Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball is a series based on the manga by Akira Toriyama. The manga consists of 17 volumes and the series consists of 151 episodes. The anime is quite faithful to the manga, allowing only a few deviations from the original story. There are therefore very few additions compared to Dragon Ball Z.
The origin of the story and its beginnings
The story tells the life of San Goku, a boy with a monkey's tail, directly inspired by the Chinese story "The Journey to the West", a novel by Wu Cheng En, also known as "The Journey to the West", "The Pilgrim Monkey" or "The Monkey King". In the manga and anime, San Goku is an innocent and candid little boy with a monkey tail and incredible strength. Since the death of his grandfather, he lives alone on a mountain with a wild and picturesque forest look.
It is in these mountains that he meets Bulma, a very intelligent but immature and impulsive city girl. She is searching for the seven legendary crystal balls known as the Dragon Balls. These magical balls are scattered across the land, and when reunited, they reveal the sacred dragon Shenron, a magical, invisible being who, like a genie, grants the wishes of those who conjure him. Unlike a genie, the sacred dragon grants only one wish.
San Goku's quest begins
San Goku will join Bulma in her quest to find the crystal balls, because his adoptive grandfather Sun Gohan, the one who taught him the basics of martial arts, also told him to be nice to girls. Moreover, the old man had given him one of the seven crystal balls, however, San Goku lost it, so he hopes to find it in memory of this father figure who raised him.
In the course of their quest, they meet many people. San Goku, who has never left his forest, even comes to learn martial arts from renowned masters, and has participated in several world championships. After many battles and epic battles, he becomes the most powerful martial artist in the universe. To reach this point, our hero has been accompanied by many friends, allies and he has also defeated many enemies, offering the most spectacular fights that enliven every moment of the story.
The story of a life
Son Goku is the protagonist of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball manga, which you can discover in our manga shop. He is also the hero of all the different animes referring to this universe. The story starts with San Goku as a young boy, who evolves throughout the story and becomes a more mature adult, he will then be married and father of two children. At the end of the story, he even ends up being a grandfather.
Son Goku is the epitome of ingenuity. A candid child at the beginning, but rich in great kindness, as he grows up, he gains a little maturity, especially when faced with the bereavement of certain friends, even if this is not inevitable, thanks to the crystal balls. He then assumes the role of a loving father when his son, Son Gohan, is born. Son Goku remains true to himself and continues to train and coach his son to become a true warrior who can later follow in his father's footsteps and save the Earth.
Dragon Ball has a wealth of characters such as Vegeta, Krilin, Freezer, Piccolo (Little Heart) and many more and you can also find them in our figure shop as well as all our other goodies and collectibles in our geek shop.