Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities:
2024, Forty-third session

31 October 2024 (with a standalone training component on 28 October 2024), New York


The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, in its capacity as UN-Space secretariat, is pleased to announce that the forty-third session of UN-Space will be held on 31 October 2024 in New York, with the support of the Capacity Development and Operational Training Service (CDOTS) of the Department of Operational Support. This is the first time UN-Space is partnering with CDOTS and it looks forward to new areas of collaboration.

UN-Space encourages representatives of entities of the United Nations system, in line with General Assembly resolution 78/72 of 11 December 2023 (A/RES/78/72), to participate, as appropriate, in UN-Space coordination efforts. 

Forty-third session of UN-Space

A dedicated meeting of UN-Space, open to representatives of all United Nations entities, will be held on 31 October 2024. 31 October will focus on, inter alia, orientations on the latest developments in the peaceful uses of outer space and discussions on improving coordination in obtaining and sharing commercial satellite imagery across the United Nations system.

Following on a joint meeting of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Capacity-building and Data Democracy and UN-Space, held in March 2023, which focused on the identification of needs of Member States and United Nations entities for capacity-building in the use of space-based observations, a standalone training day will also be arranged as a component of the forty-third session.The training will feature sessions led by the NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) and Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) programs, highlighting Earth observations and satellite data analysis and providing a hands-on experience. By the end of this training attendees will be able to: recognize how remote sensing observations can inform decision making; identify how to locate applicable NASA datasets and tools that support decision-making and policy; and apply workflows to access and visualize NASA datasets. The training will take place in-person only on 28 October 2024. All learners are welcome to register, but would need to fund any travel themselves.

The same individuals need not join both the training day and the regular session.

Relevant documents for the meeting:

Background on the Inter-Agency Meeting

The Inter-Agency Meeting is a mechanism set up in the mid-1970s to promote collaboration, synergy, exchange of information and coordination of plans and programmes of United Nations entities (departments, offices, funds, programmes and specialized agencies) in the implementation of activities involving the use of space technology and its applications. In December 2013, the General Assembly, in its resolution 68/75, recommended that the InterAgency Meeting on Outer Space Activities be referred to as "UN-Space".

Contacts, registration and deadlines

The UN-Space team would appreciate receiving confirmation of attendance at the meeting at the earliest convenience, preferably by no later than 4 October 2024. For queries and attendance confirmation please contact the UN-Space secretariat at: un-space[@]

As spaces in the standalone training, to be facilitated by NASA, are limited, separate registration for the training is required. Interested individuals needed to register by 20 September 2024. Those who are selected to join will be informed directly.

Reference documents

General Assembly resolutions

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