Reference: New Testament Synonyms
A short list of Synonyms is added, embracing some Greek and English words which could not well be considered in the Dictionary. It is important that those who believe in the verbal inspiration of scripture should study the words used by the Holy Spirit as far as they have the means.
The few Synonyms here given may be regarded as samples, and may lead the reader into a new and interesting field of study, which if followed out would embrace the careful consideration of hundreds of other words. Such a study will not merely tend to the acquisition of a more correct knowledge of the letter of the divine oracles, but it will form the mind in the thoughts of the God who deigns to use human language to convey to our souls what the Holy Spirit Himself calls "the deep things of God." 1Co 2:10. One who carefully studies such subjects in a proper spirit will be ever learning more of the mind of God as expressed in the scriptures.
Some words not considered here will be found briefly treated in the Dictionary under 'Author, Begotten, Children, Eternal, Godhead, Godliness, Hell, Knowledge, Lord, Man, Natural, New, Ordain, Power, Redemption, Servant, Sin, Washing, etc.'
See Verses Found in Dictionary
Her husband, Joseph, was a religious man and, being unwilling to expose her to contempt, resolved to put an end to their betrothal privately.
But Jesus answered: "Scripture says--'It is not on bread alone that man is to live, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
"All these I will give you, if you will fall at my feet and do homage to me." Then Jesus said to him: "Begone, Satan! for Scripture says-- 'Thou shalt do homage to the Lord thy God, and worship him only.'"
You have heard that to our ancestors it was said--'Thou shalt not commit murder,' and 'Whoever commits murder shall be liable to answer for it to the Court.'
You have heard that it was said--'Thou shalt not commit adultery.'
Again, you have heard that to our ancestors it was said--'Thou shalt not break an oath, but thou shall keep thine oaths as a debt due to the Lord.'
And, as soon as the demon had been driven out, the dumb man spoke. The people were astonished at this, and exclaimed: "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel!"
He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Everything has been committed to me by my Father; nor does any one fully know the Son, except the Father, or fully know the Father, except the Son and those to whom the Son may choose to reveal him. Come to me, all you who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest! read more. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly-minded, and 'you shall find rest for your souls';
No sooner does a foul spirit leave a man, than it passes through places where there is no water, in search of rest, and does not find it.
When any one hears the Message of the Kingdom without understanding it, the Evil One comes and snatches away what has been sown in his mind. This is the man meant by the seed which was sown along the path.
And I tell you that Elijah has already come, and people have not recognized him, but have treated him just as they pleased. In the same way, too, the Son of Man is destined to undergo suffering at men's hands."
Thereupon the servant threw himself down on the ground before him and said 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.'
His answer was: "'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.'
For this is my Covenant blood, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
So he left them, and went away again, and prayed a third time, again saying the same words.
But soon afterwards those who were standing by came up and said to Peter: "You also are certainly one of them; why, your very way of speaking proves it!"
and Peter remembered the words which Jesus had said-- 'Before a cock has crowed, you will disown me three times'; and he went outside, and wept bitterly.
And in fulfillment of this, John the Baptizer appeared in the Wilderness, proclaiming a baptism upon repentance, for the forgiveness of sins.
"What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!"
but whoever slanders the Holy Spirit remains unforgiven to the end; he has to answer for an enduring sin."
So Herodias was incensed against John, and wanted to put him to death, but was unable to do so,
For all of them saw him, and were terrified. But Jesus at once spoke to them. "Courage!" he said, "it is I; do not be afraid!"
In this way you nullify the words of God by your traditions, which you hand down; and you do many similar things."
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said: "If any one wishes to be first, he must be last of all, and servant of all."
In the course of his teaching, Jesus said: "See that you are on your guard against the Teachers of the Law, who delight to walk about in long robes, and to be greeted in the streets with respect,
But Peter again denied it. Soon afterwards the bystanders again said to him: "You certainly are one of them; why you are a Galilean!"
Moreover these signs shall attend those who believe. In my Name they shall drive out demons; they shall speak with 'tongues';
But they set out, and made the proclamation everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Message by the signs which attended it.
