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- Ava, Illinois
- Ava, Missouri
- Ava. S. Raphael
- Ava Alterman
- Ava Annette Richardson
- Ava Atkinson Gaines
- Ava B. Ayers
- Ava Benge (Lea County Assessor, New Mexico, candidate 2022)
- Ava Brannon (Rocky Mountain Public School Board Member, Office No. 2, Oklahoma, candidate 2023)
- Ava Callender
- Ava Chiao
- Ava Cogswell (Greenway Township Town Treasurer, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Ava Dejoie
- Ava Edwards
- Ava Fruin (Larkspur-Corte Madera School District, At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Ava M. Adams-Morris (Jamestown Township Town Clerk, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Ava Markey
- Ava Natalia Bravo
- Ava Pate
- Ava R-I School District, Missouri
- Ava R-I School District, Missouri, elections
- Ava Reynero Pate
- Ava S. Raphael
- Ava School District, Missouri
- Ava School District Bond Measure (April 2010)
- Ava Solomon
- Ava Taylor
- Ava Town Court, New York
- Ava Truckey
- Avagafono Tuavao Vaimaga Maiava
- Avaidh Nair (Hays County Municipal Utility District 11 Board At-large, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Availability of local ballot measure information at the state level
- Availability of state voter files
- Avalie Muhlestein
- Avalon, California
- Avalon, California, Measure E, Advisory Vote on Allowing Delivery of Recreational Marijuana (March 2020)
- Avalon, California, Measure F, Advisory Vote on Allowing Marijuana Dispensaries in City Limits (March 2020)
- Avalon, California, Measure H, Hospital Sales Tax (November 2020)
- Avalon, California, Measure H, Traveler and Boat Mooring Tax for Hospital Funding Initiative (November 2020)
- Avalon, California, Measure SS, Sales Tax (March 2020)
- Avalon, California, Measure T, Hospital Tax Initiative (April 2018)
- Avalon, California, Measure T, Traveler Tax to Fund Hospital Initiative (April 2018)
- Avalon, California, Medical Marijuana Cultivation and Sales, Measure X (November 2016)
- Avalon, Georgia
- Avalon, New Jersey
- Avalon, Pennsylvania
- Avalon City, California, Measure S, Sales Tax (June 2022)
- Avalon City, California, Measure TT, Hotel Tax (June 2022)
- Avalon Independent School District, Texas
- Avalon Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Avalon Lewis
- Avalon Morris (Lincoln Township Trustee, St. Joseph County, Indiana, candidate 2022)
- Avalon School District, New Jersey
- Avalon School District, New Jersey, elections
- Avalos Valencia
- Avant, Oklahoma
- Avant Public School, Oklahoma
- Avant Public School, Oklahoma, elections
- Avanti Bergquist
- Aveary Daniels (Douglas City Commission Ward 2, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Avelina S. Jacob
- Avelino Juarez
- Avelino Valencia
- Avella Area School District, Pennsylvania
- Avella Area School District, Pennsylvania, elections
- Avenal, California
- Avenal, California, Measure A, Sales Tax Measure (November 2022)
- Avenal, California, Measure B, Vacancy Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax, Business License Tax Measure (November 2024)
- Avenal, California, Measure C, Marijuana Business Tax (November 2022)
- Aventura, Florida
- Avenue City R-IX School District, Missouri
- Avenue City R-IX School District, Missouri, elections
- Avenue City School District, Missouri
- Avera, Georgia
- Averie Bishop
- Averil Rothrock
- Averill Cate
- Averill Park Central School District, New York
- Averill Park Central School District, New York, elections
- Avern Cohn
- Avery, Texas
- Avery A. Fortenberry
- Avery Anderson
- Avery Anderson (Arizona)
- Avery Anderson (Hays District Clerk, Texas, candidate 2022)
- Avery Anderson (Kansas)
- Avery Ann Hart
- Avery Arbaugh (Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board At-large, California, candidate 2024)
- Avery Ayers
- Avery Block
- Avery Bourne
- Avery Carl Frix
- Avery County, North Carolina
- Avery County, North Carolina, elections, 2022
- Avery County, North Carolina, elections, 2024
- Avery County, North Carolina, elections, 2025
- Avery County, North Carolina (Judicial)
- Avery County, North Carolina ballot measures
- Avery County Sample Ballot (North Carolina)
- Avery County Schools, North Carolina
- Avery County Schools, North Carolina, elections
- Avery Everett
- Avery Field
- Avery Fortenberry
- Avery G. Grochow (Sibley County Commissioner, District 3, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Avery Grochow (Sibley East Public Schools school board, At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Avery Independent School District, Texas
- Avery Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Avery L. Crump
