Like with Pok�mon's previous iterations, this game has various people dotted around the region who have the ability to aid you in various ways. This page is to detail those characters

Name Rater

Location: Camphier Town

Within the Pok�mon Center in Camphier Town, there is this elderly man. He has the ability to change the nickname of any of your Pok�mon to anything you desire. However, he does not have the ability to do this to Pok�mon you have received in trades or from events.


Location: Cyllage City

Next door to the Pok�mon Center in Cyllage City, you will find this woman who will gladly offer to massage your Pok�mon for you. This will increase its happiness stat. However, he gets exhausted by doing it so can only do it once per day.

Happiness Checker

Location: Laverre City

Within the Pok�mon Fan Club in Laverre City, there is this girl who will look at the Pok�mon in the front of your party. She will tell you how happy it is with various statements. This can be done any number of times throughout the day.

Statement Values
X & Y: It's amazingly friendly toward you! It must be so happy spending every day with you! 250+
X & Y: You must really like your and always keep it by your side! 200-249
X & Y: Well, I think you and ____ will be an even greater combo someday! 150-199
X & Y: It's a little bit Friendly to you... Something like that.
X & Y: Hmm...I think you have a lot of time ahead of you to get to know one another better
X & Y: Don't tell me! Are you just letting it get knocked out in Pok�mon battles?!B2W2 Bianca: You aren't getting along, are you? It's glaring at you with a look that's kinda scary 1-49
X & Y: Don't tell me! Are you just letting it get knocked out in Pok�mon battles?!. 0
Effort Values

Location: Laverre City

Within the Pok�mon Fan Club in Laverre City, the Fan Club president will check the Effort Values of the Pok�mon, should you not wish to use Super Training. If your Pok�mon has maxed out the Effort Values, then he will give your Pok�mon the Effort Ribbon.

Move Reminder & Deleter

Location: Dendemille Town

In the house north-east of the Pok�mon Center in Dendemille Town you will find the Move Reminder and the Move Deleter. The Move Deleter is the old man on the left, and he'll delete any move for you. On the right, the woman will reteach your Pok�mon any move in its level up for the price of a single Heart Scale. In addition to that, she will now help your Pok�mon remember any Egg Moves they once had.

Hidden Power Checker

Location: Anistar City

In the house at the absolute south-east of town, you will find this Psychic. He will give you the TM for Hidden Power and then be able to check any Pok�mon in your party and inform you what type the move will be should they learn it.

IV Judge

Location: Kiloude City

In the Pok�mon Center is the special IV Judge. This man will tell you the best of your Pok�mon's stats, in fact telling you multiple stats this time. In addition to that, he will rate the overall potential your Pok�mon has, giving a rating of all of the IVs of the Pok�mon.