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"Oh, you sinful nation! You people burdened down by iniquity! You offspring of those who keep practicing what is evil! You corrupt children! "They've abandoned the LORD; they've despised the Holy One of Israel; in their estrangement, they've walked away from me.

Verse ConceptsCorruption, Of HumanityAbandonmentForsaking God, Illustrated ByImpenitence, Warnings AgainstNationalismRejection Of GodEvildoersGod's People Sinningcorruption

The upright town has become untrue; there was a time when her judges gave right decisions, when righteousness had a resting-place in her, but now she is full of those who take men's lives.

Verse ConceptsBabylonSpiritual HarlotryInjustice, Examples OfProstitutionHarlotswhores

For this reason the Lord, the Lord of armies, the Strong One of Israel, has said, I will put an end to my haters, and send punishment on those who are against me;

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfRetributionGod Executes VengeanceRevengeventing

Zion will be redeemed by justice, and those of her who repent, by righteousness.

Verse ConceptsA Righteous Peopleredeemed

And the destruction of transgressors and sinners is together, And those forsaking Jehovah are consumed.

Verse ConceptsBrokennessForsaking GodRejection Of GodRenunciationSinnersConsequences Of Forsaking God

For you have forsaken your people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled from the east, with those who practice divination like the Philistines, and they clasp hands with the children of foreigners.

Verse ConceptsAbandoning FriendsAbandonmentDivination, Practiced ByJacob, The PatriarchPagansSyncretismOut Of The EastRelations With ForeignersAliens

captains of groups of fifty, the respected citizens, advisers and those skilled in magical arts, and those who know incantations.

Verse ConceptsRankSkillFiftiesSkilled Peoplemagicartistscraftsmanship

And the people will be crushed, every one by his neighbour; the young will be full of pride against the old, and those of low position will be lifted up against the noble.

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attitudes ToBad ChildrenDisrespect For Old AgeDiscourtesyOppressorsThe Elderly

And Jerusalem’s gates will lament (cry out in grief) and mourn [as those who wail for the dead];
And she, being ruined and desolate, will sit upon the ground.

Verse ConceptsSitting In DejectionMourning Due To Catastrophe

In that day there shall be a sprout of Jehovah for beauty and glory, and the fruit of the earth for excellency and for ornament for those that are escaped of Israel.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBeautifulBranches, Illustrating MessiahMessianic AgeNames And Titles For ChristBeauty Of GodSurvivors Of IsraelWomen's BeautyExcellence

And it will come about that the rest of the living in Zion, and of those who have been kept from destruction in Jerusalem, will be named holy, even everyone who has been recorded for life in Jerusalem:

Verse ConceptsZion, As A PlaceNames Written In HeavenSurvivors FavouredA Holy Nationzion

Then the LORD will create over the entire site of Mount Zion including over those who assemble there a cloud by day

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfGlory, Revelation OfDivine ManifestationsSmokeGod Appearing In FireCloud of glorysmokingzion

In those companies are harps and lutes, tabrets and pipes, and wine. But they regard not the work of the LORD, and consider not the operation of his hands.

Verse ConceptsFlutesAmusementsBanquets, ActivitiesHarpsLyreMusical Instruments, types ofWorldly Pleasures, Leads ToDrunkenness, ResultsDissipationTambourinesLyresdrums

Therefore Sheol has enlarged its throat, and it has opened wide its mouth without limit, and her nobles will go down, and her multitude, her tumult and those who revel in her.

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheThe Glory Of ManThe Fact Of Death

Woe to those drawing out iniquity with cords of vanity, And as with thick ropes of the cart -- sin.

Verse ConceptsCartsRopesPulling ThingsContinuing In SinWoe To The Wicked

those who say, "Let him make haste; let him hurry his work so that we may see it and let it draw near and let the plan of the holy one of Israel come so that we may know [it]!"

Verse ConceptsDoubting God's WordScoffers

Those who acquit the guilty because of a bribe and remove [the] justice of [the] innocent from him.

Verse ConceptsAcquittalGuiltAcquitting The Guilty

And the pivots of the thresholds shook from the sound of those who called, and the house was filled [with] smoke.