- Avery L. Lewis
- Avery Lewis
- Avery Michelle Crump
- Avery N. Pereira
- Avery Pereira
- Avery Renk
- Avery School District, Idaho
- Avery School District, Idaho, elections
- Avery Schronce
- Avery Selkridge
- Avery Sherwood Cornett (Marion Town Council, Virginia, candidate 2022)
- Avery Temple-Bowie
- Avery Teubner (Shelby Township Town Supervisor Seat B, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Avery Thornton
- Avery Vise
- Avery Wagoner (Alamance-Burlington Schools At-large, North Carolina, candidate 2022)
- Avery Wagoner (Alamance-Burlington Schools At-large, North Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Avery v. Midland County
- Avi Baruch Efreom
- Avi Cyperstein
- Avi Fertig
- Avi Nash
- Avi Schnall
- Avi Viswanathan
- Aviation Department of Phoenix, Arizona
- Avik Roy
- Avik Roy's "Universal Tax Credit Plan"
- Avilio Chavez
- Avilla, Indiana
- Avilla, Missouri
- Avilla R-XIII School District, Missouri
- Avilla R-XIII School District, Missouri, elections
- Avilla School District, Missouri
- Avin M. Sharma (South San Francisco City Council District 4, California, candidate 2024)
- Avinash Rangra; Anna Monclova v. Frank D. Brown
- Avinash Rangra recall, Alpine, Texas (2013)
- Avinger, Texas
- Avinger Independent School District, Texas
- Avinger Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Avinger Municipal Court, Texas
- Avion M. Benjamin
- Avis, Pennsylvania
- Avis "Tiny" Rivera
- Avis Bishop Thompson
- Avis E. Williams (Newton County Tax Commissioner, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Avis Hardaman
- Avis Harrison
- Avis Meyers-Ketola (Gwinn Area Community Schools, At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Avis Peters (Baytown Township Town Supervisor Seat 3, Minnesota, candidate 2022)
- Avis Rosenfield
- Avis Thompson (Lee County School District Board of Education District 1, Kentucky, candidate 2024)
- Aviston, Illinois
- Aviston School District 21, Illinois
- Aviston School District 21, Illinois, elections
- Aviva Angel
- Aviva Hillenbrand (Robbinsdale Area Board of Education At-large, Minnesota, candidate 2024)
- Aviva Wang
- Avnel Alair Coates
- Avni Gupta-Kagan
- Avoca, Arkansas
- Avoca, Iowa
- Avoca, Minnesota
- Avoca, Nebraska
- Avoca, New York
- Avoca, Pennsylvania
- Avoca, Wisconsin
- Avoca Central School, New York
- Avoca Central School District, New York
- Avoca Central School District, New York, elections
- Avoca School District 37, Illinois
- Avoca School District 37, Illinois, elections
- Avoca School District tax increase referendum, 2009
- Avoca Town Court, New York
- Avon, Alabama
- Avon, Bushnell-Prairie & Abingdon School District Consolidation Questions, 3 (March 2012)
- Avon, Colorado
- Avon, Firelands & Lorain School District Levy Additions, 3 (November 2010)
- Avon, Illinois
- Avon, Indiana
- Avon, Minnesota
- Avon, New York
- Avon, Ohio
- Avon, South Dakota
- Avon-by-the-Sea, New Jersey
- Avon Borough School District, New Jersey
- Avon Central School District, New York
- Avon Central School District, New York, elections
- Avon City Charter Amendment Questions, 4 (November 2012)
- Avon City Fire & Police Levy Renewals, 2 (August 2012)
- Avon City GetGo Local Liquor Option (November 2012)
- Avon City Local Option Questions, 4 (November 2011)
- Avon City Lot Size Charter Amendment (November 2011)
- Avon Community School Corporation, Indiana
- Avon Community School Corporation, Indiana, elections
- Avon Community Unit School District 176, Illinois
- Avon Elementary School District, Montana
- Avon Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Avon Grove School District, Pennsylvania
- Avon Grove School District, Pennsylvania, elections
- Avon Honey
- Avon Lake, Ohio
- Avon Lake City Ambulance Levy Replacement (August 2012)
- Avon Lake City Charter Amendments, 3 (August 2012)
- Avon Lake City EMS Tax Levy Increase Question (November 2012)
- Avon Lake City School District, Ohio
- Avon Lake City School District, Ohio, elections
- Avon Lake City School District Emergency Requirements Tax Levy Increase Question (November 2012)
- Avon Lake Municipal Court
- Avon Lake Municipal Court, Ohio
- Avon Lake Public Library Levy Replacement (May 2011)
- Avon Lake School District Levy Renewals, 2 (May 2011)
- Avon Local School District, Ohio
- Avon Local School District, Ohio, elections
- Avon Middle School Bond Measure (March 2012)
- Avon Middle School Levy Renewal (March 2012)
- Avon Park, Florida
- Avon Park City Council recall, Avon Park, Colorado (2011)
- Avon Public Schools, Connecticut
- Avon Public Schools, Connecticut, elections
- Avon Public Schools, Massachusetts
- Avon Public Schools, Massachusetts, elections
