TLDR: If you have other things to "waste" your time on, then do that instead, otherwise you can give this a go.
IMO, the major problems with the show are:
- Plot Drops/Continuity
- Story pacing is too fast
- Cliff Hanger Ending
- I think this show could/should have been A LOT better if the episode length were normal, It feels like, they tried to jam 24 mins of content into 13 min episodes, as if they're trying to tell the "hobbit+lotr" worth of content in ~160 mins.
- The plot twists were entry level/weak, but fantastic and interesting at the same time. The storyscape/characters/abilities are interesting, but the 12eps was really just the "intro" into what seems like the main plot.
- Other thoughts: For some reason, it feels very similar to "Monster Strike", but with an interesting story (imo), and "Phi Brian".