Cousins’ Weekend: Part II

DSC_0377A few interesting facts about last weekend: The young blond babe with the green-frosted cupcake pictured above (Gabe) is a mere two years old yet has the voice of a man, and demands answers when asking questions such as “Where’s my Mom,” and “Get milk.” And this fact leads adults to treat him much older than he is, from either fear or respect. I haven’t figured out which yet. DSC_0337


DSC_0333Fact: Though there was a little conflict, the above two cousins found time to cuddle on a sunshine-warmed trampoline mid-party. Also, despite months of Andrew and I asking Oliver to let us cut his hair, he was adamantly against it. Until Casey left, and he said to me out of the blue on Monday afternoon that he would like short hair just like Casey. Also, he said “Uncle Billy will be so proud!!!”DSC_0397Fact: I have the best sisters-in-law a gal could ask for. DSC_0322

DSC_0363Fact: There truly is nothing more fun than mud. And the mud kitchen became a mud house inhabited by mud zombies. Who later got hosed off by Uncle Billy… who enjoyed the hosing a little too much. DSC_0399



DSC_0411Fact: Spoons do not stick well on the pug noses of my offspring, but Liam seemed to do just fine. Also, after tears and numerous practice-rounds in the privacy of his own room, Milo finally got it. For a dollar! DSC_0390


DSC_0083Fact: Seriously. I started calling Gabe “The Dude” just because. I mean, look at him!DSC_0078





Fact: That, my friends, is a lot of kids. And we miss them already.

3 thoughts on “Cousins’ Weekend: Part II”
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  1. I’m jealous! So jealous! Craig and I are both only children so we don’t have get togethers like this…they look like so much fun! Also a little (a lottle) in love with your house. Every time I see pictures from the outside I get hearts in mah eyes.

  2. Love this togetherness!! Love your blog! My kids don’t have any first cousins yet but I see from your pics that they (we) have a lot to look forward to. Now, if everyone could just live in one place, right? Happy for you!

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