Verse ConceptsSmokeTheophanyTremblingMoving To A New Place

In the same day the Lord shall shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by those Beyond the River, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet; and it shall also sweep away the beard.

Verse ConceptsBaldness, Figurative UseBarbersBaldnessBeardsHairsHiringLegsShavingRazorsThe Hair Of The BodyTrimming Facial HairCutting HairBeyond The EuphratesHair

You will not go to all the hills
that were once tilled with a hoe,
for fear of the thorns and briers.
Those hills will be places for oxen to graze
and for sheep to trample.

Verse ConceptsHillsTilling The SoilFear, Of NaturalCultivation

“Then He shall be a sanctuary [a sacred, indestructible shelter for those who fear and trust Him];
But to both the houses of Israel [both the northern and southern kingdoms—Israel and Judah, He will be] a stone on which to stumble and a rock on which to trip,
A trap and a snare for the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Necessity OfGod, The RockStumblingZion, As A SymbolProphecies Concerning ChristCapstoneDownfall Of IsraelStumbling Over ChristChrist The RockGod TrappingMessianic Prophecies

And when they say unto you, 'Seek unto those having familiar spirits, And unto wizards, who chatter and mutter, Doth not a people seek unto its God? -- For the living unto the dead!

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFamiliar SpiritsSpiritsSpiritismNecromancyDivinationFortunetellingAvoid SpiritismOccultismguidancewitchespsychicsOccult Being Powerless Before God

{But there will be no gloom for those who were in distress}. In former times he treated [the] land of Zebulun and Naphtali with contempt, but in the future he will honor the way of the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee [of] the nations.

Verse ConceptsHumilityComing Out Of DarknessDespair

All the people were aware of it, the people of Ephraim and those living in Samaria. Yet with pride and an arrogant attitude, they said,

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceProud People

And the leaders of this people were misleading [them], and those who were led [were] confused.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Need For God'sBeing MisleadMisleading ChildrenLeaders

The land was dark with the wrath of the Lord of armies: the people were like those who take men's flesh for food.

Verse ConceptsWicked Described AsFire Of God's AngerNot Sparingwrath

Who do wrong to the poor in their cause, and take away the right of the crushed among my people, so that they may have the property of widows, and get under their power those who have no father.

Verse ConceptsFraudThe NeedyPlunderingHuntingOppression, Nature OfPoverty, Attitudes TowardsPoor, Oppression OfExtortionNo JusticeNot Helping WidowsHelping The Pooroppression

so you won't have to crouch among those in chains or fall among the slain? "Yet for all this, his anger has not turned away, and his hand is still stretched out, ready to strike."

Verse ConceptsGod's HandCrouchingGod's Hands Stretched Out

For I shall send him among those hypocritical people, among the people that have deserved my disfavour shall I send him: that he may utterly rob them, spoil them, and tread them down like the mire in the street.

Verse ConceptsPlunderingGodlessnessNationalismTrampling People

As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols, and their graven images exceeded those of Jerusalem and Samaria,

Verse ConceptsGod Is Truthful

For the Assyrian king has said,

“I have done this by the power of my [own] hand and by my wisdom,
For I have understanding and skill.
I have removed the boundaries of the peoples
And have plundered their treasures;
Like a bull I have brought down those who sat on thrones.

Verse ConceptsPride, Examples OfWisdom, Human NatureFalse WisdomActing For Oneself

-- Doth the axe glorify itself Against him who is hewing with it? Doth the saw magnify itself Against him who is shaking it? As a rod waving those lifting it up! As a staff lifting up that which is not wood!

Verse ConceptsAxesSelf ConfidenceToolsWoodInfidelity To GodSawsClubsDo Not Be ProudScoffers

It will come to pass in that day that the remnant of Israel, and those who have escaped from the house of Jacob will no more again lean on him who struck them, but shall lean on Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Benefits OfSurvivors FavouredSurvivors Of IsraelBelieving In GodOthers Believing In God

They crossed over at the ford, saying,
“We will spend the night at Geba.”
The people of Ramah are trembling;
those at Gibeah of Saul have fled.

