Reference: Linen
LINEN is cloth made from the prepared fibre of flax. In ancient Egypt great proficiency was attained in its manufacture (Pliny, HN vii. 56; Strabo, xxvii. 41; Herod. ii. 182), and a flourishing trade was carried on (Pr 7:16; Eze 27:7). As material of wearing apparel it has always been esteemed in the East. In a hot climate it tends to greater freshness and cleanliness than cotton or wool. The Egyptian priests were obliged to wear linen (Herod. ii. 37; Wilk. Anc. Egyp. iii. 117). The 'cotton garments' mentioned on the Rosetta stone were probably worn over the linen, and left outside when the priests entered a temple. The embalmed bodies of men and animals were wrapped in strips of linen. No other material was used for this purpose (Wilk. ib. iii. 115, 116, 484). Perhaps we may trace Egyptian influence in the place given to linen in the hangings, etc., of the Tabernacle, and in the garments of the priests (Ex 25:4; 26:1 etc., Ex 28:15 etc.). It formed part of the usual clothing of royalty, and of the wealthy classes (Ge 41:42; Es 8:15; Lu 16:19). It is the dress worn by persons engaged in religious service. The priests are those who 'wear a linen ephod' (1Sa 22:18). The child Samuel in Shiloh (1Sa 2:18), and David, bringing back the ark (2Sa 6:14 etc.), also wear the linen ephod; cf. Eze 9:2; 10:2; Da 10:5. It formed the garment of the Levite singers (2Ch 5:12). It was the fitting raiment of the Lamb's wife, 'the righteousness of the saints' (Re 19:3); presumptuously assumed by 'the great city Babylon' (Re 18:16); in it are also arrayed 'the armies that are in heaven' (Re 19:14).
No clear and uniform distinction can be drawn between several Heb. words tr 'linen.' bad appears to be always used of garments (Ge 41:42 etc.), while sh
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Then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand, and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put the gold necklace around his neck.
Then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand, and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put the gold necklace around his neck.
blue, purple and scarlet material, fine linen, goat hair,
blue, purple and scarlet material, fine linen, goat hair,
"Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twisted linen and blue and purple and scarlet material; you shall make them with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman.
"Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twisted linen and blue and purple and scarlet material; you shall make them with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman.
"They shall take the gold and the blue and the purple and the scarlet material and the fine linen.
"You shall make a breastpiece of judgment, the work of a skillful workman; like the work of the ephod you shall make it: of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen you shall make it.
and the turban of fine linen, and the decorated caps of fine linen, and the linen breeches of fine twisted linen,
'You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.
"It came about when it was time to shut the gate at dark, that the men went out; I do not know where the men went. Pursue them quickly, for you will overtake them."
Then Samson said to them, "Let me now propound a riddle to you; if you will indeed tell it to me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty linen wraps and thirty changes of clothes.
When he came to Lehi, the Philistines shouted as they met him. And the Spirit of the LORD came upon him mightily so that the ropes that were on his arms were as flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds dropped from his hands.
Now Samuel was ministering before the LORD, as a boy wearing a linen ephod.
Then the king said to Doeg, "You turn around and attack the priests." And Doeg the Edomite turned around and attacked the priests, and he killed that day eighty-five men who wore the linen ephod.
And David was dancing before the LORD with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephod.
Also Solomon's import of horses was from Egypt and Kue, and the king's merchants procured them from Kue for a price.
and all the Levitical singers, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and kinsmen, clothed in fine linen, with cymbals, harps and lyres, standing east of the altar, and with them one hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets
There were hangings of fine white and violet linen held by cords of fine purple linen on silver rings and marble columns, and couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl and precious stones.
Then Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal robes of blue and white, with a large crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple; and the city of Susa shouted and rejoiced.
"I have spread my couch with coverings, With colored linens of Egypt.
"I have spread my couch with coverings, With colored linens of Egypt.
She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies belts to the tradesmen.
Thus the LORD said to me, "Go and buy yourself a linen waistband and put it around your waist, but do not put it in water."
Behold, six men came from the direction of the upper gate which faces north, each with his shattering weapon in his hand; and among them was a certain man clothed in linen with a writing case at his loins. And they went in and stood beside the bronze altar.
And He spoke to the man clothed in linen and said, "Enter between the whirling wheels under the cherubim and fill your hands with coals of fire from between the cherubim and scatter them over the city." And he entered in my sight.
"Your sail was of fine embroidered linen from Egypt So that it became your distinguishing mark; Your awning was blue and purple from the coastlands of Elishah.
"Your sail was of fine embroidered linen from Egypt So that it became your distinguishing mark; Your awning was blue and purple from the coastlands of Elishah.
"Aram was your customer because of the abundance of your goods; they paid for your wares with emeralds, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral and rubies.
I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a certain man dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz.
And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,
A young man was following Him, wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body; and they seized him.
"Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, joyously living in splendor every day.
So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen wrappings with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews.
and he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming down, lowered by four corners to the ground,
saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city, she who was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls;
And a second time they said, "Hallelujah! HER SMOKE RISES UP FOREVER AND EVER."
And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.