angsty ballerina

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Smol!Yuri and Tol!Otabek Headcanons

❤️ Otabek is mostly the big spoon. Yuri loves feeling of being so safe and warm in the arms if his bear

❤️Yuri likes to sleep directly on top of Otabek, though. Curled up like a kitten.

❤️️Yuri can be carried home piggyback style after long days. He often falls asleep and Otabek just *dies*

❤️️Even though he’s shorter, Yuri definitely takes up more space. He still ends up being quite tall, even if Otabek is taller. Yuri’s just all legs.

❤️️Otabek loves it though. And tickles his feet.

❤️️Otabek’s jumpers drown Yuri. They’re a great Fashion Statement with his booty shorts.

❤️️ Yuri stretches (See also: shows off his flexibility) by putting his leg up on Otabek’s shoulder.

❤️Otabek may be able to reach all the high shelves when they go shopping. But Yuri can swoop down to the low shelves without even bending his knees. One leg in the air, and all.

❤️Otabek likes to wear Yuri’s t-shirts as ~crop tops~. Totally not to wind him up by showing off his abs though, not at all.

Smol!Yuri Club Tol!Otabek Club otayuri yuri plisetsky otabek altin otayuri headcanon yoi yuri on ice yuri!!! on ice I'm on mobile excuse the heart bullet points lmao