Verse ConceptsGroups Trembling

Behold, the Lord, the God of hosts, will lop off the boughs with a terrible crash;
Those also who are tall in stature will be cut down
And those who are lofty will be abased.

Verse ConceptsCutting Off BranchesPutting Things Down

But he will do right in the cause of the poor, and give wise decisions for those in the land who are in need; and the rod of his mouth will come down on the cruel, and with the breath of his lips he will put an end to the evil-doer.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of GodFace Of GodWaistsMillennial KingdomSpirit Of ChristThe Sword Of The SpiritGod Beating PeopleGod KillingChrist SpeakingGod KillsRighteousness Of ChristStriking People With A Stafffairness

And he will put up a flag as a sign to the nations, and he will get together those of Israel who had been sent away, and the wandering ones of Judah, from the four ends of the earth.

Verse Conceptsdispersion, theRemnantOutcastsFour CornersFlagsFour Sides

The envy also of Ephraim will depart, and those who persecute Judah will be cut off. Ephraim won't envy Judah, and Judah won't persecute Ephraim.

Verse ConceptsJealousyAvoiding Jealousyharassment

And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, those left from Assyria; as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsHighwayRoadsThe Prophecy Towards AssyriaMaking RoadsSurvivors FavouredHighways

I have given charge to My sanctified ones, Also I have called My mighty ones for Mine anger, Those rejoicing at Mine excellency.'

Verse ConceptsSanctificationheroesventing

They panic -- cramps and pain seize hold of them like those of a woman who is straining to give birth. They look at one another in astonishment; their faces are flushed red.

Verse ConceptsChildbirthPunishment, Nature OfTravailLabour Pains

Their bows will dash the young men to pieces; they'll show no pity on those not yet born, and their eyes will not spare children.

Verse ConceptsMercy, HumanInfanticidePitilessnessPeople Without Mercypity

People will never be living in it again, and it will have no more men from generation to generation: the Arab will not put up his tent there; and those who keep sheep will not make it a resting-place for their flocks.

Verse ConceptsNomadsEmpty CitiesNo More Tending The Flock

The peoples will take them along and bring them to their own place (Judea), and the house of Israel will possess them as an inheritance in the land of the Lord as male and female servants; and they will take captive those whose captives they have been, and they will rule over their [former] oppressors.

Verse ConceptsStrangers in israel

Those who see you will gaze at you,
They will consider you, saying,
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,

Verse ConceptsShakingTremblingIs It Really?Taking Care Of The Earthfateworms

But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadCovering The BodyPitsWicked Described AsUnburied BodiesPits As A Term For Graves

you will not be united with them in burial, for you have destroyed your land, you have slain your people. People will never mention the descendants of those who practice evil again!

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsParents SinSins Of The Fathers

And the poorest of the land will have food, and those in need will be given a safe resting-place: but your seed will come to an end for need of food, and the rest of you will be put to the sword.

Verse ConceptsPeace, Divine In OtRootsSafetyFamine Coming From GodThose Helping The PoorFeeding The Poor

For the waters of Dimon are full of blood;
Yet I will bring even more woes on Dimon—
A lion upon those of Moab who escape and upon the remnant of the land.

Verse ConceptsSurvivors DestroyedTurned To Blood

Give wise directions, make a decision; let your shade be as night in full day: keep safe those who are in flight; do not give up the wandering ones.

Verse ConceptsNoonOutcastsrelentless

Let those who have been forced out of Moab have a resting-place with you; be a cover to them from him who is making waste their land: till the cruel ones are cut off, and wasting has come to an end, and those who take pleasure in crushing the poor are gone from the land.

Verse ConceptsSatan as Destroyer

Therefore Moab will wail; everyone of Moab will wail.
You will moan for the raisin cakes of Kir-hareseth
As those who are utterly stricken.

Verse ConceptsBereavement, Expression OfLamentingDried Fruit

Therefore my heart sounds like a harp [in mournful compassion] for Moab,
And my inner being mourns for Kir-hareseth.

Verse ConceptsGod, Suffering OfHarps

And now the Lord says, “In three years, as a hired worker counts years, Moab’s splendor will become an object of contempt, in spite of a very large population. And those who are left will be few and weak.”

