Everything you need to know about prenatal appointments

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Prenatal appointments are routine check-ups scheduled during pregnancy to monitor the health and wellbeing of you and your growing baby. During these appointments, healthcare providers can promptly address any questions or concerns you may have.

During a prenatal appointment your healthcare provider will perform various tests to track your pregnancy. The frequency of these check-ups may vary based on your health, how far along you are, and whether you have any medical concerns or risk factors that warrant you being checked more often.

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Here's what to expect during your prenatal appointments.

Who provides my prenatal care?

Most pregnant women can choose the type of prenatal caregiver they want, whether that's with a family doctor, midwife, nurse practitioner or an obstetrician (OBGYN). This all depends on what's available in your community and what's covered by your provincial or territorial health system.

In most cases, you can opt to be under the care of a midwife. Midwives care for low-risk healthy moms and their babies throughout pregnancy, at birth and for up to six weeks postpartum. Most pregnancies fall into the low risk category (AOM nd). You don't need to be referred to a midwife by a doctor, just simply contact your local clinic. You can find a clinic through midwives associations in most parts of Canada. Visit the Canadian Midwives AssociationOpens a new window for a list by province.

Read more about finding a midwife.

Your caregiver will go through your complete medical history. If they see something they feel puts you at a higher risk, you'll be referred to an OBGYN, who can then decide whether you should be transferred to their care, either short-term or for your whole pregnancy.

Where do I go for prenatal appointments, and how often?

Most people have their check-ups at the office or clinic of their prenatal caregiver. In many places you'll only visit the hospital for your ultrasounds and any special tests. Ultrasounds may also be done at free-standing clinics.

How often you go for prenatal check-ups after the first visit will vary slightly. As a rule, if you have a 'normal' pregnancy, you'll see your prenatal caregiver once a month until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly after that until delivery (Ontario Midwives Association nd).

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Will I see the same caregiver throughout my pregnancy and birth?

It all depends. Midwifery practices all work slightly differently in terms of who's on call and how many midwives are on a team. It's likely you'll be in the care of a small group of midwives, so there's a good chance you'll know the midwife who actually delivers your baby.

If you're under your family doctor or OBGYN for prenatal care, you'll see them throughout your pregnancy, although a different doctor could be present at your birth instead.

When you first meet with your doctor or midwife, it's a good idea to ask how their practice works, and what happens if they're not on call when you deliver.

Some family doctors provide your prenatal care until the third trimester, then transfer you to an OBGYN for the final weeks.

If you're seeing a nurse practitioner for your prenatal care they will work with a doctor or a midwife for the delivery of your baby.

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What happens at my first prenatal appointment?

The timing of your first appointment will vary based on where in Canada you live. You'll see your prenatal caregiver as soon as you can once you learn you're pregnant. It's a good idea to ask around for names of OBGYNs before you go to the first prenatal appointment. That way, you can request a named referral, if you end up needing one.

Be prepared for lots (and lots!) of questions (and form filling). Your caregiver needs to get a complete picture of your health, your partner's health and your medical history. Here are some of the things they may ask you:

Date of last menstrual period (LMP)

Knowing the date of your LMP helps them to work out your due date, although a dating ultrasound is a better method to determine that (see Ultrasound scans, below) (SOGG nd(c)).

Past miscarriages, abortions and births

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These are all things that could have a bearing on how well you cope with pregnancy this time around. It can also affect how your pregnancy and labour are managed (HealthLink BC 2017).

Family history of disease/genetic conditions

Screening is available for known genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis (see Blood tests below), so if you have a family history, your doctor can explain and arrange tests if you wish.

Your doctor may also offer you a blood test to screen for conditions more common to you or your partner's ethnicity, such as sickle cell disease, which is more common in people of African, Middle Eastern, Asian, Indian and Mediterranean descent (HealthLink BC 2017, American Society of Hematology nd).

In addition, having a family history of allergies, heart disease or other medical conditions could all impact your pregnancy. So, make sure you go in prepared with details (HealthLink BC 2017).

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Your health

At your first visit, your prenatal caregiver will do a full physical exam. They'll take your blood pressure and chart your height and weight so they can work out your body mass index (BMI). They'll also offer you a Pap smear if you're due for one (HealthLink BC 2017).

Your lifestyle

You'll be asked a few questions about how much alcohol you drink and whether you smoke (tobacco and marijuana). Both can affect your baby's health. Your prenatal caregiver will likely offer advice or suggest organizations that can help you quit smoking or stop drinking, if needed.

Your prenatal caregiver will also provide advice on what to eat while pregnant, and important supplements you should be taking, such as folic acid and vitamin D (Perinatal Services BC 2018).

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Where to have your baby

Early on, your prenatal caregiver may explain your birth options, so you'll have plenty of time to think about them and discuss with your loved ones. The options will vary based on where in Canada you live. In some places, if you're under the care of a midwife, you may have the option of a home birth or having your baby at a birth centre.

What other prenatal checks will I be offered?

Measuring your baby

Your prenatal caregiver will feel (palpate) your abdomen to make sure your uterus and baby are growing as they should be. As you get closer to your due date, they'll feel your belly to see how your baby is lying. They'll also listen to your baby's heartbeat.

