Jumpin’ Through Hoops



These cousins! On the last day of the three-day adventure with family, we hosted a get-together in our overgrown backyard complete with Andrew’s amazing barbecue ribs, tons of food, and… a little-person circus!DSC_0309



DSC_0297The best part? We didn’t plan it. The kids asked for us to bring the mini trampoline up from our basement (which, I might add, was the one thing that kept us from losing our everloving minds this past winter) and soon it was outside. After they fished out some musical instruments (including a slide-whistle) and a hula hoop, they were up to all sorts of shenanigans. DSC_0299







We adults thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, but the kids definitely provided ample entertainment and so much laughter! DSC_0317And tonight, after a couple of much-needed days of recuperation (and some serious laundry and cleaning and stocking back up on food), Andrew and I are going out to see a show with a couple of friends. Frankly, the entire month of May seems like a blur, so I am so excited about this next month: parties with friends, our big Paris trip, more family adventures, and hanging out at the pool. June is already cracking up to be an amazing month!

7 thoughts on “Jumpin’ Through Hoops”
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  1. Oh man. That looks like so much fun. I can’t wait until my own girl is hanging out with cousins doing crazy stuff!! Have fun at the show! Also…. I know you already posted about Paris eons ago BUT OMG! I am SO JEALLLLOUS! 🙂

  2. Those crazy animals, I’m amazed looking at these photos that there were no stitches this time! There’s always Cousin Camp…at least the camp medic is on location. Can’t wait to hear about your Paris trip. Envy.

  3. Great action shots, I am not sure how Lizzy fit though that hoop. Thanks for being the photographer and hostess this past weekend. We had a great time, and you made it super easy for me.

  4. Lauren, thank you for those joyous pictures. They make me look forward to when my little boy (10 months) gets older and really starts to play with other kids. Just wanted to let you know that I soo enjoy reading your blog – it’s always the first thing I do once my son goes down for a nap. Again, thank you for that!

  5. Thank you, Maggie! We do have a lot of fun. I’d say there’s plenty of crying and yelling, too, but we live life hard! 🙂

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