United Nations/Chile Conference on Space Law and Policy:
Governance and Legal Perspectives on Space Activities in Earth Orbit and Beyond

Virtual Conference

10-12 May 2022 (Virtual)

Update: Programme: click  here !


Presentations and Recordings

Day 1 - 10 May - The Legal Regime of Outer Space and Governance - An Overview

The legal regime of outer space - An overview of fundamental principles of international space law - Michael Newman (UNOOSA)

The application of international law to space activities, including aspects of customary international law - Tare Brisibe (Former Chair LSC)

International Space Law and the Environment - Tanja Masson-Zwaan (Leiden University)

Governance and space law and policy development from a Latin American perspective - Miguel Navarro (ANEPE)

The role of the Legal Subcommittee of COPUOS in the global governance of outer space activities - Nomfuneko Majaja (Chair LSC)

Norms of Responsible Conduct followed and promoted by Chile in Outer Space Activity - Hernán Tello Chilean Air Force


Day 2 - 11 May Perspectives on Space Traffic Management and the Governance of Outer Space Activities

The United Nations Register of objects launched into outer space -  Natercia Rodrigues  (UNOOSA)

Frequency allocation for operation free from interference in outer space - Veronique Glaude (ITU)

Update on Space Assets Protocol of the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Assets - perspectives of space economy  Hamza Hameed  (UNIDROIT)

Bringing the benefits of space to all countries: a guidance document on the legal framework for space activities - and the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities -  Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd (Chair WG TRE, LSC)

The question of the definition and delimitation of outer space - perspectives on governance and space traffic management -  Olavo Bittencourt  (Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS - SP/Brasil)

Dark and Quiet Skies - Impact of space activities on terrestrial astronomical observations - governance perspectives -  Andrew Williams  (ESO)

Towards a regime for Space Traffic Management - governance perspectives - Kai-Uwe Schrogl (IISL)


Day 3 - 12 MayGovernance of activities on the Moon and Other Celestial bodies - and the question of space resources

The establishment of the working group on legal models for the exploration, exploitation, and utilization of space resources in the Legal Subcommittee - Andrzej Misztal (Chair, WG on space resources, LSC)

Key Legal challenges arising from natural resource extraction of celestial bodies - Steven Freeland (Vice-Chair, WG on space resources, LSC)

Overview of Building Blocks for Space Resources as a potential legal framework for sustainable exploration of celestial bodies -  Mahulena Hoffman (Luxembourg University)

Governance of the Moon and other celestial bodies based on a common and coordinated vision: Perspectives from developing countries -  Rosa Ma Ramirez  (Former Chair COPUOS)

Safety, Security and Sustainability of Outer Space Activities - overall governance perspectives

Governance and the question of safety, security and sustainability of outer space activities -  Nayef Al-Rodhan  (Geneva Centre for Security Policy)

Space and the Common Agenda -  Markus Woltran  (UNOOSA)

Conclusions and Observations - Niklas Hedman (UNOOSA)



The Space Law Conference, which follows a series of 14 annual Conferences and Workshops, is proposed to be organized virtually from Vienna, with the support of the Government of Chile, the Chilean Air Force and the National Academy of Political Studies, ANEPE.

International and regional cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space helps to bring the benefits of space technology applications to a wide circle of stakeholders, both governmental and non-governmental, and to intensify and diversify national space programmes. Policy and regulatory frameworks at the national, regional and international levels are of paramount importance for providing the necessary basis for States, particularly developing countries, to meet development goals and address challenges to sustainable development. In this connection, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the linkages between international space law and the conduct of space activities.