Just as they were reported to us by those who from the beginning were eye-witnesses, and afterwards became bearers of the Message.
That we should be rescued from the hands of our enemies,
To give his people the knowledge of salvation In the forgiveness of their sins,
And then a widow, till she had reached the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple Courts, but, fasting and praying, worshiped God night and day.
And John went through the whole district of the Jordan, proclaiming baptism upon repentance, for the forgiveness of sins.
'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, For he has consecrated me to bring Good News to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim release to captives and restoration of sight to the blind, To set the oppressed at liberty,
"We have been hard at work all night, Sir," answered Simon, "and have not caught anything, but, at your bidding, I will throw out the nets."
Stretching out his hand, Jesus touched him, saying as he did so: "I am willing; become clean." Instantly the leprosy left the man;
Came up behind and touched the tassel of his cloak. Instantly the hemorrhage ceased. "Who was it that touched me?" Jesus asked; and, while everyone was denying having done so, Peter exclaimed: "Why, Sir, the people are crowding round you and pressing upon you!" read more. "Somebody touched me," said Jesus; "for I felt that power had gone out from me." Then the woman, when she saw that she was discovered, came forward trembling, and threw herself down before him; and, in the presence of all the people, she told him her reason for touching him, and that she had been cured instantly.
No sooner does a foul spirit leave a man, than it passes through places where there is no water, in search of rest; and finding none, it says 'I will go back to the home which I left';
This made him angry, and he would not go in. But his father came out and begged him to do so.
All this was said within hearing of the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, and they began to sneer at Jesus.
Look at my hands and my feet, and you will know that it is I. Feel me, and look at me, for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see that I have."
And that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed on his authority to all the nations--beginning at Jerusalem.
In the Beginning the Word was; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.
And the Word became Man, and dwelt among us, (We saw his glory--the glory of the Only Son sent from the Father), full of love and truth.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that every one who believes in him may not be lost, but have Immortal Life.
For he whom God sent as his Messenger gives us God's own teaching, for God does not limit the gift of the Spirit. The Father loves his Son, and has put everything in his hands.
You Samaritans do not know what you worship; we know what we worship, for Salvation comes from the Jews. But a time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father spiritually and truly; for such are the worshipers that the Father desires.
But far more came to believe in him on account of what he said himself, And they said to the woman: "It is no longer because of what you say that we believe in him, for we have heard him ourselves and know that he really is the Savior of the world."
For the Father loves his Son, and shows him everything that he is doing; and he will show him still greater things--so that you will be filled with wonder.
In truth I tell you that he who listens to my Message and believes him who sent me, has Immortal Life, and does not come under condemnation, but has already passed out of Death into Life.
And you have not taken his Message home to your hearts, because you do not believe him whom he sent as his Messenger.
The disciples did so, and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves, which were left after all had eaten.
"No one can come to me, unless the Father who sent me draws him to me; and I will raise him up at the Last Day.
Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, and yet died.
"In truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you have not Life within you.
"In truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you have not Life within you. He who takes my flesh for his food, and drinks my blood, has Immortal Life; and I will raise him up at the Last Day.
He who takes my flesh for his food, and drinks my blood, remains united to me, and I to him. As the Living Father sent me as his Messenger, and as I live because the Father lives, so he who takes me for his food shall live because I live. read more. That is the Bread which has come down from Heaven--not such as your ancestors ate, and yet died; he who takes this Bread for his food shall live for ever."
That is the Bread which has come down from Heaven--not such as your ancestors ate, and yet died; he who takes this Bread for his food shall live for ever."
That is the Bread which has come down from Heaven--not such as your ancestors ate, and yet died; he who takes this Bread for his food shall live for ever."
It is the Spirit that gives Life; mere flesh is of no avail. In the teaching that I have been giving you there is Spirit and there is Life.
So Jesus said to the Twelve: "Do you also wish to leave me?" But Simon Peter answered: "Master, to whom shall we go? Immortal Life is in your teaching;
The Jews were astonished. "How has this man got his learning," they asked, "when he has never studied?"
