Composite Construction and Design - colincaprani.com

Composite Construction and Design - colincaprani.com

Composite Construction and Design - colincaprani.com


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3rd Architecture<br />

Introduction<br />

<strong>Composite</strong> <strong>Construction</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Design</strong><br />

<strong>Composite</strong> construction refers to any members <strong>com</strong>posed of more than 1 material.<br />

The parts of these <strong>com</strong>posite members are rigidly connected such that no relative<br />

movement can occur. Examples are:<br />

Timber <strong>and</strong> steel ‘flitch’ beams Timber-reinforced concrete<br />

Typical steel <strong>and</strong> concrete <strong>com</strong>posite construction<br />

<strong>Composite</strong> construction aims to make each material perform the function it is best at,<br />

or to strengthen a given cross section of a weaker material.<br />

Name <strong>and</strong> explain another form of <strong>com</strong>posite construction.<br />

1<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Behaviour of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams<br />

In the following, we consider only the case of structural steel sections <strong>and</strong> reinforced<br />

concrete slabs. A <strong>com</strong>parison of behaviours is:<br />

The non-<strong>com</strong>posite beam deflects further, hence it is less stiff. Note that the E-value<br />

hasn’t changed so it is the I-value that changes. In addition to the increase in stiffness<br />

there is also a large increase in moment capacity leading to reduced section sizes. The<br />

metal decking can also be used as permanent formwork, saving construction time.<br />

Non-<strong>com</strong>posite behaviour<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

The concrete slab is not connected to the steel section <strong>and</strong> therefore behaves<br />

independently. As it is weak in longitudinal bending, it deforms to the curvature of<br />

the steel section <strong>and</strong> has its own neutral axis. The bottom surface of the concrete slab<br />

is free to slide over the top flange of the steel section <strong>and</strong> slip occurs. The bending<br />

resistance of the slab is often so small that it is ignored.<br />

<strong>Composite</strong> Behaviour<br />

In this case, the concrete slab is connected to the steel section <strong>and</strong> both act together in<br />

carrying the load. Slip between the slab <strong>and</strong> steel section is now prevented <strong>and</strong> the<br />

connection resists a longitudinal shear force similar in distribution to the vertical<br />

shear force shown.<br />

3<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Composite</strong> <strong>Construction</strong> Layout<br />

<strong>Composite</strong> deck floors using shallow profiles are usually designed to span 2.5 to 4.5<br />

m between supports. When the deck is propped during construction the spans are<br />

around 4 to 5 m.<br />

Long span floors (12 to 18 m) are achieved by primary beams at 6 to 9 m centres.<br />

Shorter secondary beams support the slab (Diagram A). The type of grid shown in<br />

Diagram B offers services integration within the depth of the floor. Alternatively the<br />

secondary beams can be designed to span the longer distance so that the depths of the<br />

primary <strong>and</strong> secondary beams can be optimized.<br />

The Asymmetric Beam (ASB) system from Corus allows a squarer panel (Diagram<br />

C) <strong>and</strong> is designed to <strong>com</strong>pete with RC flat-slab construction.<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

Propped <strong>Construction</strong><br />

5<br />

Note that the beam layouts all<br />

describe simply-supported spans<br />

<strong>and</strong> this is usual. Continuous<br />

spans of <strong>com</strong>posite beams can<br />

cause problems, though can be<br />

very useful nonetheless.<br />

Over the support the concrete<br />

cracks (<strong>and</strong> these can be large);<br />

the steel must take the majority<br />

of the bending alone, <strong>and</strong> so a<br />

portion of the section is in<br />

<strong>com</strong>pression. Slender sections<br />

are prone to local buckling in<br />

<strong>and</strong> any intervening column may<br />

need to be strengthened to<br />

absorb the <strong>com</strong>pression across<br />

its web. Lateral-torsional<br />

buckling of the beam may also<br />

be a problem.<br />

The steel beam is supported at mid- or quarter-span until the concrete slab has<br />

hardened sufficiently to allow <strong>com</strong>posite action. Propping affects speed of<br />

construction but allows smaller steel sections.<br />

Unpropped <strong>Construction</strong><br />

The steel beams must carry the weight of the wet concrete on its own. By the time<br />

construction loads can be applied to the slab, some <strong>com</strong>posite behaviour can be used.<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Elements of <strong>Composite</strong> <strong>Construction</strong><br />

