Engineering Research
Materials Science
Engineering Series
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) on behalf of participating universities signed Read & Publish Agreement with TTP for 2024.
All users affiliated with participating institutes get access to the entire content including backfiles and retain perpetual access rights to the material published in 2024.
Would you like to benefit from the deal and submit individual article for Open Access publication? Please request submission on this link.Participating Institutes:
1 RWTH Aachen University
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen
2 Albstadt-Sigmaringen University
Hochschulbibliothek Albstadt-Sigmaringen
3 Berliner Hochschule für Technik
Berliner Hochschule für Technik, Hochschulbibliothek
4 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
5 Bielefeld University
Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld
6 University of Bremen
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen
7 Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research
8 Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Esslingen Bibliothek
9 TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Universitätsbibliothek Freiberg
10 South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen Bibliothek
11 Leibniz University Hannover
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
12 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Bibliothek
13 Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Hochschulbibliothek
14 Münster University of Applied Sciences Bibliothek der FH Münster
15 Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm, Bibliothek
16 University of Rostock
Universitätsbibliothek Rostock
17 Leibniz-Institute for New Materials
18 Max-Planck-Institutes Stuttgart Library
Max Planck Institutes Stuttgart Library
- MPI for Solid State Research
- MPI for Intelligent Systems
19 University of Stuttgart
Universitätsbibliothek Stuttgart
20 Hochschule Ulm
Technische Hochschule Ulm – Bibliothek
21 Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Bibliothek
List of Periodicals:
- Advanced Engineering Forum (AEF)
- Advanced Materials Research (AMR)
- Advances in Science and Technology (AST)*
- Applied Mechanics and Materials (AMM)
- Constructions Technologies and Architecture (CTA)*
- Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF)
- Diffusion Foundations and Materials Applications (DFMA)
- International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa (JERA)
- Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (JBBBE)
- Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials (JMNM)
- Journal of Nano Research (JNanoR)
- Key Engineering Materials (KEM)
- Materials Science Forum (MSF)
- Nano Hybrids and Composites (NHC)
- Solid State Phenomena (SSP)
- Engineering Innovations (EI)**
- Engineering Chemistry (EC)**
* Proceedings Series
** Gold OA journal
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Would you like to benefit from the deal and submit individual article for Open Access publication? Please request submission on this link.
Special publication offers for conferences organised/edited by researchers from universities participated in Read&Publish agreements with TTP are available. Please fill in the form with an university note in the Additional Comments field.
For more information and clarification please contact us at [email protected]
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ORCID states: “Submission of suspected fake research papers has been a growing problem for some time now, and it shows no sign of slowing down. This growing problem undermines the integrity of the scholarly communication system and also puts enormous pressure on many stakeholders in the process, including editors of scholarly publications as well as those tasked with investigating academic misconduct at publishers, research institutions, and funders.”
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ORCID number can be added to your profile, if it is not yet assigned to your Scientific.Net account, we encourage you to assign it now. Follow the brief ORCID Record Guide to add it yourselves or contact our support team at [email protected].Trans Tech Publication is committed to the distribution and dissemination of scientific knowledge and the latest advances in the broad field of materials science and engineering to the vast audience of those engaged in the subject. We consider Open Access (OA) publishing as an efficient instrument serving that purpose that enables full, free and immediate access to the publication for all the interested.
TTP is continuing to take efforts to ensure the best publishing opportunities for all clients and making its way into OPEN ACCESS through new Transformative Agreements in Austria (TU WIEN) and Italy (CNR) as well as a consortial Transformative agreement for GERMANY through TIB, Hannover. The agreements enable the academic communities of the new entrants into the programme to have full reading rights (back to volumes 1 of all periodicals) as well as full publishing opportunities with No Article Processing Charges (APC’s) for CC-BY-4.0 articles.
We would encourage you to explore the benefits of the Transformative agreement with us for your own academic Organisation or Institute and have gathered answers to the most popular questions about this initiative in a FAQ OA document, which you are invited to download here.
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Engineering Chemistry
(p-ISSN 2813-6527; e-ISSN 2813-6535)
Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Patrizia Bocchetta from University of Salento (Italy) and Prof. Citlalli Gaona-Tiburcio from Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (Mexico)
In 2023 we start publishing a new journal Engineering Chemistry (EC). It is devoted to the most recent research and development concepts in chemistry, chemical engineering, and related topics. The journal aims to give scholars and commercial sector representatives worldwide a platform to present, discuss and promote their ideas, methodologies and achievements.
Call for Papers: The journal considers for publication the full-length papers in the form of scientific or review articles and research communications. The articles are peer-reviewed and published Open Access under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).
The first volume contains articles on three topical directions: biofuel production, hydrometallurgy and environmental protection. Membrane microfiltration of glycerol from biodiesel, analysis of challenges in syngas fermentation for bioethanol production, a method for controlling the purity of produced dimethyl ether, investigation of extraction technology for manganese sulfate solution purification in hydrometallurgical production and the review of progress on the use of carbonaceous catalysts activated persulfate for degradation of antibiotic pollutants in wastewater are the topics of articles collected here. This volume will be helpful to specialists in chemical production. Readers can also look at the results of the design and experimental investigation of cube satellite, pico hydro generator for the low energy consumption, and agricultural drone. The structural elements of these devices were produced by 3D printing technologies.