So Jesus went on to say to those Jews who had believed him: "If you remain constant to my Message, you are truly my disciples;
I know that you are descendants of Abraham; yet you are seeking to put me to death, because my Message finds no place in your hearts.
How is it that you do not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to listen to my Message.
How is it that you do not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to listen to my Message.
How is it that you do not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to listen to my Message.
He who comes from God listens to God's teaching; the reason why you do not listen is because you do not come from God."
In truth I tell you, if any one lays my Message to heart, he will never really die." "Now we are sure that you are possessed by a demon," the Jews replied. "Abraham died, and so did the Prophets; and yet you say 'If any one lays my Message to heart, he will never know death.'
If those to whom God's word were addressed were said to be 'gods'--and Scripture cannot be set aside--
The sisters, therefore, sent this message to Jesus--'Master, your friend is ill';
Jesus loved Martha and her sister, and Lazarus.
"How he must have loved him!" the Jews exclaimed;
He who loves his life loses it; while he who hates his life in the present world shall preserve it for Immortal Life.
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, shall draw all men to myself."
When any one hears my teaching and pays no heed to it, I am not his judge; for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects me, and disregards my teaching, has a judge already--the very Message which I have delivered will itself be his judge at the Last Day.
Before the Passover Festival began, Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave the world and go to the Father. He had loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them to the last.
Do not you believe that I am in union with the Father, and the Father with me? In giving you my teaching I am not speaking on my own authority; but the Father himself, always in union with me, does his own work.
"Whoever loves me," Jesus answered, " will lay my Message to heart; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. He who does not love me will not lay my Message to heart; and the Message to which you are listening is not my own, but that of the Father who sent me.
You are already clean because of the Message that I have given you.
Remember what I said to you--'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have laid my Message to heart, they will lay yours to heart also.
They will expel you from their Synagogues; indeed the time is coming when any one who kills you will think that he is making an offering to God.
For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me, and have believed that I came from the Father.
I have revealed thee to those whom thou gavest me from the world; they were thy own, and thou gavest them to me; and they have laid thy Message to heart.
For I have given them the teaching which thou gavest me, and they received it, and clearly understood that I came from thee, and they believed that thou has sent me as thy Messenger.
I have given them thy Message; and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world, even as I do not belong to the world.
Consecrate them by the Truth; thy Message is Truth.
It is, however, the custom for me to grant you the release of one man at the Passover Festival. Do you wish for the release of the King of the Jews?"
"Do not hold me," Jesus said; "for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my Brothers, and tell them that I am ascending to him who is my Father and their Father, my God and their God."
"Cast your net to the right of the boat," he said, "and you will find fish." So they cast the net, and now they could not haul it in on account of the quantity of fish. Upon this the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter: "It is the Master!" When Simon Peter heard that it was the Master, he fastened his coat round him (for he had taken it off), and threw himself into the Sea. read more. But the rest of the disciples came in the boat (for they were only about a hundred yards from shore), dragging the net full of fish. When they had come ashore, they found a charcoal fire ready, with some fish already on it, and some bread as well. "Bring some of the fish which you have just caught," said Jesus. So Simon Peter got into the boat and hauled the net ashore full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three of them; and yet, although there were so many, the net had not been torn.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with strange 'tongues' as the Spirit prompted their utterances.
For you wilt not abandon my soul to the Place of Death, nor surrender me, your holy one, to undergo corruption.
For you wilt not abandon my soul to the Place of Death, nor surrender me, your holy one, to undergo corruption.
"Repent," answered Peter, "and be baptized every one of you in the Faith of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
When the Council saw how boldly Peter and John spoke, and found that they were uneducated men of humble station, they were surprised, and realized that they had been companions of Jesus.
When their prayer was ended, the place in which they were assembled was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to tell God's Message fearlessly.
It is this Jesus whom God has exalted to his right hand, to be a Guide and a Savior, to give Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins.
While we, for our part, will devote ourselves to Prayer, and to the delivery of the Message."
But I myself will judge the nation, to which they will be enslaved,' God said, 'and after that they shall leave the country and worship me in this place.'
