What's missing? Star Wars Rebels
Posted by CapnRex101,
The years between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope have been investigated extensively by Star Wars Rebels over the last couple of years and will soon be explored further in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. While Rogue One depicts the theft of the Death Star plans shortly before the action of the original film, Star Wars Rebels documents the development of the fledgling Rebellion as the crew of the Ghost combine with other rebel cells in an attempt to defeat the Galactic Empire.
Rebels only began in 2014 but has already been represented by nineteen sets, more than make up the Attack of the Clones range and almost as many as have been released in conjunction with The Force Awakens. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of gaps to be filled and Star Wars Rebels is therefore the subject of my latest 'What's Missing?' article.
The second season of Star Wars Rebels concluded in March and I will be discussing which scenes, vehicles and characters from across both seasons might lend themselves to an appearance in LEGO sets. The recent release of 75157 Captain Rex's AT-TE suggests that the sets released so far are not completely up to date and that we may therefore see sets based on the latter half of season two in future waves. I do not have any knowledge of which sets are coming next and if any of my ideas happen to be realised in the near future then that will be purely coincidental.
We are introduced to the crew of the Ghost as Kanan, Zeb and Sabine attempt to disrupt an Imperial shipment on Lothal but their efforts are only partly successful due to the interference of an orphan named Ezra Bridger. The group commandeers a couple of Imperial speeder bikes, represented in 75090 Ezra's Speeder Bike and the crates have appeared in 75141 Kanan's Speeder Bike, although Kanan's Joben T-85 speeder bike did not actually appear until much later in the first season.
Ezra is able to temporarily escape with a single crate but the threat of a TIE Fighter forces him to take refuge on board the Ghost where he forms an uneasy alliance with the crew. 75053 The Ghost was one of the first Star Wars Rebels sets to be released and the vessel has since appeared in every episode of the series. The original model is very impressive but I would not be adverse to a slightly larger one which could offer further interior detail, a feature which was lacking from 75053.
The team delivers food to a nearby settlement known as Tarkintown which houses citizens who have been displaced by Imperial mining operations. There they meet with Cikatro Vizago, a Devaronian criminal who swaps Imperial hardware for money and information, who reveals the location of some Wookiee prisoners who have been enslaved by the Empire. This information later proves to be false but the encounter demonstrates that helping the impoverished citizens of Lothal and other worlds sometimes necessitates working with disreputable characters.
Cikatro Vizago is unfortunately absent from the Rebels range at the moment but he did appear briefly as a minifigure in an episode of LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales. I hope that he and his IG-RM droids will be included in a set at some point, perhaps alongside Lando Calrissian and the smuggler's homestead. The criminal aspect of Star Wars Rebels has yet to be explored in LEGO but I hope that will change in future as episodes based on dealings with Vizago, Calrissian and Azmorigan are among the best in my opinion.
After briefly falling into an Imperial trap the Rebels learn the true location of the Wookiees and rescue them from enslavement on Kessel. Kanan is revealed to be a Jedi during the escape and he later takes Ezra, who has demonstrated force sensitivity as his apprentice. This episode also sees the brief appearance of the Auzituck Anti-Slaver Gunship which has been represented by 75084 Wookiee Gunship, a set released in 2015.
Ezra learns more about Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, Hera and C1-10P during subsequent adventures on Lothal and the neighbouring planet of Garel, where the team acquires a shipment of deadly T-7 ion disruptors. This episode features the Star Commuter Shuttle and RX-24, a character who first appeared at the helm of the StarSpeeder 3000 used for the famous Star Tours simulator ride. I would be fascinated to see the actual StarSpeeder 3000 realised in LEGO at some point, perhaps as an exclusive product at a convention, but a model of the Star Commuter Shuttle would be an impressive alternative.
The rebels next travel beyond the Lothal system to Stygeon Prime where they try to rescue Luminara Unduli who is reported to be imprisoned at an Imperial facility known as The Spire. Unfortunately this is revealed to be a ruse devised by the Inquisitor, a ruthless Pau'an who hunts Jedi on behalf of the Empire. The group barely escape with their lives but quickly return to form during a successful attempt to destroy an Imperial cargo.
The threat of the Inquisitor looms over the crew of the Ghost and is particularly fierce when they come across a Rodian informant named Tseebo who has downloaded Imperial intelligence. A new kind of TIE Fighter is introduced as the Rebels help Tseebo to escape and this was recreated in 75082 TIE Advanced Prototype despite only appearing a couple of times in the series.