The elements that make up <strong>com</strong>posite construction are:<br />

There are two main forms of deck: shallow <strong>and</strong> deep. The figure above illustrates a<br />

typical shallow deck (50–100 mm) <strong>and</strong> below is a deep deck (225 mm) supported on<br />

an ASB. The deep deck systems are proprietary; we will only consider the design of<br />

shallow deck systems, though the principles are the same.<br />

The beams are ordinary structural steel sections (except for the ASB).<br />

The shear studs are normally 19 mm diameter 100 mm high studs, though there are<br />

different sizes.<br />

6<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams<br />

The design involves the following aspects:<br />

1. Moment capacity:<br />

<strong>Design</strong> the section such that the moment capacity is greater than that required.<br />

2. Shear capacity<br />

To ensure adequate capacity; this based on the steel section alone – as per usual<br />

structural steel design.<br />

3. Shear connector capacity<br />

To enable full <strong>com</strong>posite action to be achieved; these must be designed to be<br />

adequate.<br />

4. Longitudinal shear capacity<br />

Check to prevent possible splitting of the concrete along the length of the beam.<br />

5. Serviceability checks:<br />

a. Deflection;<br />

b. Elastic behaviour, <strong>and</strong>;<br />

c. Vibration.<br />

These checks are to ensure the safe <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>fortable use of the beam in service. We<br />

check to ensure it does not cause cracking of ceilings <strong>and</strong> is not dynamically ‘lively’.<br />

Also, we verify that it is always elastic when subjected to service loads to avoid<br />

problems with plastic strain (i.e. permanent deflection) of the beam. We will not<br />

consider checks on vibration <strong>and</strong> will only outline the calculations for the elastic<br />

check.<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams: Moment Capacity<br />

Just as in ordinary steel <strong>and</strong> RC design, the <strong>com</strong>posite moment capacity is derived<br />

from plastic theory. There are three cases to consider, based on the possible locations<br />

of the plastic neutral axis (PNA), shown below.<br />

When calculating the PNA location, we assume a stress of py in the steel <strong>and</strong> 0.45fcu<br />

in the concrete. The tensile capacity of the beam of area A is:<br />

Fs= pyA The <strong>com</strong>pression capacity of the slab depends on the orientation of the decking (Dp),<br />

<strong>and</strong> is:<br />

( )<br />

F = 0.45 f D −<br />

D B<br />

c cu s p e<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

where Be is the effective breadth of the slab. We also define the axial capacities of the<br />

flange <strong>and</strong> web as:<br />

Ff= BTpy<br />

F = F − 2 F or F = Dtp<br />

w s f w y<br />

Using the notation given, where the depth of the PNA is yp, we have three capacities:<br />

• Case (a): PNA is in the slab; occurs when Fc > Fs:<br />

⎡ D F ⎛ D s s − Dp<br />

⎞⎤<br />

Mc = Fs ⎢ + Ds − ⎜ ⎟⎥<br />

⎣ 2 Fc<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠⎦<br />

• Case (b): PNA is in the steel flange; occurs when Fs> Fc<br />

9<br />

( ) 2<br />

D ⎛ Ds − Dp ⎞ ⎧⎪ Mc = Fs + Fc⎜<br />

⎟−⎨<br />

2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎩⎪ Fs − Fc<br />

Ff<br />

T⎫⎪<br />

⋅ ⎬<br />

4<br />

⎭⎪<br />

(the term in the braces is small <strong>and</strong> may be safely ignored).<br />