Verse ConceptsInferiorityHirelingsPowerlessnessThree YearsSurvivors ThreatenedLosing Honour

The many nations massing together are as good as dead, those who make a commotion as loud as the roaring of the sea's waves. The people making such an uproar are as good as dead, those who make an uproar as loud as the roaring of powerful waves.

Verse ConceptsSeaThings Like The SeaSea, Metaphorical References

At evening time, now look, sudden terror!
Before morning the Assyrians are no more.
This is the portion (fate) of those who plunder us,
And the lot of those who pillage us.

Verse ConceptsMorningAt Morning And EveningFear Will Cometerrorism

And emptied out hath been in its midst the spirit of Egypt. And its counsel I swallow up, And they have sought unto the idols, And unto the charmers, And unto those having familiar spirits, And unto the wizards.

Verse ConceptsadvisersHuman EmotionGuidance, Need For God'sHeart, HumanMediumsPessimismPlansSpiritsDivinationNecromancyLosing CourageOccultismOccult Being Powerless Before God

And lamented have the fishers, And mourned have all casting angle into a brook, And those spreading nets on the face of the waters have languished.

Verse ConceptsFishesLamentingNetsOccupationsFishermen

And [the] workers of combed flax will be ashamed, and those who weave white linen.

Verse ConceptsFlaxHope, Results Of Its AbsenceLinenSpinning And WeavingDespair

[Those who are] the pillars and foundations of Egypt will be crushed;
And all those who work for wages will be grieved in soul.

Verse ConceptsWagesPoolsMetaphorical Pillars

The princes of Zoan have acted like fools,
The princes of Memphis are deluded [and entertain false hope];
Those who are the cornerstone of her tribes
Have led Egypt astray.

Verse ConceptsCornerstoneMemphisFoolish PeopleStrong Delusion

This shall be a token or testimony unto the LORD of Hosts in the land of Egypt, when they shall cry unto him, because of those that oppress them. And he shall send them a Captain and a Saviour to deliver them.

Verse Conceptsdefence, divineAnswered PromisesCryingThings As Signs

So will the king of Assyria take away the prisoners of Egypt and those forced out of Ethiopia, young and old, unclothed and without shoes, and with backs uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsBarefeetPrisonersAfrica

Those who made Cush their hope and Egypt their boast will be dismayed and ashamed.

Verse ConceptsAfricaexpectations

So the inhabitants of this coastland [the Israelites and their neighbors] will say in that day, ‘Look what has happened to those in whom we hoped and trusted and to whom we fled for help to be spared from the king of Assyria! But we, how will we escape [captivity and exile]?’”

Verse ConceptsEscaping Evilpremonitions

Give water to him who is in need of water; give bread, O men of the land of Tema, to those in flight.

Verse ConceptsFugitivesBenevolenceFeeding Groups

And there will be few archers, those who are descendants of Kedar, who survive, because the LORD, the God of Israel, has spoken."

Verse ConceptsSurvivors Of IsraelFew People

For the Lord God of hosts says this, “Go to this [contemptible] steward,
To Shebna, who is in charge of the royal household [but is building himself a tomb worthy of a king, and say to him],

Verse ConceptsTreasurer

and I'll clothe him with your robe and fasten your sash around him. I'll transfer your authority to him, and he'll be a father to those who live in Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.

Verse ConceptsRobesHuman Authority, Nature OfSpiritual FathersPeople Lacking Authority

It was the purpose of the Lord of armies to put pride to shame, to make sport of the glory of those who are honoured in the earth.

Verse ConceptsendHumilitySuperiorityHumbling The ProudGod Opposes The ProudGod's Plans

Now look at the land of the Chaldeans (Babylonia)—this is the people which was not; the Assyrians allocated Tyre for desert creatures—they set up their siege towers, they stripped its palaces, they made it a ruin.

