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- Al
- Al-01
- Al-04
- Al-05
- Al-06
- Al-07
- Al-1
- Al-4
- Al-5
- Al-6
- Al-7
- Al-Hassan Kanu
- Al1 cong 2018
- AlWood School District tax increase referendum, 2009
- Al Adam (Thousand Oaks City Council District 4, California, candidate 2024)
- Al Adinolfi
- Al Antkoviak (Munro Township Board of Trustees At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Archer
- Al Arndt (Preston Town Board Chairperson, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Arndt (Preston Town Board Chairperson (Adams County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Atkins
- Al Austin
- Al Austin (California)
- Al Austin (Texas)
- Al Auxier (Kendall County Sheriff, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Al Bain
- Al Bain (Michigan)
- Al Bain (North Carolina)
- Al Baker
- Al Baldasaro
- Al Barber
- Al Barlas
- Al Barman (Allen County Schools Board of Education District 5, Kentucky, candidate 2024)
- Al Batt (Hartland Township Town Clerk, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Bauer (Knute Township Town Supervisor Seat A, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al BellaVance
- Al Bennett
- Al Bennett (Weldon City Schools Board of Education, North Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Al Beranek (Mishicot Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Berube (Perham Hospital District Board Pine Lake Township, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Beyer (Waukechon Town Board Supervisor 2, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Big Al Pirollo (Bristol Borough School District, At-large, Pennsylvania, candidate 2023)
- Al Booth
- Al Bosman (Lima Town Board Supervisor, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Bouie
- Al Bower (Clark County Board of Supervisors District 13, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Branch (City of Wagoner Councilmember Ward 4, Oklahoma, candidate 2025)
- Al Braxton
- Al Cacciottolo
- Al Campbell (Leelanau County Commissioner District 5, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Caporaso
- Al Carlson
- Al Carota
- Al Carr
- Al Carr (Montgomery County Council, District 4, Maryland, candidate 2022)
- Al Cercone
- Al Chavez (San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency Board Division 1, California, candidate 2024)
- Al Chesson
- Al Christensen (Ringle Town Board Chairperson, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Christensen (Ringle Town Board Chairperson (Marathon County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Cobb (Caledonia Township Clerk, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Cooksey (Jefferson County Superintendent of Schools, Florida, candidate 2024)
- Al Cooper (Warren County Board of Commissioners District 5, North Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Al Cottingham
- Al Cox
- Al Crisp (Dawson County Commissioner Precinct 3, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Al Cunningham
- Al Cutrona
- Al Dahlgren
- Al Dahlgren (St. Cloud Area School District, At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Daniels (Satilla River Soil and Water Conservation District Board Camden County Seat, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Al Danner
- Al Davis
- Al Davis (Louisiana)
- Al Davis (Nebraska)
- Al DeKruif
- Al Deno
- Al DiBrito (Berrien County Sheriff, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al DiNuccio
- Al Dinuccio
- Al Dixon
- Al Doering (North Freedom Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Dorn (Mayor of Madison Lake, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Doty
- Al Dunlap
- Al Durante
- Al E. Alonso, Jr.
- Al E. Alonso Jr.
- Al Edmondson
- Al Edwards
- Al Eisenberg
- Al Espenschied
- Al Faulstich
- Al Felton (West Memphis City Council Ward 5 Position 2, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Al Ferraro
- Al Filidoro
- Al Flowers
- Al Franken
- Al Franken (old)
- Al French
- Al French recall, Spokane County, Washington (2024)
- Al Frenzel
- Al Gabe (Almena Village President, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Galvez
- Al Garcia (Kleberg County Court, Texas, candidate 2022)
- Al Gardner
- Al Garrett, Jr.
