2016년 함께

Together 2016

투게더 2016은 2016년 7월 16일 워싱턴 D.C.[1][2]내셔널 몰에서 열린 에큐메니컬 크리스천 행사였다.이날 행사에는 참석자들에게 영상연설을 한 프란치스코 교황을 비롯해 [1]40여 명의 연사가 참석할 예정이었다.[3]다른 저명한 연사들로는 기독교의 사과주의자 라비 자차리아스와 전도사 사무엘 로드리게스를 비롯해 음악가 르크래힐송 유나이티드 등이 있었다.[3]이 행사는 미국 역사상 가장 큰 기독교 행사다.[4][5]이 행사의 주최자인 닉 홀은 "우리는 이제 희망의 메시지를 꺼내야 할 때라고 생각한다"고 말했다.온갖 분열이 있어 치유를 기도하고 변화를 기도하고 있다."[citation needed]

당초 이날 행사는 오후 9시에 마무리될 예정이었지만 지나친 더위로 오후 4시에 끝났다.보도에 따르면, 경찰관들은 온열 관련 부상에 대한 350건의 의료 요청에 응답한 것으로 알려졌다.열분해 때문에 의식을 잃은 사람이 많아 응급의료 기술자들을 압도했다.[6]

2016년 스피커


  1. ^ a b Franco-Guzman, Ana (8 July 2016). "'Together 2016' aims to draw 1 million people of faith to National Mall". Catholic News Service. Retrieved 17 July 2016. The event will have 40 or more speakers, including Francis Chan, Josh Brewer and Hall, as well as recording artists, authors and leaders from different faith backgrounds.
  2. ^ Burke, Michael (15 July 2016). "Thousands of Christians to gather on National Mall for 'Together 2016'". USA Today. Retrieved 16 July 2016. Thousands of Christians will flock to the National Mall for the event, which Hall said is being targeted toward Millennials.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Law, Jeannie (7 June 2016). "Pope Francis Joins Lecrae, Hillsong at Historic 1 Million-Strong 'Together 2016' DC Event". The Christian Post. Retrieved 16 July 2016. Adding his name to the lineup of pomenant guest speakers and musicians is Pope Francis, who will deliver a video message addressing the crowd.
  4. ^ Cummins, Amy (23 June 2016). "Together 2016 to Unite Americans on National Mall for Historic Event". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 17 July 2016. If successful, Together 2016 will become the largest Christian gathering in American history.
  5. ^ Patton, Emma (5 July 2016). "Together 2016 aims to unify 1 million Christians in prayer on National Mall". The Washington Times. Retrieved 17 July 2016. The T-shirt is paraphernalia for an event called Together 2016, which aims to be one of the biggest gatherings of Christians in American history. The goal of Together 2016 is to get 1 million Christians to journey to the National Mall on July 16 for a day of unifying prayer. Nick Hall, the founder of the movement, hopes to unite people of all kinds.
  6. ^ (1) Zauzmer, Julie; An, Kirkland; Boorstein, Michelle (July 16, 2016). "'God break racism!' Evangelicals on D.C. Mall pray for hope and reconciliation". Acts of Faith. The Washington Post. Archived from the original on July 18, 2016. Retrieved August 27, 2020..
    (2) Uliano, Dick (July 16, 2016). "Together 2016 shut down early due to heat". Washington, DC, News. WTOP News. Archived from the original on August 5, 2020. Retrieved August 27, 2020..
  7. ^ "God's Warning? "Heat" Shuts Down Apostate 'Together 2016' Event". Pulpit & Pen. July 17, 2016. Retrieved July 25, 2018.

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