So God turned from them and left them to the worship of the Starry Host, as is written in the Book of the Prophets--'Did you offer victims and sacrifices to me, O House of Israel, all those forty years in the Desert? You took with you the tabernacle of Moloch and the Star of the god Rephan--the images which you had made to worship. Therefore I will exile you beyond Babylon.'
But Saul began to devastate the Church; he entered house after house, dragged out men and women alike, and threw them into prison.
A religious man and one who reverenced God, with all his household. He was liberal in his charities to the people, and prayed to God constantly.
When the angel, who had spoken to him, had gone, Cornelius called two menservants and a religious soldier, who was one of his constant attendants,
So, when Peter entered the city, Cornelius met him, and, throwing himself at Peter's feet, bowed to the ground.
To him it is that all the Prophets bear witness, when they say that every one who believes in him receives through his Name forgiveness of sins."
On coming there he saw to his great joy these tokens of the loving-kindness of God, and encouraged them all to make up their minds to be faithful to the Lord--
As to his raising Jesus from the dead, never again to return to corruption, this is what is said--'I will give to you the sacred promises made to David;'
As to his raising Jesus from the dead, never again to return to corruption, this is what is said--'I will give to you the sacred promises made to David;' And, therefore, in another Psalm it is said--'Thou wilt not give up the Holy One to undergo corruption.'
And, therefore, in another Psalm it is said--'Thou wilt not give up the Holy One to undergo corruption.'
I would, therefore, have you know, brothers, that through Jesus forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to you, And that, in union with him, every one who believes in him is absolved from every sin from which under the Law of Moses you could not be absolved.
After much discussion, Peter rose and said: "You, my Brothers, know well that long ago God singled me out--that through my lips the Gentiles should hear the Message of the Good News, and become believers in Christ.
For in every town, for generations past, there have been those who preach Moses, read as he is in the Synagogues every Sabbath."
For as I was going about, looking at your sacred shrines, I came upon an altar with this inscription--'To an Unknown God.' What, therefore, you worship in ignorance, that I am now proclaiming to you.
For as I was going about, looking at your sacred shrines, I came upon an altar with this inscription--'To an Unknown God.' What, therefore, you worship in ignorance, that I am now proclaiming to you.
For as I was going about, looking at your sacred shrines, I came upon an altar with this inscription--'To an Unknown God.' What, therefore, you worship in ignorance, that I am now proclaiming to you.
Nor yet do human hands minister to his wants, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives, to all, life, and breath, and all things.
That they might search for God, if by any means they might feel their way to him and find him. And yet he is not really far from any one of us;
One night the Lord said to Paul, in a vision: "Have no fear, but continue to speak, and refuse to be silenced;
Some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us, and brought Mnason with them, a Cypriot disciple of long standing, with whom we were to stay.
There a man named Ananias, a strict observer of our Law, well spoken of by all the Jewish inhabitants, came to see me.
On the next day the Commanding Officer, wishing to find out the real reason why Paul was denounced by the Jews, had his chains taken off, and directed the Chief Priests and the whole of the High Council to assemble, and then took Paul down and brought him before them.
Wishing to ascertain exactly the ground of the charges they made against him, I brought him before their Council,
This, however, I do acknowledge to you, that it is as a believer in the Cause which they call heretical, that I worship the God of my ancestors. At the same time, I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the prophets;
So he gave orders to the Captain in charge of Paul to keep him in custody, but to relax the regulations, and not to prevent any of his personal friends from attending to his wants.
"I should like to hear this man myself," Agrippa said to Festus. "You shall hear him to-morrow," Festus answered.
A promise which our Twelve Tribes, by earnest service night and day, hope to see fulfilled. It is for this hope, your Majesty, that I am accused--and by Jews themselves!
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God; so that they may receive pardon for their sins, and a place among those who have become God's People, by faith in me.'
While Paul was making this defense, Festus called out loudly: "You are mad, Paul; your great learning is driving you mad."
But the Roman Officer, anxious to save Paul, prevented their carrying out their intention, and ordered that those who could swim should be the first to jump into the sea and try to reach the shore;
The Romans, when they had examined me, were ready to release me, because there was nothing in my conduct deserving death.