• Case (c): PNA is in the steel web; occurs when Fw > Fc<br />

2<br />

⎛ Ds + Dp + D⎞ Fc D<br />

Mc = Ms + Fc⎜<br />

⎟−<br />

⋅<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠ Fw<br />

4<br />

where M s = pS y x is the moment capacity of the steel section alone.<br />

The effective breadth Be is taken as:<br />

B ≤ B = 0.25L≤<br />

S<br />

e<br />

where B is the width of the steel section <strong>and</strong> S<br />

is the centre-to-centre spacing of the<br />

<strong>com</strong>posite beams (2.5 to 4.5 m) <strong>and</strong> L is the<br />

(simply-supported) span of the beam.<br />

Don’t Panic!<br />

Case (a) is frequent; (b) less so, but (c) is very<br />

rare. Therefore, for usual design, only Fc <strong>and</strong><br />

Fs are required (ignoring the term in the<br />

braces). Note that if Fs> Fc,<br />

check that Fw >/ Fc<br />

to ensure that you are using Case (b).<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams: Shear Capacity<br />

The shear capacity is based on the capacity of the steel section only.<br />

The capacity is: Pv = 0.6 pyAv where Av= tD.<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams: Shear Connector Capacity<br />

The shear connectors used in ordinary <strong>com</strong>posite construction are dowel-type studs.<br />

Other forms used to be used, but headed-studs are now st<strong>and</strong>ard. They allow easy<br />

construction as they can be shot fixed or welded through the deck onto the beam,<br />

after the deck has been laid. In addition to the shear strength, the headed studs<br />

prevent the vertical separation, or uplift, of the concrete from the steel.<br />

Note that although some slip does occur (which reduces the capacity slightly) we<br />

usually design for full shear connection, though partial interaction is also possible.<br />

Shear plane<br />

The shear force to be transmitted is the smaller of<br />

Fc <strong>and</strong> Fs as calculated earlier. We only need to<br />

transfer shear in the zones between zero <strong>and</strong><br />

maximum moment. Therefore the number of shear<br />

connectors required in each half of the span (see<br />

diagram above) is:<br />

11<br />

N<br />

p<br />

( F F )<br />

min ,<br />

=<br />

Q<br />

c s<br />

p<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

Where Qp is the force in each shear connector, <strong>and</strong><br />

Q / 4 D ; > / 600 mm; longitudinally <strong>and</strong> as shown in the figure:<br />

s<br />

p<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams: Longitudinal Shear Capacity<br />

The force transmitted by the shear studs can potentially split the concrete along the<br />

weakest failure plane. Some such planes are shown:<br />

Perpendicular Deck Parallel Deck<br />

Failure planes a-a, b-b <strong>and</strong> c-c are usually critical; d-d has no strength contribution<br />

from the decking itself (which is possible, though we will always ignore this safely).<br />

Any reinforcement in the slab that crosses these planes is taken to contribute. The<br />

force per unit length to be resisted is:<br />

NQ T p<br />

v =<br />

s<br />

where s is the shear-stud spacing <strong>and</strong> NT is the number of studs across the width of<br />

the beam (1 or 2). This must be less than the capacity which is:<br />

( )<br />

v = 0.03 f L + 0.7A<br />

f<br />

r cu s sv y<br />

<<br />

( 0.8 )<br />

f L<br />

cu s<br />

where Asv is the area of reinforcement, per unit length, crossing the failure plane <strong>and</strong><br />

Ls is the length of the failure plane:<br />

• Plane a-a <strong>and</strong> c-c: L = 2D<br />

<strong>and</strong> A = 2A<br />

s p<br />

sv s<br />

• Plane b-b: L = 2h+<br />

d + s where st is the transverse spacing of the 2 studs <strong>and</strong> s = 0<br />

s t<br />

for only 1 stud. Also, A = 2(<br />

A +<br />

A )<br />

sv s sc<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> of <strong>Composite</strong> Beams: Serviceability checks<br />

