.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>n on Wednesday I play ladies netball in<br />

Miles and on the weekends is when I play the<br />

competitions.”<br />

Training has not been scheduled yet, however<br />

the competition is set to be played from<br />

September 20 to September 22 at Nissan<br />

arena, which is where all the Suncorp Super<br />

Players play, meaning excitement levels for<br />

Kylie are at an all-time high.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Darling Downs team is made up of<br />

netballers in Toowoomba and they will battle<br />

it out against other teams from the Brisbane<br />

area.<br />

By the end of three days, an Under 18s<br />

Queensland side will be chosen.<br />

“That would be amazing but unfortunately<br />

living out here makes it a lot harder,” Kylie<br />

said.<br />

“I was going to originally go to Toowoomba<br />

and trial for the Panthers team that played<br />

in a weekly competition with the Brisbane<br />

teams.<br />

“However, it’s a long way to travel for training<br />

three times a week in Toowoomba.<br />

“I was supposed to be in Toowoomba after<br />

I finished school, but I got offered a job as a<br />

teacher aide at the primary school in Miles.<br />

which made a better second half.<br />

“It was a tough game and always is against<br />

Dalby.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>y have got up against us a couple of<br />

times, but generally we are the ones who get<br />

up against them which is always good for the<br />

local derby side of things.”<br />

Hope gave special mention to Jayden<br />

Markham, Nick Guymer, Mark Johnston and<br />

Jonty Calleja who all played a standout game.<br />

“Jayden did really well,” he said.<br />

“We put him in a different position in the<br />

second half, and he excelled at that position.<br />

“All four of them always put in 110 per cent<br />

effort week in and week out.”<br />

After a less than ideal start to the season and<br />

COVID interrupting it, the Bears are starting<br />

to get back into the swing, and despite a<br />

few injuries, the squad is slowly getting back<br />

together.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y currently sit fifth on the ladder, but<br />

So, I just study online and work now.<br />

“I would have to be a lot more dedicated to<br />

moving to make it.<br />

“This competition will probably be maybe<br />

where it ends but I would have loved to go<br />

further but I can’t say right now it will happen<br />

in the future as much as I wish I could.”<br />

Kylie thanks her coaches over the years from<br />

Miles and <strong>Chin</strong>chilla, stating she couldn’t<br />

have done it without them.<br />

“I also have to thank my family for taking me<br />

everywhere,”<br />

she said.<br />

“I couldn’t have<br />

done it without<br />

an escort.<br />

A<br />

congratulations<br />

also has to be<br />

given to Kylie’s<br />

sister Amity<br />

and fellow Miles<br />

netballer Nikkita<br />

Finden who<br />

were selected<br />

as training<br />

partners for the<br />

team.<br />

If someone from<br />

with five home games to come and already<br />

winning both home game this season, they<br />

may prove to be a force to be reckoned with.<br />

“We are working hard to try and make this<br />

our fortress where we try and win,” Hope said.<br />

“We have a bigger field than most and should<br />

try and use the width.<br />

“However, that doesn’t always work because<br />

most of the Toowoomba fields are smaller so<br />

you can get used to playing to a smaller field.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>refore, that’s definitely something we<br />

will be trying to work on in the future at home<br />

using our width a bit more.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bears have a bye next week before they<br />

are back at home against the Goondiwindi<br />

Roos.<br />

<strong>The</strong> game will be held at the <strong>Chin</strong>chilla<br />

Recreation Ground and kick-off will be at<br />

7pm.<br />



the selected<br />

team is unable<br />

to play, then the<br />

duo will have<br />

the opportunity<br />

to hit the court.<br />

However, with<br />

both at the age<br />

of 17, it’s likely<br />

that the pair will continue to work hard and<br />

trial again next year.<br />

“My sister is a defender and I’m a shooter, so I<br />

hate playing against her,” Kylie joked.<br />

“She’s pretty good and I think she’ll do well<br />

next year.”<br />

Pictured: Netball star Kylie Salisbury in action<br />

on the netball court.<br />




Advertise in <strong>Chin</strong> <strong>Wag</strong> NOW - Call 0411 896 004<br />

Supports Western<br />

Downs Artists &<br />

Events<br />

THE CHIN WAG - WEDNESDAY <strong>August</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> - Page 9

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