But, as to the spirit of holiness within him, was miraculously designated Son of God by his resurrection from the dead.
God, to whom I offer the worship of my soul as I tell the Goodness of his Son, is my witness how constantly I mention you when I pray,
I want you to know, Brothers, that I have many times intended coming to see you-but until now I have been prevented-that I might find among you some fruit of my labors, as I have already among the other nations.
For they had substituted a lie for the truth about God, and had reverenced and worshiped created things more than the Creator, who is to be praised for ever. Amen.
For they had substituted a lie for the truth about God, and had reverenced and worshiped created things more than the Creator, who is to be praised for ever. Amen.
They reveled in every form of wickedness, evil, greed, vice. Their lives were full of envy, murder, quarreling, treachery, malice.
For God set him before the world, to be, by the shedding of his blood, a means of reconciliation through faith. And this God did to prove his righteousness, and because, in his forbearance, he had passed over the sins that men had previously committed;
For God set him before the world, to be, by the shedding of his blood, a means of reconciliation through faith. And this God did to prove his righteousness, and because, in his forbearance, he had passed over the sins that men had previously committed;
We recognize the truth that our old self was crucified with Christ, in order that the body, the stronghold of Sin, might be rendered powerless, so that we should no longer be slaves to Sin.
I can but speak as men do because of the weakness of your earthly nature. Once you offered every part of your bodies to the service of impurity, and of wickedness, which leads to further wickedness. Now, in the same way, offer them to the service of Righteousness, which leads to holiness.
But now that you have been set free from the control of Sin, and have become servants to God, the fruit that you reap is an ever-increasing holiness, and the end Immortal Life.
I do not understand my own actions. For I am so far from habitually doing what I want to do, that I find myself doing the very thing that I hate. But when I do what I want not to do, I am admitting that the Law is right.
I know that there is nothing good in me-I mean in my earthly nature. For, although it is easy for me to want to do right, to act rightly is not easy. I fail to do the good thing that I want to do, but the bad thing that I want not to do-that I habitually do. read more. But, when I do the very thing that I want not to do, the action is no longer my own, but that of Sin which is within me. This, then, is the law that I find-When I want to do right, wrong presents itself!
But we do know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him-those who have received the Call in accordance with his purpose.
But we do know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him-those who have received the Call in accordance with his purpose.
For they are Israelites, and theirs are the adoption as Sons, the visible Presence, the Covenants, the revealed Law, the Temple worship, and the Promises.
Not that God's Word has failed. For it is not all who are descended from Israel who are true Israelites;
For in order that the purpose of God, working through selection, might not fail-a selection depending, not on obedience, but on his Call-Rebecca was told, before her children were born and before they had done anything either right or wrong,
So, then, all depends, not on human wishes or human efforts, but on God's mercy.
Perhaps you will say to me-'How can any one still be blamed? For who withstands his purpose?'
No, but what does it say? 'The Message of Faith' which we proclaim.
And so we gather, faith is a result of teaching, and the teaching comes in the Message of Christ.
I entreat you, then, Brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, for this is your rational worship.
Yet to us God revealed it through his Spirit; for the Spirit fathoms all things, even the inmost depths of God's being.
Therefore do not pass judgment before the time, but wait till the Lord comes. He will throw light upon what is now dark and obscure, and will reveal the motives in men's minds; and then every one will receive due praise from God.
Get rid entirely of the old leaven, so that you may be like new dough-free from leaven, as in truth you are. For our Passover Lamb is already sacrificed-Christ himself; Therefore let us keep our festival, not with the leaven of former days, nor with the leaven of vice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
I should wish every one to be just what I am myself. But every one has his own gift from God-one in one way, and one in another.
If an unbeliever invites you to his house and you consent to go, eat anything that is put before you, without making inquiries to satisfy your scruples.
But in fact God has placed each individual part just where he thought fit in the body.
If you bless God with your spirit only, how can the man in the congregation who is without your gift say 'Amen' to your thanksgiving? He does not know what you are saying!