Dangers continue to grow as the Rebels continue to achieve their objectives and Grand Moff Tarkin is eventually dispatched to assess the effectiveness of the tactics used against the Rebels. He has recently been included in 75150 Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-wing Starfighter but it would be nice to see another version of the character in his field uniform, as shown below.
Tarkin's harsh methods prove successful when Kanan is captured and tortured but even the calculating Grand Moff is taken by surprise at the daring of the rebels who rescue him. A cunning plan allows the group to free Kanan and they also dispatch the Inquisitor following a lightsaber duel but the rebels are only able to escape thanks to the timely arrival of several more ships which clear their way to jump into Hyperspace. Ahsoka Tano is revealed as the leader of this attack and the crew of the Ghost take comfort in the knowledge that they are part of a larger rebellion.
This is shortlived though as the Imperial presence on Lothal is increased and the rebels are forced into hiding. A mysterious Sith Lord arrives on the planet to hunt them down and the Jedi are easily bested in a lightsaber duel, forcing them to concede total control of Lothal to the Empire. The rebels rejoin the main fleet but are pursued and Phoenix Home, the rebel flagship, is destroyed by a single fighter. Ahsoka feels a disturbance in the Force upon the arrival of this pilot and is shocked to realise that Anakin Skywalker has turned to the Dark Side and is now Darth Vader.
Vader is unable to press his attack and the rebels escape but he dispatches two more Inquisitors to continue the pursuit. Meanwhile, another major character from Star Wars: The Clone Wars is introduced, Captain Rex. He is recruited on Seelos but not before an encounter with three AT-ATs which are defeated by an antiquated AT-TE. This vehicle was recently released in 75157 Captain Rex's AT-TE and the set also comes with the Fifth Brother who menaces Ezra, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper throughout the season.
However, the Seventh Sister has yet to be seen in minifigure form which is a great shame as she appears consistently alongside the Fifth Brother. Given that the Fifth Brother does not appear on the surface Seelos as his inclusion in 75157 Captain Rex's AT-TE would suggest it seems likely that the Seventh Sister could be included in just about any set based on Star Wars Rebels so I am sure she will appear in a future wave.
The crew embark on individual adventures which lead them to meet established characters such as Hondo Ohnaka and Cham Syndulla as well as new ones including Ketsu Onyo and Quarrie, the Mon Calamari designer of a powerful vessel known as the Blade Wing. This starfighter joins the rebel fleet and proves to be invaluable as it offers extraordinary firepower capable of destroying an entire Arquitens-class light cruiser. This would make a brilliant LEGO set in my opinion and might provide a perfect opportunity to include some desirable characters too.
I would also be delighted to see Ketsu Onyo in LEGO form alongside the Shadow Caster, her customised Lancer-class pursuit craft which is initially used against Sabine but later assists the rebel fleet in battle against the Empire. I expect Ketsu will appear again in future seasons and would not therefore surprised to see the Shadow Caster in an official set at some point.
The Mandalorian Fenn Rau undergoes a similar transformation as he uses a Fang Fighter to defend Concord Dawn against external influence. After destroying a number of A-wing Starfighters and wounding Hera in his first encounter with the rebels he decides to support them by allowing the rebellion to use Hyperspace routes which pass through his area of control. The Fang Fighters are fairly similar to 9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter but I would be pleased with a model which includes a Fenn Rau minifigure nevertheless.
Princess Leia also makes an appearance in the second season of Star Wars Rebels and it would be wonderful to see a minifigure version of the character as she appears in the animated series. Here she supports the Rebellion by delivering three Hammerhead Corvettes, although close supervision from Lieutenant Yogar Lyste forces the princess to use some deceptive tactics which make the Empire look foolish as the rebels escape with the transport ships to add to the fleet.
The rebels have been searching for a permanent base throughout the season and they are finally able to settle on Atollon thanks to Chopper and an Imperial droid named AP-5, who defects to the Rebellion. The planet is beyond Imperial control but still holds natural dangers such as the deadly krykna, spider-like creatures which prey upon just about anything small enough for them to eat, including the rebels!
The second season concludes with one of the most engaging chapters in recent Star Wars lore as Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka travel to Malachor in search of a means of stopping the Inquisitors. There they encounter Maul as well as the Fifth Brother, the Seventh Sister and Darth Vader! All seven characters engage in a series of lightsaber duels, culminating in the deaths of the Inquisitors as well as the loss of Kanan's sight.
