Public exhibition of the draft amendment provided members of the community with the opportunity to have a say in the management directions for the park.
The park is in the Blue Mountains region of New South Wales. Key issues addressed in this amendment include:
- construction of sections of walking track to create a multi-day Wollemi great walk through Wollemi and Gardens of Stone national parks, including the development of a campground for walkers
- construction of short walks and lookouts in the former Newnes State Forest, which was added to Wollemi National Park in May 2022
- changes to cycling access to sections of existing tracks to enhance visitor experiences in the area.
What is a plan of management?
Parks and reserves established under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 need to have a plan of management. The plan includes information on important park values and provides directions for future management.
Once the plan is adopted, no management operations can be undertaken in the park unless they are consistent with the plan.
Plans of management may be amended to support changes to park management or proposed works.
Why is an amendment being prepared?
The current plan of management was adopted in 2001. An amendment is being prepared to facilitate the establishment of a multi-day Wollemi great walk through Wollemi and Gardens of Stone national parks, including the development of a campground for walkers.
The amendment will also allow for the construction of short walks and lookouts in the former Newnes State Forest, which was added to Wollemi National Park in May 2022.
Cycling access to sections of existing tracks will also be modified to enhance visitor experiences.
A draft amendment to the Gardens of Stone National Park plan of management is also being prepared to facilitate a Wollemi great walk.
When will the amendment be finalised?
At the close of the public exhibition period, we consider all submissions on the draft amendment and prepare a submissions report.
We provide the Blue Mountains Regional Advisory Committee with the amendment, all the submissions and the submissions report. They consider the documents, make comments on the amendment or suggest changes, and provide advice to the Minister for the Environment.
The Minister considers the amendment, submissions and advice, makes any necessary changes and decides whether to adopt the amendment under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
Once an amendment is adopted, it is published on the department's website and key stakeholders, including those who made a submission on the draft amendment, will be notified.