For these checks we define the following:<br />

- the depth to the elastic neutral axis:<br />

x<br />

e<br />

Ds − Dp ⎛D⎞ + αer⎜<br />

+ Ds⎟<br />

2 ⎝ 2<br />

=<br />

⎠<br />

( 1+<br />

α r)<br />

A<br />

r =<br />

B D D<br />

14<br />

e<br />

( − )<br />

e s p<br />

- the second moment of area of the un-cracked <strong>com</strong>posite section:<br />

( )<br />

( + r)<br />

( )<br />

2 3<br />

A D+ D + D B D −D<br />

Ig = Ix<br />

+ +<br />

41 α 12α<br />

s p e s p<br />

e e<br />

where α e is the effective modular ratio which can be taken as 10 for most<br />

purposes; Ix is the second moment of area of the steel section alone; <strong>and</strong> the other<br />

symbols have their previous meanings.<br />

- the section modulus for the steel <strong>and</strong> concrete:<br />

Z<br />

s<br />

I g<br />

=<br />

D+ D −x<br />

s e<br />

Z<br />

c<br />

α I<br />

=<br />

x<br />

The <strong>com</strong>posite stiffness can be 3–5 times, <strong>and</strong> the section modulus 1.5–2.5 times that<br />

of the steel section alone.<br />

e g<br />

e<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

a. Deflection<br />

Deflection is checked similarly to ordinary steel design, the allowable deflection is:<br />

L<br />

δ allow =<br />

360<br />

Assuming a uniformly distributed load, the deflection is:<br />

4<br />

5wL<br />

q<br />

δ =<br />

384EI<br />

where wq is the imposed UDL only <strong>and</strong> E = 205 kN/mm 2 .<br />

b. Elastic behaviour<br />

We check that the stresses in the steel or concrete remain elastic under the service<br />

w = w + w :<br />

loads, that is, under ser g q<br />

where<br />

c. Vibration<br />

2<br />

wserL M ser = .<br />

8<br />

We will not check this.<br />

M<br />

M ser<br />

σ = < p<br />

σ , = < 0.45 f<br />

Z<br />

s, ser<br />

ser<br />

Zs<br />

y<br />

15<br />

g<br />

c ser cu<br />

c<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Example<br />

Check that the proposed scheme shown is adequate.<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Data<br />