Ahsoka finally meets Darth Vader in person and she makes an emotional appeal to her old master but is rejected and the two characters engage in a lengthy duel, the consequences of which have yet to be fully revealed. The events on Malachor should perhaps be recreated in LEGO but I cannot imagine an official set replicating the entire Sith Temple given the enormous size of the structure. Maybe a small set containing a blind version of Kanan, Maul and the Seventh Sister along with a section of scenery would be a more realistic and popular prospect.
To summarise, I am going to pitch set descriptions for three sets which I think would best fill the gaps in the range based on Star Wars Rebels. I have used some artistic license where necessary to create what I believe to be plausible sets and tried to spread them across various price points.
75212 Star Commuter Shuttle - £49.99, $59.99, €59.99 - Ezra Bridger, C1-10P (Chopper), Minister Maketh Tua, R2-D2, C-3PO, RX-24.
- Help the Rebels to disrupt Imperial plans!
- Remove the roof to seat the minifigures inside the passenger area.
- Lower the access ramp.
- Control the external fins by rotating RX-24 in the cockpit.
- Hide the T-7 ion disruptors in a secret compartment.
- Includes Star Commuter Shuttle, T-7 ion disruptor crate and six minifigures!
75213 Blade Wing Starfighter - £69.99, $79.99, €89.99 - Hera Syndulla, Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, Quarrie, BG-81.
- Fly into battle aboard the prototype Blade Wing Starfighter!
- Open the dual cockpits to seat the pilot and gunner inside.
- Convert the Blade Wing from its landed configuration to flight mode.
- Rotate the cockpits as the starfighter manoeuvres.
- Includes Blade Wing Starfighter and five minifigures!
75214 Hammerhead Corvette - £99.99, $119.99, €129.99 - Princess Leia Organa, Kanan Jarrus (Stormtrooper disguise), Captain Rex, Ryder Azadi, Seventh Sister, Lieutenant Lyste, Stormtrooper (x2)
- Expand the rebel fleet with the Hammerhead Corvette!
- Explore the detailed interior and take a seat in the cockpit.
- Turn the knob to deploy the landing gear.
- Lower the boarding ramp and load the supplies.
- Defeat the Imperial forces and release the gravity lock.
- Includes Hammerhead Corvette, gravity lock, rebel supplies and eight minifigures!
Let me know whether you agree or disagree with my suggestions in the comments below and post your own ideas.
Also, if you have not taken a look the four previous instalments then you can do so by following these links:
- What's Missing? The Phantom Menace
- What's Missing? Attack of the Clones
- What's Missing? Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- What's Missing? Revenge of the Sith
You might notice that this article has been published a little later than planned and for that I apologise. The next one, focusing on A New Hope, will be published on the last Sunday of this month and normal service will be resumed from then onwards.
37 comments on this article
I think it would be more apt to say there are 12 sets based on Rebels as the other 7 are polybags or minifigs. I like your B-Wing idea and could see a small representation of Quarrie's workshop as well. I think the Shadow Caster and Ketsu Onyo would be a pretty cool set to make for this line as well. Another chance to get Sabine, Chopper and some Imperials.
Excellent article! I think that there is a great chance that we will get both the B-wing and the Hammerhead. Since it rumored that the Rebels show will have a 3 to 5 year lifespan, I hope that Lego takes the opportunity to cram as many new or updated characters in each set and that they would cut down on simply putting the main characters in each set.
Thanks for the review again captainrex101! I'm hyped for ANH
I would definitely like to see another Mandalorian starfighter with Fenn Rau and a few of the Protectors throw in as minifigs. Maybe add another Sabine or Hera to the mix.
Another great article!
I agree that a Star Tours style model would be a great addition to the LEGO Star Wars line, but that particular episode of Rebels was kind of weak (seemed like it only served to awkwardly shoehorn C-3PO and R2 into the series). LEGO has made sets based on a whole slew of Star Wars properties - I wonder if they would just outright produce a set based on the Star Tours ride itself? They could include a minifig of Aly San San the hostess droid. They do have the partnership with Disney. I also think they could probably make a satisfactory version of the ship at a lower price point than $59.99. I would absolutely be interested in buying a set like this, depending on price and execution.
I'm not really all that interested in seeing another B-wing. It's a decent enough ship to be sure, but it barely shows up in the movies (just seconds of screen time), and has already been produced five times (six if you count Leia's modified ship from EpVII). I don't think seeing the ship in the color scheme they used in the show would be enough to justify a whole extra model, since the recent B-wing sets have been pretty close to perfectly accurate already. And if they did make it, I see no reason to include Sabine. I almost definitely would not buy this set.
