Such a great adaptatoin for great novel! !
Wonderful story and beautiful animation and each character was great! ! Although there is some people hate it just because it's too kid-friendly compared to the novel but also there is a Lot of people who love it and they said it's an excellent adaptation! ! A must see!!
Both titles are part of the World Masterpiece Theatre series, as such general similarities are given.
They are both about a young girl who has to suffer hardships and poverty in her daily life after losing her parents. Despite that, both heroines never lose their will and grow up while staying as kind-hearted and honest as they were at the beginning of the story.
Explanation by keitarou on Friday, 14.05.2010 21:50
Both titles are set in an Europe of the early 19th century (UK/France) and are about a young girl who lives a stable life but is suddenly thrown into a seemingly never-ending sequence of poverty and hardships after losing their closest family (respectively father/mother). However, despite facing many problems they both never lose their honest and kind nature and try their best to cope with the circumstances while growing up from their initial innocence.