Beam:<br />

- 457×152×52 UB Grade 43A (py = 275 N/mm 2 )<br />

- Span: 7 m simply supported; beams at 6 m centre to centre.<br />

- Section properties:<br />

Slab:<br />

A = 66.5 cm 2 ; D = 449.8 mm; tw = 7.6 mm;<br />

Ix = 21345×10 4 mm 4 ; tf = 10.9 mm; b = 152.4 mm<br />

- Ds = 250 mm<br />

T12-150<br />

Qk = 6.5 kN/m 2<br />

- Grade 30N concrete (fcu = 30 N/mm 2 )<br />

- Reinforcement T12-150: Asv = 754 mm 2 /m = 0.754 mm 2 /mm<br />

16<br />

457×152×52 UB<br />

250<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Solution<br />

Loading:<br />

The dead load of slab is:<br />

G = 0.25× 24 = 6 kN/m<br />

k<br />

Hence, the UDL to beam, including self weight:<br />

w<br />

w<br />

g<br />

sw<br />

= 6× 6 = 36 kN/m<br />

52× 9.81<br />

= = 0.5 kN/m<br />

3<br />

10<br />

So the serviceability <strong>and</strong> ultimate loads are:<br />

2<br />

17<br />

w = 6× 6.5 = 39 kN/m<br />

w = 36 + 0.5 + 39 = 75.5 kN/m<br />

w = 1.4( 36 + 0.5) + 1.6( 39) = 113.5 kN/m<br />

ser<br />

<strong>Design</strong> moments <strong>and</strong> shear:<br />

M<br />

V<br />

ult<br />

ser<br />

Moment Capacity:<br />

2 2<br />

wser L 75.5× 7<br />

= = = 462.4 kNm<br />

8 8<br />

wultL 113.5× 7<br />

= = = 397.3 kN<br />

2 2<br />

Effective width; B = 0.25L= 0.25× 7000 = 1750 mm<br />

e<br />

( )<br />

F = 0.45 f D −D<br />

B<br />

c cu s p e<br />

( )( )( )<br />

0.45 30 250 1750<br />

=<br />

3<br />

10<br />

= 5906.25 kN<br />

q<br />

M<br />

ult<br />

ult<br />

2 2<br />

wultL 113.5× 7<br />

= = = 695.2 kNm<br />

8 8<br />

Fs = pyA 275 66.5 10<br />

=<br />

3<br />

10<br />

= 1828.75 kN<br />

2 ( × )<br />

Thus we have Case (a): PNA is in the slab because Fc > Fs:<br />

Thus:<br />

⎡DF⎛ Ds − Dp<br />

⎞⎤<br />

s<br />

Mc = Fs ⎢ + Ds − ⎜ ⎟⎥<br />

⎣ 2 Fc<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠⎦<br />

⎡449.8 1828.75 ⎛250 − 0 ⎞⎤<br />

= ⎢ + − ⎜ ⎟ ×<br />

2 5906.25 2<br />

⎥<br />

⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦<br />

= 797.7 kNm<br />

−3<br />

( 1828.75) 250 10<br />

M c > Mult ∴OK<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Shear Capacity:<br />

Thus:<br />

P = 0.6 p A<br />

v y v<br />

−3<br />

( )( )( )<br />

= 0.6 275<br />

= 564 kN<br />

449.8 7.6 × 10<br />

Pv > Vult ∴ OK<br />

Shear Connector Capacity:<br />

Assuming a 19 mm × 100 mm high connector:<br />

Q = 100 kN from the table of characteristic stud strengths<br />

k<br />

( )<br />

Q < / 0.8Q = 0.8 100 = 80 kN<br />

p k<br />

Hence the number required in each half of the span is:<br />

min ( Fc, Fs)<br />

N p =<br />

Qp<br />

min ( 5906.25,1828.75)<br />

=<br />

80<br />

1828.75<br />

=<br />

80<br />

= 22.8<br />

We will use 24 studs as we are putting NT = 2 studs at each position along the beam.<br />

L<br />

s =<br />

2Np−1 7000<br />

=<br />

212 ( ) −1<br />

= 304.3 mm<br />

Hence use 300 mm c/c evenly spaced along the length of the beam.<br />

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3rd Architecture<br />

Longitudinal Shear Capacity:<br />

Consider these failure planes:<br />

The 110 mm transverse spacing is v ∴ OK<br />

110<br />

19<br />

a-a<br />

b-b<br />

100<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Serviceability: Deflection<br />

Calculate the area ratio:<br />

2<br />

A 66.5× 10<br />

r = = = 0.0152<br />

B D D<br />

( − ) 1750( 250 − 0)<br />

e s p<br />

Hence the second moment of area of the section is:<br />

( )<br />

( )<br />

2 3<br />

s p e s p<br />

A D+ D + D B D −D<br />

Ig = Ix<br />

+ +<br />

41 12<br />

( + αer) αe<br />

4 ( 2<br />

)(<br />

( + × )<br />

)<br />

6 4<br />

20<br />

( )<br />

( )<br />

2 3<br />

66.5× 10 449.8 + 250 + 0 1750 250 − 0<br />

= 21345× 10 + +<br />

4 1 10 0.0152 12 10<br />

= 1148× 10 mm<br />

Therefore the deflection is:<br />

4<br />

5wL<br />

q<br />

δ =<br />

384EI<br />

g<br />

( )( )<br />

5 39 7000<br />

=<br />

384 205 10 1148 10<br />

= 5.2 mm<br />

And the allowable is:<br />

Thus<br />

3 6<br />

( × )( × )<br />

L<br />

δ allow =<br />

360<br />

7000<br />

=<br />

360<br />

= 19.4 mm<br />

δ < δ ∴<br />

OK<br />

allow<br />

4<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Serviceability: Elastic behaviour<br />