Main Keywords of the first volume are Biotechnology, Biodiesel, Glycerol, Bioethanol, Syngas, Fermentation, Biocatalyst, Membrane, Microfiltration, Dimetil Eter, Reactive Distillation, Spherical Colloidal Cluster, Manganese Sulfate, Hydrometallurgy, Purification, antibiotic pollutants, Degradation, Wastewater Treatment More information about the journal can be found on
With its numerous new topics - also borne out by the new authorship - students and teachers, scientists and engineers will greatly benefit from this new book. The topics are presented in the same praised manner as in previous editions, readable at three levels:
- an initial feel for the subject is obtained by consulting the figures and their detailed captions;
- a deeper understanding of the underlying physics is found by working through the main text;
- 15 appendices offer a detailed analysis of the various theories, by providing detailed derivations of the relevant equations.
Particularly Novel: the final chapter 8 on microstructure-selection explains how to combine the concepts of the preceding chapters to model the real microstructures formed during complex processes such as additive manufacturing, and the new detailed phase-field appendix which opens the door to the accurate computer-modelling of growth-forms.
This new 5th edition is of high interest to undergraduate and graduate levels and professionals. For orders you are welcome to download the Order Form.
TTP has its primary goal to publish high-quality academic content in materials science and engineering and, in addition to distributing it on Scientific.Net, strives to ensure worldwide easy access to materials through third-party platforms to accommodate their readers. As of 2023, our eBooks are available for sale on the Torrossa full-text platform. The relevant agreement with Erasmus has been signed to distribute the many books which have been published by TTP since 1967.
The Torrossa digital bookstore now offers more than 300,000 works from over 160 publishers. Their friendly website aims to make access to the content easier which is supported by additional features enabling the discovery of the relevant content and sample pages for each title as well as assisting users to discern the material most pertinent to their research area. Advanced searchability and accessibility are ensured through increased search functionalities – keyword searching is extended and new facets allow for further filtering of search results.
The platform also offers improved navigation of content by the specific publisher and Torrossa says institutional users will benefit from a personalised catalogue, based on the content subscribed to within their library.
Enjoy state-of-the-art scientific publications by TTP across the globe with Torrossa.In 2022, TTP introduced the book collection “Scientific Books Collection” (SBC) to cover the newest developments in different areas of materials science and engineering and highlight the research results discussed and shared at the top international conferences. These include: International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials, International World Energy Conference, AUTEX World Textile Conference, Sustainable Green Construction and Nano-Technology, Energy Storage Technology and Applications, Contribution of Metallography to Production Problem Solutions and many others.
These conferences bring to light the latest academic outputs in the broad area of materials science and engineering, from theoretical and computational research to prototyping and engineering application.
Over 2022, the collection has been enriched with 34 titles. For insight into the covered topics, we advise you to read the section “Books” with short annotations and ToC available for every title.
SBC is continuously evolving and comprising new titles in an attempt to promptly and efficiently disseminate the results of the scientific forums in their fields.
For more information and orders, please contact our team at [email protected].The International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) Fall Seminar is approaching. This year it will be held between December 13-15 and will be hosted by the ETH Library in Zurich, one of the largest public scientific and technical libraries in Switzerland.
Being the renowned Swiss publisher in materials science and engineering, we at Trans Tech Publications Ltd. (TTP) / Scientific.Net could not miss such an event which rallies the international libraries, publishers, scholars and other representatives of the scientific community from all over the world.
We will be visiting the seminar in person and will be happy to use this opportunity to discuss with our colleagues, partners and clients the potential and advantages of OPEN ACCESS through either READ & PUBLISH agreements or/and Transformative agreements. It’s worth mentioning that the recognised technical universities and consortia already joined this initiative via the relevant agreements with TTP.
We would like to encourage you to register for the event and meet with us at this academic forum face-to-face. Registration for the IATUL Fall Seminar is still open until November 11, don’t lose your chance to immerse in science and knowledge.
Link to the event: (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) is an initiative formed by NISO (National Information Standards Organization). Libraries and publishers wish to make available consistent, credible, and comparable usage reporting. In this light, COUNTER helps libraries understand how content they obtain from a variety of vendors and publishers is being used.
For a publisher or vendor to be considered “COUNTER-compliant,” they must undergo an independent audit to show compliance with the COUNTER Code of Practice (that their usage reports follow the standard reporting structure).
In terms of the usage reports provided, COUNTER reports include usage information on journals, databases and books, and provide standards for recording & reporting online usage stats for consistency, credibility & compatibility among vendors.
Release 5 is designed to balance the needs of quality reports with the need to make things simpler so that all content providers can achieve compliance and librarians can have usage statistics that are credible, consistent and comparable.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd. provides its subscribers with the reports of Release 4 and Release 5.
If you want more information on the latest release for the Code of Practice, the Project COUNTER website has further details, or stay on Editor Resources for more detail on understanding research metrics.