The College of Arts and Sciences is seeking nominations for the 2024 Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. Full details about the award can be found on the CGS website. The fields for this year’s awards are: 1) Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering and 2) Social Sciences. In each category, only one institutional nominee can be selected. We will use the following timeline/process:
- Monday, June 10 – Nominations due to College of Arts and Sciences
- Submit nomination materials electronically to Dr. Brian Orefice ([email protected]), Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies.
- ASC nominations will be competing with nominations from other colleges in each category, so the Graduate School will identify the institutional nominee.
- Nominees must have had their doctoral degree awarded between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2024.
- Nomination packet includes (in one single PDF file):
- An abstract of the nominee’s dissertation (not to exceed 5 double-spaced pages). Appendices containing other material, such as charts, tables, and/or references may be included as additional pages. All pages should be numbered, and each should bear the name of the nominee.
- Three letters of recommendation letter evaluating the significance and quality of the nominee’s dissertation work. One letter is to be from the nominee’s dissertation supervisor, another from a member of the nominee’s dissertation committee, and the third from a person of the nominee’s choice.
- The nominee’s curriculum vitae (not to exceed five pages).
- Monday, June 24 – Nominations due from College of Arts and Sciences to the Graduate School
- Wednesday, July 3 – Graduate School submits materials to CGS