Verse ConceptsRuinsThe Prophecy Towards AssyriaThe Prophecy Towards Babylon

It will happen at that time that Tyre will be forgotten for 70 years, the span of a king's life. Then, at the end of those 70 years, it will turn out for Tyre as in the prostitute's song:

Verse ConceptsAge, Span Of Life70 To 80 YearsLifespanForgetting Peoplewhores

And her merchandise and her gift have been holy to Jehovah, Not treasured up nor stored, For to those sitting before Jehovah is her merchandise, To eat to satiety, and for a lasting covering!

Verse ConceptsMerchandiseStoring Treasure On EarthWages Of A Prostitute

And it will be the same for the people as for the priest; for the servant as for his master; and for the woman-servant as for her owner; the same for the one offering goods for a price as for him who takes them; the same for him who gives money at interest and for him who takes it; the same for him who lets others have the use of his property as for those who make use of it.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesServants Of PeopleLike People In CharacterLending And Borrowingservanthoodmistresspriests

The earth has been made unclean by those living in it; because the laws have not been kept by them, the orders have been changed, and the eternal agreement has been broken.

Verse ConceptsCovenant breakersCovenant, God's with NoahGod, The EternalEcological ConcernsPolluting The LandBreaking The CovenantBreaking God's LawDefilement

Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell therein are found guilty. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

Verse ConceptsFew PeopleGod CursingGuiltThe Earth

The new wine dries up, the vines shrivel up, all those who like to celebrate groan.

Verse ConceptsdrynessShortage Of WineMourning Due To Catastrophe

The mirth of the timbrels (tambourines) ceases,
The noise of those who rejoice ends,
The joy of the harp ceases.

Verse ConceptsHarpsMusical Instruments, types ofCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicingdrums

But those will be making sounds of joy; they will be crying loudly from the sea for the glory of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfWestOut Of The WestDepression

For He has humbled those who live in lofty places—
an inaccessible city.
He brings it down; He brings it down to the ground;
He throws it to the dust.

Verse ConceptsHumiliationHumilityPride, Results OfHumbling The ProudDestruction Of CitiesPutting Things Down

It will be crushed under the feet of the poor and the steps of those who are in need.

Verse ConceptsTrampling Placesfootsteps

The way of the righteous [those in right-standing with God—living in moral and spiritual integrity] is smooth and level;
O Upright One, make a level path for the just and righteous.

Verse ConceptsGod, Perfection OfPaths Of BelieversUprightnessStraight PathsSmoothnessSmoothPathsweight

I look for you during the night, my spirit within me seeks you at dawn, for when your judgments come upon the earth, those who live in the world learn about justice.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Desiresdiscipleship, nature ofLonging For GodEarth, Judgment OfNightPrayer, As A Relationship With GodThirstAfflictions, Benefits Of

For look, the Lord is coming out of the place where he lives, to punish the sin of those who live on the earth. The earth will display the blood shed on it; it will no longer cover up its slain.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahBlood, as symbol of guiltBlood, as basis of lifePunishment, By GodReward, DivineSin, God's Judgment OnVeilsSin Made Known

Those coming in He causeth to take root, Jacob doth blossom, and flourished hath Israel, And they have filled the face of the world with increase.

Verse ConceptsBlossomFilling PlacesRootsPotential Of FruitGod's People PlantedRoses

Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Verse ConceptsGod Beating PeopleGod KillingGod Killed His People

And it hath come to pass, in that day, It is blown with a great trumpet, And come in have those perishing in the land of Asshur, And those cast out in the land of Egypt, And have bowed themselves to Jehovah, In the holy mount -- in Jerusalem!

Verse ConceptsMission, Of IsraelTrumpetWorship, Places OfOutcastsHow To Worship GodTrumpets At The End

Woe (judgment is coming) to [Samaria] the splendid crown of the drunkards of Ephraim,
And to the fading flower of its glorious beauty,
Which is at the head of the rich valley
Of those who are overcome with wine!

Verse ConceptsFlowersAlcoholWineBeauty, Temporal Nature OfNo BeautyThe Proud Will Be AbasedWoe To Israel And JerusalemWorseNorthern Kingdom Of Israeldrunkards

The crown of pride of those who are given up to wine in Ephraim will be crushed under foot;

Verse ConceptsAlcoholTrampling PeopleThe Proud Will Be AbasedNorthern Kingdom Of Israel