Eaton School District Logo

Leadership Team

The Eaton School District Board of Education

The Eaton RE-2 School Board of Education meets the second Monday of each month for its regular board meeting. The meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the District Office located at 211 1st Street in Eaton. The public is encouraged to attend.

Jennifer R. Gurnsey - Treasurer

Director District A

Term Expires 11/25

Email: [email protected]

Jeff Oatman - Vice President

Director District C

Term Expires 11/25

Email: [email protected]

DeAn Dillard - Secretary

Director District E

Term Expires 11/27

Email: [email protected]

Brad Sharp - President

Director District D

Term Expires 11/25

Email: [email protected]

Tim Mahaffey

Director District B

Term Expires 11/27

Email: [email protected]

Photo of Board of Directors

Tim Mahaffey, Brad Sharp, DeAn Dillard, Jeff Oatman, Jennifer Gurnsey

BOE Minutes BOE Agenda Map of Director Districts Policy Manual

District Administrative Staff

Jay Tapia


Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 610

[email protected]

Marcy Sanger

Director of Student Services

Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 613

[email protected]

Theresa Muniz

Exec. Admin. Asst. to the Superintendent/BOE

Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 611

[email protected]

  Alicia Pierce

  Receptionist, Customer Service

  Accounts Payable Technician

  Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 602

  [email protected]

Luke Gonzales

Chief Financial Officer

Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 616

[email protected]

Annita Alvarez

Accounting Specialist

Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 600

[email protected]

Pattie Marino


Phone (970) 454-3402 ext. 609

[email protected]

Lakyn Reinert

Employee Services

Phone (970) 454-3402

[email protected]

Billy Johnston

SIS Administrator

Database Manager

Phone (970) 454-5142

[email protected]

Antonio Felix

Educational Technology Coordinator

Phone (970) 454-5138

[email protected]

Diane Holmberg

Accounting Technician

Phone (970) 454-3402

[email protected]

Superintendent's Message

On behalf of myself and our entire staff WELCOME to Eaton School District RE-2,

It is both a privilege and an honor to serve as your superintendent for the Eaton and Galeton communities. I have been in education for the past 23 years, at the elementary, middle, and high school level, and I have been fortunate to serve in four different school districts. With that said, Eaton School District has the hardest working, driven, passionate, dedicated students and staff I have had the opportunity to work with. The reason we work for this district and these students is our motto, “Our Business is Children,” and that is something that I truly believe in.

I feel it is our job as educators to do everything we can to prepare your students for the next step beyond high school. The best part of this career is hearing from students about what their plans are in the future. We need to cultivate these dreams and help them become reality. Please let me know how I can help you.


Jay Tapia

Superintendent, Eaton School District RE-2

Jay Tapia, Superintendent
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