The following main areas will be addressed: 

  • The legal regime of outer space and governance - an overview
  • Perspectives on space traffic management and the governance of outer space activities
  • Governance of activities on the Moon and other celestial bodies - and the question of space resources
  • Safety, security and sustainability of outer space activities - overall governance perspectives

Lately, the topic of space resource exploration, exploitation and utilization brings scientific and technical aspects of space activities and international space law together in a new and undefined ways. While the manner in which such activities are carried out raises novel legal issues, there has been a concerted global push to understand what is permissible under the existing international space law regime. The Conference this year will raise this issue in the context of the newly established working group on space resources under the Legal Subcommittee. Other topical areas included in the Conference are, inter alia: Space traffic management; large constellations and megaconstellations; and dark and quiet skies. The Secretary-General "Our Common Agenda" and the Summit of the Future will also be addressed.

As a general background, each year, in its resolutions on international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space, the General Assembly reaffirms the importance of international cooperation in developing the rule of international law, including the relevant norms of international space law and their important role in international cooperation for the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and of the widest possible adherence to international treaties that promote the peaceful uses of outer space in order to meet emerging new challenges, especially for developing countries. The Assembly recognizes that all States, in particular those with major space capabilities, should contribute actively to the prevention of an arms race in outer space with a view to promoting and strengthening international cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.

In today's world, where the number of actors that engage in space activities increases every day, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that all actors comply with the requirements of international space law in developing international and regional space cooperation.

The successful implementation and application of the international legal framework governing space activities depend on the understanding and acceptance of that framework by policymakers and decision makers. The availability of professionals who can provide suitable legal advice and disseminate information and knowledge about space law, in particular in developing countries, depends on the availability of adequate education opportunities in space law and policy.

This Conference will be held in order to promote adherence to the five United Nations treaties on outer space and to assist States in building their capacity in space law, and thus help them to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Conference Objectives

The objectives of the Conference are to:

  1. Promote understanding, acceptance and implementation of the United Nations treaties and principles on outer space;
  2. Consider the contribution of space law to economic and social development;

  3. Consider trends in and challenges to international space law;

  4. Discuss novel areas in international space law and policy and governance of outer space activities;

  5. Consider mechanisms for increasing regional and international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space;

Preliminary Programme

Draft Programme is Available Above!

The Conference will be structured by discussions in the following topics. In addition, renowned experts in the field will be invited as speakers. The Conference will mainly comprise presentations followed by questions and answers.

The following topics will be considered in dedicated sessions:

  • Promoting responsible, peaceful and safe use of outer space
  • Long-term sustainability of outer space activities
  • Legal regime of outer space and global governance
  • National legal and policy frameworks related to outer space activities
  • Strengthening capacity-building in space law and policy

Kindly note that the Conference organizers may modify the number and themes of sessions of the final programme.


Dates: The Conference will be held from 10-12 May 2022

Venue: The Conference will take place online via WebEX

Working Methods

Speakers at the Conference are requested to deliver an oral presentation via WebEx.

On 9 May 2020 at 15:00 (CET), the presenters will have the opportunity to conduct a test run of their presentations online.

Presentations made at the Conference will be published on the website of the Office for Outer Space Affairs ( www.unoosa.org) before the Conference to facilitate engagement of participants. Videos of the presentations will be made available to the participants via an online platform after the end of the Conference.

Target Audience and Expected Participants

The Conference is envisioned to reach more than 200 participants. It addresses members of the diplomatic community, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and institutions focusing on space law and policy, policy-and-decision makers, senior experts, legal professionals and practitioners, and university educators, in particular, from developing countries.

Representatives from United Nations Member States will be invited to the Symposium, together with representatives of various United Nations entities and other international organizations, with the objective of fostering dialogue not only between policy-makers, but also with the private sector and end users.

The Office is committed to achieve 50/50 gender balance in its programmes and ensuring a balanced representation from different perspectives. Women are encouraged to apply.

Deadline for Registration

Registration for the Conference is open until 8 May 2022!, - Register through this form.


For information regarding the organization and registration of the Conference, please contact:

Mr. Michael Newman

Office for Outer Space Affairs

[email protected]

Language of the Conference

The working language of the Conference will be English and Spanish.

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