- Al Garver
- Al Gerber
- Al Giordano
- Al Goldstein (Lake Ashton Community Development District Board Seat 5, Florida, candidate 2024)
- Al Goracke (Blaine City Council, Ward 3, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Gore
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Abortion
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Agricultural subsidies
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Budgets
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Education
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Federalism
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Foreign affairs
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Gay rights
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Government regulations
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Healthcare
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Immigration
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/International trade
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Labor and employment
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Natural resources
- Al Gore possible presidential campaign, 2016/Taxes
- Al Green
- Al Green (Missouri)
- Al Green (Texas)
- Al Green (politician)
- Al Gross
- Al Gui
- Al Haga (Plover Village Trustee Ward 2, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Haga (Plover Village Trustee Ward 2, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Haga (Portage County Board of Supervisors District 15, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Haidous
- Al Hamburg
- Al Hansen
- Al Hansen (Winchester Town Board Chairperson, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Hardwick
- Al Hatcher (Crawford County Schools school board District 2, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Al Heggins
- Al Hein
- Al Heitkamper
- Al Hernandez
- Al Hernandez (California)
- Al Hernandez (Florida)
- Al Hess (Mayfield City School District, At-large, Ohio, candidate 2023)
- Al Higginbotham
- Al Hoang
- Al Hodges (Greenville County Treasurer, South Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Al Hoover
- Al Hoover (Mayor of Hickory, North Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Al Howard
- Al Hull (Mayor of Mounds View, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Iacocca
- Al J. Carrion
- Al Jabbar
- Al Jacquet
- Al Jaeger
- Al Jensen
- Al Joe Hinson
- Al Johnson (Chesterfield County Council District 3, South Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Al Johnson (Percy Township Town Supervisor Seat A, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Jones
- Al Jones (Arizona)
- Al Jones (New Hampshire)
- Al Juhnke
- Al Kamenski (Oakfield Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Keller (Johnson Creek School District, At-large, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Keller (Johnson Creek Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Knable (Floyd County Commissioner, District 1, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Al Knight
- Al Knight (Wibaux County Commissioner Board District 2, Montana, candidate 2024)
- Al Kocher (Fall River Township Trustee Board At-large (LaSalle County), Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Al Koistinen
- Al Kosharek (Highland Town Board Chairperson, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Kramer
- Al Krause (Oneida Town Board Supervisor 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Kremeier (Fergus Falls City Council Ward 3, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Krulick
- Al Kruse
- Al Kuhn (Shawano County Board of Supervisors District 17, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Kuypers
- Al Lacina (Scott Township Trustee Board (Johnson County), Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Al Landis
- Al Larsen
- Al Larson (Lake Country School District, At-large, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Lawson
- Al Leach
- Al Leber
- Al Lee
- Al Leonard, Jr.
- Al Lewis
- Al Liese
- Al Light (Winona City Council At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Linder (Koochiching County Soil and Water Supervisor District 5, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Lindley
- Al Livingston
- Al Lloyd
- Al Loma
- Al Loma recall, STAR Academy, Colorado (2014)
- Al Macri
- Al Mann
- Al Marchetti
- Al Marek (Withee Town Board Supervisor 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Marek (Withee Town Board Supervisor 1 (Clark County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Martin
- Al Martine
- Al Masland
- Al Matano
- Al Mayer (Mayor of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Mayer (Sheboygan Falls Alderperson District 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Mayer (Sheboygan Falls Alderperson District 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al McAffrey
- Al McCranie
- Al McCranie (Dodge County Probate Court, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Al McMillan
- Al Melvin
- Al Merkel
- Al Mickle
- Al Mijares
- Al Miller (Cecil County Council, District 3, Maryland, candidate 2022)
- Al Mina
- Al Morehart (Calhoun County Board of Commissioners District 3, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Morrison (Anchor Village Trustee Board At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Al Muratsuchi
- Al Murphy (DuPage County Forest Preserve Commissioner Board District 6, Illinois, candidate 2024)
- Al Myslicki (Parkland Preserve Community Development District Board Seat 3, Florida, candidate 2024)
- Al Natelli
- Al Nederhood
- Al Nienhuis (Olive Township Supervisor, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Norby (Holloway City Council At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Novinec
- Al Novstrup
- Al O'Brien
- Al Ochadleus (Attica Township Supervisor, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Olszewski
- Al Ortiz/2011 ballot measure election review
- Al Ortiz/2012 post-election ballot measure review
- Al Ott
- Al Ott (LaPorte County Sheriff, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Al Park
- Al Parranto (Ham Lake City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Pearn
- Al Peer (Monticello City Council Ward 1 Position 2, Arkansas, candidate 2024)
- Al Phillips
- Al Phillips (California)
- Al Phillips (Maryland)
- Al Pinheiro recall, Gilroy, California (2009)
- Al Pisano
- Al Platt
- Al Plute recall, Pendleton, Oregon (2016)
- Al Poehler (Mayor of Courtland, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Poehler (Mayor of Courtland, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Poteet
- Al Price Jr.