In addition to our previous calculations, we need:<br />

2<br />

wserL M ser =<br />

8<br />

2<br />

75.5× 7<br />

=<br />

8<br />

= 462.4 kNm<br />

And the section properties, first the depth to the elastic neutral axis:<br />

x<br />

e<br />

Ds − Dp ⎛D⎞ + αer⎜<br />

+ Ds⎟<br />

2 ⎝ 2<br />

=<br />

⎠<br />

= 171.2 mm<br />

( 1+<br />

α r)<br />

e<br />

250 − 0 ⎛449.8 ⎞<br />

+ 10( 0.0152) ⎜ + 250⎟<br />

2 ⎝ 2<br />

=<br />

⎠<br />

( 1+ 10( 0.0152)<br />

)<br />

And the elastic section modulii;<br />

Z<br />

s<br />

I g<br />

=<br />

D+ D −x<br />

And the stresses;<br />

s e<br />

6<br />

1148× 10<br />

=<br />

449.8 + 250 −171.2<br />

6 3<br />

= 2.17× 10 mm<br />

M<br />

σ = < p<br />

sser ,<br />

ser<br />

Zs<br />

y<br />

6<br />

462.4× 10<br />

= < 275<br />

6<br />

2.17× 10<br />

= ∴<br />

2<br />

213.1 N/mm OK<br />

21<br />

Z<br />

c<br />

α I<br />

=<br />

x<br />

e g<br />

e<br />

6 ( × )<br />

10 1148 10<br />

=<br />

171.2<br />

= 67× 10 mm<br />

6 3<br />

M<br />

σ = < 0.45 f<br />

c, ser<br />

ser<br />

Zc<br />

cu<br />

6<br />

462.4× 10<br />

= 6<br />

67× 10<br />

< 0.45 30<br />

= < ∴<br />

( )<br />

2<br />

6.9 13.5 N/mm OK<br />

Hence both the steel <strong>and</strong> concrete stresses remain elastic under the service loads, <strong>and</strong><br />

so not permanent plastic deformations will occur.<br />

This design has passed all requirements <strong>and</strong> is therefore acceptable.<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Problem 1<br />

Check that the proposed scheme shown is adequate.<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Data<br />

Beam:<br />

- UB is Grade 43A<br />

- Span: 7.5 m simply supported; beams at 6 m centre to centre;<br />

- Use 1 shear stud at each location.<br />

Slab:<br />

T10-100<br />

Qk = 3.0 kN/m 2<br />

- Grade 30N concrete (fcu = 30 N/mm 2 )<br />

22<br />

406×140×46 UB<br />

250<br />

C. Caprani

3rd Architecture<br />

Problem 2<br />

An allowance of 2.7 kN/m 2 extra dead load is required for ceilings/services <strong>and</strong> floor<br />

tiles.<br />

Check that the proposed scheme shown is adequate.<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Data<br />

Beam:<br />

- UB is Grade 43A<br />

- Span 8 m simply supported; beams at 5 m centre to centre;<br />

- Use 2 shear studs at each location.<br />

Slab:<br />

T10-180<br />

T10-180<br />

Qk = 3.5 kN/m 2<br />

- Grade 30N concrete (fcu = 30 N/mm 2 )<br />

23<br />

457×152×52 UB<br />

180<br />

C. Caprani

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