So, when the whole Church meets, if all present use the gift of 'tongues,' and some men who are without the gift, or who are unbelievers, come in, will not they say that you are mad? While, if all those present use the gift of preaching, and an unbeliever, or a man without the gift, comes in, he is convinced of his sinfulness by them all, he is called to account by them all;
God gives it the body that he pleases-to each seed its special body.
Accursed be any one who has no love for the Lord. THE LORD IS COMING.
Indeed, our main ground for satisfaction is this--Our conscience tells us that our conduct in the world, and still more in our relations with you, was marked by a purity of motive and a sincerity that were inspired by God, and was based, not on worldly policy, but on the help of God.
I could get no peace of mind because I failed to find Titus, my Brother; so I took leave of the people there, and went on to Macedonia.
Our fitness comes from God, who himself made us fit to be ministers of a New Covenant, of which the substance is, not a written Law, but a Spirit. For the written Law means Death, but the Spirit gives Life.
But their minds were slow to learn. Indeed, to this very day, at the public reading of the Old Covenant, the same veil remains unlifted; only for those who are in union with Christ does it pass away.
With these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that pollutes either body or spirit, and, in deepest reverence for God, aim at perfect holiness.
Ever since we reached Macedonia, we have had no rest in body or mind; on every side there have been troubles--conflicts without, anxieties within.
For our object is not to give relief to others and bring distress on you, but, by equalizing matters, to secure that,
Though I am no trained orator, yet I am not without knowledge; indeed we made this perfectly clear to you in every way.
I have been crucified with Christ. So it is no longer I that live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and, as for my present earthly life, I am living it by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
For in him, and through the shedding of his blood, we have found redemption in the pardon of our offenses.
When he made known to us his hidden purpose. And it also accords with the good-will which God purposed to exhibit in Christ,
In him, I say, for by our union with him we became God's Heritage, having from the first been destined for this in the intention of him who, in all that happens, is carrying out his own fixed purpose;
In him, I say, for by our union with him we became God's Heritage, having from the first been destined for this in the intention of him who, in all that happens, is carrying out his own fixed purpose;
And it was among them that we all once lived our lives, indulging the cravings of our earthly nature, and carrying out the desires prompted by that earthly nature and by our own thoughts. Our very nature exposed us to the Divine Wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Lost to all sense of shame, they have abandoned themselves to licentiousness, in order to practice every kind of impurity without restraint.
For you learned with regard to your former way of living that you must cast off your old nature, which, yielding to deluding passions, grows corrupt;
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, ready to forgive one another, just as God, in Christ, forgave you.
As for unchastity and every kind of impurity, or greed, do not let them even be mentioned among you, as befits Christ's People,
Husbands, love your wives, just as the Christ loved the Church, and gave himself for her,
And receive 'the helmet of Salvation,' and 'the sword of the Spirit'--which is the Message of God--always with prayer and supplication.
For it is we who are the circumcised--we whose worship is prompted by the Spirit of God, who exult in Christ Jesus, and who do not rely upon external privileges;
And through whom we have found deliverance in the forgiveness of our sins.
For in Christ the Godhead in all its fulness dwells incarnate;
And to you, who once were 'dead,' by reason of your sins and your uncircumcised nature--to you God gave Life in giving life to Christ! He pardoned all our sins!
To such ordinances as 'Do not handle, or taste, or touch'?
Therefore destroy all that is earthly in you--immorality, uncleanness, passions, evil desires, and that greed which is idolatry.
Never lie to one another. Get rid of your old self and its habits,
Bearing with one another, and, when there is any ground for complaint, forgiving one another freely. As the Master freely forgave you, so you must forgive one another.
And so make your hearts strong, and your lives pure beyond reproach, in the sight of our God and Father, at the Coming of our Lord Jesus, with all his Holy Ones.
And to give relief to you who are suffering, as well as to us, at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus from Heaven with his mighty angels, 'in flaming fire.'
Who so opposes himself to every one that is spoken of as a God or as an object of worship, and so exalts himself above them, that he seats himself in the Temple of God, and displays himself as God!
whose will is that every one should be saved, and attain to a full knowledge of the Truth.