I like the Hammerhead idea. I always like seeing additional frigate designs added to the LEGO Star Wars fleet (glad they are releasing Phoenix Home soon), and this design is very interesting visually. The character selection you've put together is a good set, especially for Leia, who has only appeared Endor-style recently. Would be good to see a minifig of classic 'New Hope' Leia in a new set.
I'm surprised you didn't pitch a Rebels Underworld themed set. Something with Lando, Azmorigan (figure styled like Unkar Plutt maybe?), Hondo, or Vizago and a couple of Lothal settlement structures would be great. We see so many ships as it is, a few more ground locations would be much appreciated.
In fact the fifth Brother appears in Ep2 S2 at the end of the battle of Seelos. Thanks for writing this .
@GeøDav - I think there is a good chance that we will see a Blade Wing set in the near future as the vehicle which appears in Star Wars Rebels is quite different to that which is seen in Return of the Jedi. Sabine would be an appropriate inclusion as she takes the gunner position at the end of the ventral wing while Hera is piloting the craft towards the end of the episode.
@Tehuri - He does appear at the end of the episode but not in the Seelos system.
"75182 Blade Wing Starfighter - £69.99, $79.99, €89.99 - Hera Syndulla, Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, Quarrie, BG-81."
Because Lego really needs an excuse to make yet another B-Wing =P
Great article as ever, Cap'n! Looking forward to Episode IV, here's to a decent sized Cantina set...
How many times has Darth maul been brought back to life now?
I'd buy the Star Commuter Shuttle just for an official 'Captain Rex' RX-24 figure. I'd rather have a Star Speeder 1000 or 3000 as a set. I just love the Star Tours ride!
No Malachor set? :(
I really hope the next AT-AT will be the rebels prototype variant. If Lego insist on remaking the set, this would give some much needed variety. Great article as usual!
As much as I want a red B-Wing, I think we need a new Blockade Runner more.
Another brilliant article, thanks CapnRex101! I would certainly buy the three sets described and a small Malachor set would be great too, particularly if Ahsoka was included.
I really wished they're released a full size fully-realised version of the Imperial Troop Transport. The battle pack version was just ridiculously undersized and in my opinion literally pointless for anything more than stormtrooper army building. MOC versions have proven how beautifully this could have been made as a full size product (not to mention a nice variation from the walkers, TIEs and speeder bikes that make up 99% of the Imperial catalogue). Sadly now that Rebels has left Lothal and its McQuarrie-designed Alderaan highways, I'm guessing this is less and less likely to ever get made.
I'm predicting the New Hope "What's Missing" will be quite short since that film has in my opinion been quite adequately represented in the line.
Excellent article... very well researched and informative. Thank you.
I had already been hoping to see a Star Commuter Shuttle set (although I didn't know that's what it is called) and a Minister Maketh Tua minifig before I read this article so I have to agree. The other set ideas would be most welcome as well.
Vizago has a really cool (old school) landspeeder in the episodes he appears in. I'd love to see him and his speeder in Lego form.
Some great suggestions, particularly the hammerhead - seems very believable and the shape is much more interesting than the retailer exclusive frigate we're getting soon!
However, is there anyone else out there that would like a Rebels Blockade Runner? I know at least one person has mentioned it. It's a good excuse to make a new version with slightly different colours and more characters. Any Mandalorian set is fine by me, so I'd like to see a Rebels representation there too. Pre Vizsla and Jango Fett's sky-high prices on BL show the demand is certainly there!
A great article and I'm loving the suggested sets. Looking forward to A New Hope!
I love how much Rebels seems to be pulling not only from all the original McQuarrie art, but from a lot of the really classic EU stuff, I forget what Hondo called it, but the same ship as Landos Lady Luck, idk if itd make a great set, but what WOULD make for a great set, and of similar pedigree is the Quasar Fire Cruiser. They could make the different ends of the ship different scales and put some little mini A-wings in the back like they did for the Imperial Assault Carrier with its little TIEs.
I was really looking forward to this article as I'm a big fan of the Rebels series. I had recently rewatched a handful of favorite episodes and thought about what I think was missed. Agree 100% with the ideas of the B-Wing and Fenn Rau and his ship. Those are the first two that came to mind. A Mandalorian set would also be a good opportunity to include Sabine's helmet since that has strangely only showed up in one set.
Great article!
I've got an idea,guys : a UCS lego ghost set.i know prequel trilogy sets rarely appeal to AFOL's, let alone if there was a rebels set, but although its a long shot, I think it would work well and appeal to KFOL's TFOL's and AFOL's alike.Plus they could add in exclusive Hera,Kanan,Zebb,ahsoka and Ezra figures with arm and leg printing.The model itself would be around 2050 pieces with 7 figures (seventh sister and young grand moff included) and would retail for about £150 or $250 in the us.