- Avon School Department, Massachusetts
- Avon School District, New Jersey
- Avon School District, New Jersey, elections
- Avon School District, South Dakota
- Avon School District, South Dakota, elections
- Avon School District Bond Measure (November 2011)
- Avon School District Bond Measure (November 2012)
- Avon School District Emergency Levy Renewal (May 2011)
- Avon Town Charter Amendment (November 2011)
- Avon Town Court, New York
- Avon Town Curbside Trash Question (April 2011)
- Avon Town Sales Tax Increase (November 2011)
- Avon Township Advisory Question (November 2012)
- Avon Village Court, New York
- Avonda Wilson (Badin Town Council, North Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Avondale
- Avondale, Arizona
- Avondale, Missouri
- Avondale, Pennsylvania
- Avondale City Propositions 300, 400-404 (November 2009)
- Avondale Elementary School District, Arizona
- Avondale Elementary School District, Arizona, elections
- Avondale Estates, Georgia
- Avondale Municipal Court, Arizona
- Avondale School District, Michigan
- Avondale School District, Michigan, elections
- Avondale School District Bond Measure (August 2010)
- Avondale School District Bond Measure (May 2010)
- Avonmore, Pennsylvania
- Avonworth School District, Pennsylvania
- Avonworth School District, Pennsylvania, elections
- Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana
- Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana (Judicial)
- Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana ballot measures
- Avoyelles Parish Justice Court, Louisiana
- Avoyelles Parish Sample Ballot (Louisiana)
- Avoyelles Parish School Board, Louisiana
- Avoyelles Parish School District, Louisiana
- Avoyelles Parish School District, Louisiana, elections
- Avra Reddy
- Avra Valley Fire District Bond Proposition 411 (November 2012)
- Avraham Cox
- Avrahom Rosenberg
- Avram Patt
- Avril Haines
- Avril K. Cherasard (Miramar City Commissioner Board Seat 3, Florida, candidate 2025)
- Avrum Rosen
- Awadhesh Gupta
- Awais Cheema (Arabi City Council Post 4, Georgia, candidate 2024)
- Awais Qazi
- Awbrey Hughlett
- Awbrey Jeanette Watts
- Awendaw, South Carolina
- Awet Eyasu
- Awilda Iglesias Munoz
- Awilda Iglesias Muñoz
- Awyna Sanchez (Parmer County Tax Assessor-Collector, Texas, candidate 2024)
- Axel Bello
- Axel Bogdan (Kinnickinnic Town Board Chairperson (St. Croix County), Wisconsin, candidate 2025)
- Axel Bogdan (Kinnickinnic Town Board Supervisor 1, Wisconsin, candidate 2023)
- Axel Brown
- Axel Mohr (Prairieview-Ogden Community Consolidated School District 197 school board, At-large, Illinois, candidate 2025)
- Axel Roque Gracia
- Axel Strakeljahn (Kitsap County Commissioner District 3, Washington, candidate 2022)
- Axiom Strategies
- Axon Enterprise, Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission
- Axtell, Kansas
- Axtell, Nebraska
- Axtell Community Schools, Nebraska
- Axtell Community Schools, Nebraska, elections
- Axtell Independent School District, Texas
- Axtell Independent School District, Texas, elections
- Axtell Public Schools, Nebraska
- Axtell USD 488, Kansas
- Axtell Unified School District 488, Kansas
- Aya Eneli
- Ayala Growth Limit Initiative (2008)
- Ayala joins Connecticut State Senate race
- Ayala sworn in to Connecticut House despite legal troubles
- Ayana Clark
- Ayana Fritz Lewis (Vance County Board of Education District 4, North Carolina, candidate 2024)
- Ayana Harris
- Ayana Kirkland Young
- Ayana Taylor
- Ayana Young (Superior Court of Contra Costa County, California, candidate 2024)
- Ayanna Blackmon-Balogun
- Ayanna Davis
- Ayanna Jones
- Ayanna Pressley
- Ayanna Shivers
- Ayano Aishi
- Ayat Amin
- Ayaz Ahmed Minhas
- Aycha Sawa
- Ayden, North Carolina
- Ayensa Millan
- Ayer-Shirley Regional School District, Massachusetts
- Ayer-Shirley Regional School District, Massachusetts, elections
- Ayer District Court, Massachusetts
- Ayer School Department, Massachusetts
- Ayers Elementary, Montana
- Ayers Elementary School District, Montana
- Ayers Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Ayersvill School District Levy Renewal (November 2010)
- Ayersville Local School District, Ohio
- Ayersville Local School District, Ohio, elections
- Ayersville School District Income Tax Renewal (March 2012)
- Ayersville School District Income Tax Renewal (November 2011)
- Ayersville School District Levy Renewal (November 2010)
- Ayesha Clarke
- Ayesha Keri Brantley
- Ayesha Potts (Troy School District Board of Education At-large, Michigan, candidate 2024)
- Ayesha Wilson
- Ayestas v. Davis
- Ayinde Frazier (Lancaster City Council At-Large, California, candidate 2024)