My desire, then, is that it should be the custom everywhere for the men to lead the prayers, with hands reverently uplifted, avoiding heated controversy.
But you should exclude the younger widows from the list; for, when they grow restive under the yoke of the Christ, they want to marry,
Therefore I advise young widows to marry, bear children, and attend to their homes, and so avoid giving the enemy an opportunity for scandal.
Therefore I advise young widows to marry, bear children, and attend to their homes, and so avoid giving the enemy an opportunity for scandal.
Those who want to be rich fall into the snares of temptation, and become the prey of many foolish and harmful ambitions, which plunge people into Destruction and Ruin. Love of money is a source of all kinds of evil; and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the Faith, and have been pierced to the heart by many a regret.
It was God who saved us, and from him we received our solemn Call--not as a reward for anything that we had done, but in fulfillment of his own loving purpose. For that love was extended to us, through Christ Jesus, before time began,
Men will be selfish, mercenary, boastful, haughty, and blasphemous; disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, impure,
But you, Timothy, were a close observer of my teaching, my conduct, my purposes, my faith, my forbearance, my love, and my patient endurance,
and has revealed at his own time in his Message, with the proclamation of which I was entrusted by the command of God our Savior.
On the contrary, he should be hospitable, eager for the right discreet, upright, a man of holy life and capable of self-restraint,
let the instruction that you give be sound and above reproach, so that the enemy may be ashamed when he fails to find anything bad to say about us.
For he gave himself on our behalf, to deliver us from all wickedness, and to purify for himself a People who should be peculiarly his own and eager to do good. Speak of all this, and encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let any one despise you.
All who are with me here send you their greeting. Give my greeting to our friends in the Faith. God bless you all.
For my own sake I should like to keep him with me, so that, while I am in prison for the Good News, he might attend to my wants on your behalf.
For he is the radiance of the Glory of God and the very expression of his Being, upholding all creation by the power of his word; and, when he had made an expiation for the sins of men, he 'took his seat at the right hand' of God's Majesty on high,
For, if the Message which was delivered by angels had its authority confirmed, so that every offence against it, or neglect of it, met with a fitting requital,
God's Message is a living and active power, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing its way till it penetrates soul and spirit--not the joints only but the very marrow--and detecting the inmost thoughts and purposes of the mind.
Therefore, let us leave behind the elementary teaching about the Christ and press on to perfection, not always laying over again a foundation of repentance for a lifeless formality, of faith in God--
and learned to appreciate the beauty of the Divine Message, and the new powers of the Coming Age--
And therefore God, in his desire to show, with unmistakable plainness, to those who were to enter on the enjoyment of what he had promised, the unchangeableness of his purpose, bound himself with an oath.
This was the High Priest that we needed--holy, innocent, spotless, withdrawn from sinners, exalted above the highest Heaven,
(These priests, it is true, are engaged in a service which is only a copy and shadow of the heavenly realities, as is shown by the directions given to Moses when he was about to construct the Tabernacle. 'Look to it,' are the words, 'that thou make every part in accordance with the pattern shown thee on the mountain.')
It is true that even the first Covenant had its regulations for divine worship, and its Sanctuary--though only a material one. For a Tabernacle was constructed, with an outer part which contained the stand for the lamps, and the table, and the consecrated bread. This is called the Sanctuary.
Such, then, was the arrangement of the Tabernacle. Into the outer part priests are constantly going, in the discharge of their sacred duties;
how much more will the blood of the Christ, who, through his eternal Spirit, offered himself up to God, as a victim without blemish, purify our consciences from a lifeless formality, and fit us for the service of the Living God!
Indeed, under the Law, almost everything is purified with blood; and, unless blood is shed, no forgiveness is to be obtained.
Otherwise, would not the offering of these sacrifices have been abandoned, as the worshipers, having been once purified, would have had their consciences clear from sins?
Otherwise, would not the offering of these sacrifices have been abandoned, as the worshipers, having been once purified, would have had their consciences clear from sins?
'"This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days," says the Lord; "I will impress my laws on their hearts, and will inscribe them on their minds,"' then we have-- 'And their sins and their iniquities I will no longer remember.' read more. And, when these are forgiven, there is no further need of an offering for sin.
