1954년 미국 선거

1954 United States elections
1954년 미국 선거
1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 →
중간 선거
선거일11월 2일
현직 대통령드와이트 D. 아이젠하워(공화)
차기 의회84번째
상원의원 선거
전체적인 관리민주적 이득
경쟁 의석96석 중 38석
(32석 2석+9석 특별선거)[1]
넷 시트 체인지민주 +2
1954 United States Senate special election in California1954 United States Senate special election in Nevada1954 United States Senate special election in Ohio1954 United States Senate special election in Nebraska1954 United States Senate special election in New Hampshire1954 United States Senate special election in North Carolina1954 United States Senate election in Alabama1954 United States Senate election in Arkansas1954 United States Senate election in Colorado1954 United States Senate election in Delaware1954 United States Senate election in Georgia1954 United States Senate election in Idaho1954 United States Senate election in Illinois1954 United States Senate election in Iowa1954 United States Senate election in Kansas1954 United States Senate election in Kentucky1954 United States Senate election in Louisiana1954 United States Senate election in Maine1954 United States Senate election in Massachusetts1954 United States Senate election in Michigan1954 United States Senate election in Minnesota1954 United States Senate election in Mississippi1954 United States Senate election in Montana1954 United States Senate election in Nebraska1954 United States Senate election in New Hampshire1954 United States Senate election in New Jersey1954 United States Senate election in New Mexico1954 United States Senate election in North Carolina1954 United States Senate election in Oklahoma1954 United States Senate election in Oregon1954 United States Senate election in Rhode Island1954 United States Senate election in South Carolina1954 United States Senate election in South Dakota1954 United States Senate election in Tennessee1954 United States Senate election in Texas1954 United States Senate election in Virginia1954 United States Senate election in West Virginia1954 United States Senate election in Wyoming1954 United States Senate elections results map.svg
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1954년 상원의원 선거 결과

민주적 이득 민주당 홀드

공화당의 이익 공화당의 홀드
하원 선거
전체적인 관리민주적 이득
경쟁 의석총 435석
인기 투표율민주당 +5.5%
넷 시트 체인지민주당 +19
도지사 선거
경쟁 의석34
넷 시트 체인지민주 +8
1954 North Dakota gubernatorial election1954 Alabama gubernatorial election1954 Arizona gubernatorial election1954 Arkansas gubernatorial election1954 California gubernatorial election1954 Colorado gubernatorial election1954 Connecticut gubernatorial election1954 Florida gubernatorial election1954 Georgia gubernatorial election1954 Idaho gubernatorial election1954 Iowa gubernatorial election1954 Kansas gubernatorial election1954 Maine gubernatorial election1954 Maryland gubernatorial election1954 Massachusetts gubernatorial election1954 Michigan gubernatorial election1954 Minnesota gubernatorial election1954 Nebraska gubernatorial election1954 Nevada gubernatorial election1954 New Hampshire gubernatorial election1954 New Mexico gubernatorial election1954 New York gubernatorial election1954 Ohio gubernatorial election1954 Oklahoma gubernatorial election1954 Oregon gubernatorial election1954 Pennsylvania gubernatorial election1954 Rhode Island gubernatorial election1954 South Carolina gubernatorial election1954 South Dakota gubernatorial election1954 Tennessee gubernatorial election1954 Texas gubernatorial election1954 Vermont gubernatorial election1954 Wisconsin gubernatorial election1954 Wyoming gubernatorial election1954 United States gubernatorial elections results map.svg
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1954년 도지사 선거

민주적 이득 민주당 홀드

공화당의 홀드

1954년 미국 선거는 1954년 11월 2일에 치러졌다.그 선거는 공화당 대통령 드와이트 D의 중간에 치러졌다. 아이젠하워의 첫 임기이번 선거에서 공화당은 맥카시즘의 반발과 육군 청문회, 레스터 C 민주당 상원의원의 자살 등 수많은 논란으로 인해 지난 선거에서 승리했던 의회 다수당을 잃었다. 사냥하다.

하원에서 공화당은 18석을 민주당에 빼앗기면서 의석을 장악할 수 없게 되었다.공화당은 [2]1994년까지 하원을 재집권하지 않을 것이다.공화당은 또한 민주당에 [3][4]2석을 빼앗기면서 미국 상원을 장악할 수 없게 되었다.공화당은 [5]1980년까지 상원을 다시 장악하지 못할 것이다.

「 」를 참조해 주세요.


  1. ^ 네브래스카, 노스캐롤라이나, 와이오밍의 2급 상원 의석은 각각 1954년에 정기 선거와 특별 선거를 치렀다.이 세 자리는 총 의석 수에 대해 이중으로 계산되지 않습니다.
  2. ^ "Party Divisions of the House of Representatives". United States House of Representatives. Retrieved 25 June 2014.
  3. ^ Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 2, 1954. U.S. House of Reps, Office of the Clerk. 1955. Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  4. ^ "Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 2, 1954 (Revision)" (PDF). U.S. House of Reps, Office of the Clerk. Retrieved 27 December 2011.
  5. ^ "Party Division in the Senate, 1789-Present". United States Senate. Retrieved 25 June 2014.