- Al Prieur (Bedford Township Supervisor, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Pscholka
- Al Pscholka recall, Michigan House of Representatives (2011)
- Al Ramirez
- Al Reynolds
- Al Richard
- Al Riemer (Stetsonville Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Riemer (Stetsonville Village Trustee, Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Riley
- Al Ringgenberg
- Al Riskowski
- Al Robertson
- Al Rogers
- Al Rojas
- Al Rosenthal
- Al Runte
- Al Salehi
- Al Sanchez
- Al Santos
- Al Schafbuch (Tama County Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner Board, Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Al Schmidt
- Al Schreiber (Oconto County Board of Supervisors District 14, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Schreiber (Reedsville Village President, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Schwartz
- Al Schwarz
- Al Scoggins
- Al Shaughnessy (Eden Township Supervisor, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Shine (Carlisle Area School District, At-large, Pennsylvania, candidate 2023)
- Al Shoushtarian
- Al Simmonds (De Graff City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Smith
- Al Smith (Minnesota)
- Al Smith (South Carolina)
- Al Snyder
- Al Sorge (Forest Township Board of Trustees At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Stanek (Walworth County Board of Supervisors District 4, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Stevens
- Al Stewart
- Al Stewart (U.S. Department of Labor)
- Al Stirpe
- Al Stokes (La Salle City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Stovall
- Al Stunkel (Rutland Village Trustee Board At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Al Suarez
- Al Swanson
- Al Swanson (Lake County Prosecuting Attorney, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Switzer
- Al Switzer and Cheryl Hukill recall, Klamath County, Oregon (2011)
- Al Talley
- Al Taubenberger
- Al Taylor
- Al Tessmann (Plover Village Trustee Ward 3, Wisconsin, candidate 2024)
- Al Thomas recall, Ville Platte, Louisiana (2024)
- Al Thompson (Freeman Town Board Chairperson, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Timm (Osborn Town Board Chairperson, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Al Titus (Riley Township Supervisor, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Tomson
- Al Townes (Taylor County School District school board District 2, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Al Uretsky
- Al Uryga (Lake Ann Village Board of Trustees At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al VanWashenova (Frenchtown Township Supervisor, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Van Rossum (Ainsworth Town Board Supervisor (Langlade County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Al Velasquez (Mayor of Oxnard, California, candidate 2024)
- Al Vesley (Turtle River City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Al Viall Jr. (Rosemount City Council, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Al Walvoord
- Al White
- Al White (Colorado)
- Al White (Louisiana)
- Al Whitesides (Buncombe County Board of Commissioners District 1, North Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Al Whitmon (Kankakee County Board District 22, Illinois, candidate 2024)
- Al Williams
- Al Williams (Douglas Township Trustee Board (Bremer County), Iowa, candidate 2024)
- Al Williams (Georgia legislator)
- Al Williams (Michigan)
- Al Willis (Grand Rapids City Commission Ward 3, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Al Wilson (Oakwood Council at Large, Ohio, candidate 2023)
- Al Wong
- Al Woolum
- Al Wynn
- Al Zolli
- Al supreme court
- Alaa Abdelaziz
- Alabama
- Alabama's 1st Congressional District
- Alabama's 1st Congressional District election, 2016