Faith enables us to perceive that the universe was created at the bidding of God--so that we know that what we see was not made out of visible things.
Faith led him to institute the Passover and the Sprinkling of the Blood, so that the Destroyer might not touch the eldest children of the Israelites.
Our fathers disciplined us for only a short time and as seemed best to them; but God disciplines us for our true good, to enable us to share his holiness.
Try earnestly to live at peace with every one, and to attain to that purity without which no one will see the Lord.
It is not to tangible 'flaming fire' that you have drawn near, nor to 'gloom, and darkness, and storm,
for they could not bear to think of the command-- 'If even an animal touches the mountain, it is to be stoned to death;'
Therefore, let us, who have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken, be thankful, and so offer acceptable worship to God, with awe and reverence.
We are not without an altar; but it is one at which those who still worship in the Tabernacle have no right to eat.
Every good thing given us, and every perfect gift, is from above, and comes down to us from the Maker of the Lights in the heavens, who is himself never subject to change or to eclipse. Because he so willed, he gave us Life, through the Message of the Truth, so that we should be, as it were, an earnest of still further creations.
Because he so willed, he gave us Life, through the Message of the Truth, so that we should be, as it were, an earnest of still further creations.
Unfaithful people! Do not you know that to be friends with the world means to be at enmity with God? Therefore whoever chooses to be friends with the world makes himself an enemy to God.
But you are 'a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, God's own People,' entrusted with the proclamation of the goodness of him who called you out of Darkness into his wonderful Light.
For they wilfully shut their eyes to the fact that long ago the heavens existed; and the earth, also--formed out of water and by the action of water, by the fiat of God;
The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise, as some count slowness; but he is forbearing with you, as it is not his will that any of you should perish, but that all should be brought to repentance.
Dear friends, it is no new command that I am writing to you, but an old command, which you have had from the first. That old command is the Message to which you listened.
Dear friends, it is no new command that I am writing to you, but an old command, which you have had from the first. That old command is the Message to which you listened.
His love is seen in this--not in our having loved God, but in his loving us and sending his Son to be an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God loved us thus, we, surely, ought to love one another.
Listen, I give some of the Congregation of Satan, the men who declare that they are Jews, though they are not, but are lying----I will make them 'come and bow down at your feet,' and they shall learn that I loved you.
These four Creatures have each of them six wings, and all round, and within, they are full of eyes; and day and night they never cease to say-- 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, our God, the Almighty, who was, and who is, and who shall be.'
And therefore it is that they are before the throne of God, and are serving him day and night in his Temple; and he who is seated on the throne will shelter them.
Then the great Dragon, the primeval Serpent, known as the 'Devil' and 'Satan,' who deceives all the world, was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.
It exercises all the authority of the first Beast under its very eyes; and it makes the earth and all who are living on it worship that first Beast, whose mortal wound was healed.
It was permitted to breathe life into the image of the Beast, so that the image of the Beast might speak; and it was also permitted to cause all who refused to worship the image of the Beast to be put to death.
The smoke from their torture rises for ever and ever, and they have no rest day nor night-- those who worship the Beast and its image, and all who are branded with its name.'
Who will not reverence and praise thy Name, O Lord? Thou alone art holy! All nations will come and worship before thee, for thy judgments have become manifest.'
The first angel went and emptied his bowl upon the earth; and it turned to loathsome and painful sores upon all who bore the brand of the Beast and who worshiped its image.
And I heard the Angel of the Waters saying-- 'Righteous art thou, thou who art and who wast, the Holy One, in inflicting this judgment;
I prostrated myself at the feet of him who spoke to worship him, but he said to me- - 'Forbear; I am your fellow-servant, and the fellow-servant of your Brothers who bear their testimony to Jesus. Worship God. For to bear testimony to Jesus needs the inspiration of the Prophets.'
He seized the Dragon, the primeval Serpent (who is the 'Devil' or 'Satan'), and bound him in chains for a thousand years.
'Every thing that is accursed will cease to be.' The throne of God and of the Lamb will be within it, and his servants will worship him;