I think this is a possible set and has potential as a UCS set, after the disappointing assault on hoth and unrevealed death star.
They need Eight Brother and updated Maul, along with Bail Organa, Jedi Sentintels, and Zare Leonis. I like the B-Wing and Hammerhead though, I thought that the latest one is weak, the X-Wing has more weapons than the BOMBER, so they might add some more shooters, or brickbuilt heavier weapons.
Neat article but I would prefer a Tie Bomber given their appearance in one Episode where the Rebel crew is on Ryloth stealing an Imperial ship.
Looking forward to the OT articles...
I think it makes sense that the fifth brother was included in the AT-TE set. While he wasn't on Seelos he did make his first appearance at the end of 'The Lost Commanders' episode which was the second of the two episodes premiering the clones in Star Wars Rebels. Again, thanks for these articles! I'm really enjoying them. I'm kind of curious, when Rogue One comes out you wouldn't consider doing a "What's Missing' piece for it would you?
@CapnRex101: Good point about Sabine. I'd forgotten that she served as gunner at the end of that episode. Although, I still think it would be better to prioritize the other characters of Rebels to appear in new sets - Sabine just doesn't feature very often in the show, yet she has already appeared in more sets than the other main cast members, except for Kanan. Having watched the show, I'd say Zeb, Hera and (definitely) Ezra are more significant to the story, yet they each appear in fewer sets to date than Sabine.
I think they could definitely make a good set based on the prototype B-wing. I just don't see it as a prime contender, or anything that there would be significant demand for. Sure, as a prototype it is different from the final ship, but fundamentally it's still a B-wing, just stockier, with a gunner seat, and a different color scheme. I would much rather see models of new vehicles/ships/locations before we see 6th or 7th subtle variations of already made ships.
I can't believe no ones mentioned a Quasar Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier set, that would be sweet! Totally for the hammerheads though, love the rebel fleet ships!
Great article CapnRex! I think the article was great, but you backed off potentially great sets to state what is likely to be done by Lego.
I agree with GeoDav.
A broken horn ship or location with Vizago, Lando, Azmorigan would be great. A Malachor set is a necessity. This episode is one of the best things ever done in the Star Wars universe. Easily better than Phantom Menace and AOTC. I hope the new Bobba Fett show has more bounty hunters made into Lego like Zuckass and 4-LOM.
Great list, as a fan of the Rebels Cartoon I'd buy one of each set if they where produced.
I'd also like to see a Lothal TIE fighter with the smaller panels. A few websites mention how the ones produced on Lothal have smaller wings. A good example of the size difference can be seen in the "Hot Wheels" Star Wars toys, Target has a set that includes ships from multiple sources including the original trilogy and Rebels. It includes a TIE from each one, you can see a distinct size difference. If not the standard one then maybe a model of the TIE Sabine decorated. Another one that would be nice is the Mining TIEs (forget which episode they showed up). They're the Yellow TIEs with V shape in the leading edge of the panels.
I know it's to early for a re released version of the Corisant Police Gun Ship, but one of those in the color scheme from the Rebels Cartoon would be nice as well.
I agree with You'reOnlyYoungTwice, they really need to make a proper version of the Imperial Troop Transport, as they were very prominently featured during season 1. Hopefully they'll make an appearance in the live action movies, maybe even in Rogue One.
Funny coincidence, I've either built or am in progress building all 3 sets you pitch in this article, I even made a Quarrie minifig for the Blade Wing.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/132005172 @N03/
Ketsu Onyo's Shadow Caster, Fenn Rau's Mando Fighter would be my 2 most wanted, also Quarrie, Vizago, Tseebo, Old Hondo, Young Lando, Young Leia figs would be welcome additions.
They definitely need to make the rest of the Inquisitors, Jedi Temple Guards and a updated Maul. I'm still waiting for a Father, Brother and Sister set from the animated Clone Wars.
Like the proposed ideas-I think a Malachor set with Seventh Sister, Eighth Brother, and Maul would be an excellent option as well. A scene with Kanan and the Grand Inquisitor/Temple Guard and his crew would be sweet as well. Other than that I think you've hit up just about everything.
I'd love to see an Imperial Landing Craft. Lego has done one before but it is due for an update. This ship is featured in quite a few episodes.
The Imperial carrier shown in the "homecoming" episode would be quite an interesting LEGO model, although it would have to be very large. Maybe LEGO could reduce the number of hangers to 2 instead of 4.