Once you hit 20 weeks, your care provider will start to measure, in centimetres, the size of your belly (from the pubic bone to the top of the womb). They'll do this with a tape measure. The reading should be roughly the same as the number of weeks you're pregnant, give or take 2-3cm, if your baby's growth is progressing well (Mayo Clinic 2017).

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If there are any concerns about your baby's growth, you may be referred to a hospital or a diagnostic clinic for an ultrasound.

Urine tests

You'll be asked to give a urine sample to check for:

  • bacteria, which can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • high blood sugar levels, which are a sign of gestational diabetes
  • protein can be a sign of pre-eclampsia
  • sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea(GoC 2023). (This one might be a swab rather than a pee test.)(Perinatal Services BC 2018, HealthLink BC 2017)

Blood tests

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Blood tests involve taking a small sample of your blood, which is then tested for:

  • your blood group
  • whether your blood is rhesus negative or positive
  • anemia
  • immunity to rubella, if you have no record of past immunity or no proof that you've had the vaccine
  • STIs such as syphilis and, if you agree to it, HIV
  • hepatitis B (Boucoiran and Castillo 2018, SOGC nd(b), HealthLink BC 2017, GoC 2023)

Later in your pregnancy you'll have other tests:

Ultrasound scans

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The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) recommends that all pregnant women have two ultrasounds:

  • Dating ultrasound at 11 to 14 weeks to establish your baby's gestational age and detect if there is more than one baby. In some areas, midwives offer a dating scan only if you're unsure of the date of your last period.
  • Anatomic ultrasound at 18 to 20 weeks. This one is to check that your baby is growing properly, and that your placenta is positioned in a way that won't cause problems with the birth. (SOGC nd(c))

Prenatal genetic screening

Prenatal genetic screening looks for signs of certain genetic abnormalities in an unborn baby, such as Down syndrome or spina bifida. In Canada, all pregnant women should be offered the option of prenatal genetic testing, but it's your choice whether or not to have it. Results can provide vital information, but they can also prove tough to deal with (SOGC nd(a)).

Prenatal genetic screening involves blood tests and a nuchal ultrasound scan. The type of tests that you can have will depend on where you live and how far along you are in your pregnancy (SOGC nd(b)).

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The result of a prenatal screening test does not tell you for certain that your baby has a condition. It can only tell you the chance that your baby might have it.

If a screening test shows that your baby has a higher chance of having Trisomy 18, spina bifida or Down syndrome, you may choose to have a test that can tell you for certain. These tests could include:

  • A detailed ultrasound.
  • Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, in which a needle is inserted into your uterus to remove either amniotic fluid or placental cells for examination. These two procedures carry a small risk of miscarriage. (SOGC nd(b))

What if I'm worried about something between prenatal visits?

If you're ever concerned, don't wait until your next prenatal appointment. Call or visit them sooner.

What if I've got health issues or pregnancy complications?

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, or if you develop a complication during your pregnancy, you'll likely be referred to an OBGYN if you're not already in their care. They will then decide who should provide your prenatal care going forward. Sometimes, care is shared between an OBGYN and a family doctor, midwife or nurse practitioner.

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If you have a problem in late pregnancy, such as a rise in blood pressure or a concern that your baby is not moving around a lot, you may be referred to a hospital for tests.

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American Society of Hematology. nd. Sickle cell disease. www.hematology.orgOpens a new window [Accessed September 2019]

Association of Ontario Midwives. nd. Pregnancy. www.ontariomidwives.caOpens a new window [Accessed August 2019]

Association of Ontario Midwives. nd. What is a Midwife? www.ontariomidwives.ca/what-midwifeOpens a new window [Accessed December 2023]

Boucoiran I, Castillo E. 2018. No-368 – Rubella in pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol 40(12):1646-1656. www.jogc.comOpens a new window [Accessed August 2019]

Government of Canada. 2023. Section 6-4: Canadian guidelines on sexually transmitted infections – specific populations - pregnancy. www.canada.caOpens a new window [Accessed August 2019]

HealthLink BC. 2017. Pregnancy: first prenatal visit. www.healthlinkbc.caOpens a new window [Accessed August 2019]

Mayo Clinic. 2017. Pregnancy week by week. www.mayoclinic.orgOpens a new window [Accessed August 2019]

Perinatal Services BC. 2018. Early prenatal care summary and checklist for primary care providers. www.perinatalservicesbc.caOpens a new window [Accessed August 2019]

SOGC. nd(a). Your pregnancy: Prenatal genetic screening. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. www.pregnancyinfo.caOpens a new window [Accessed July 2023]

SOGC. nd(b). Your pregnancy: Routine tests. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. www.pregnancyinfo.caOpens a new window [Accessed July 2023]

SOGC. nd(c). Your pregnancy: Routine ultrasound. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. www.pregnancyinfo.caOpens a new window [Accessed July 2023]

Caitlin McCormack
Caitlin McCormack is a writer based in Toronto. She specialises in health, pregnancy and parenting content and her work has appeared in MSN, HuffPost, What to Expect, Today’s Parent, and Mashable, among others.