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And it shall come to pass, at that time, that I will search through Jerusalem, with lamps, - and will punish the men who are thickened upon their lees, who are saying in their heart, Yahweh, will not give blessing, neither will he bring calamity.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceComplacencyLampsReward, DivineSin, God's Judgment OnHoly Spirit, Types OfImpietyInfidelity To GodGod Searching For PeopleGood Or BadFeeling

Ere yet the decree, have given birth, like chaff, the day, have vanished, - ere yet shall come upon you, the glow of the anger of Yahweh, ere yet shall come upon you, the day of the anger of Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsLight As ChaffThe Coming Day Of God's Wrath

For Gaza will be given up and Ashkelon will become waste: they will send Ashdod out in the middle of the day, and Ekron will be uprooted.

Verse ConceptsNoonArchaeologyEmpty CitiesPlucking Outcrusades

The land by the sea will be for the rest of the children of Judah; by the sea they will give their flocks food: in the houses of Ashkelon they will take their rest in the evening; for the Lord their God will take them in hand and their fate will be changed.

Verse ConceptsLiving In HousesCoastlandsLying Down To RestSurvivors FavouredGod's Interventionfatemindfulness

For this cause, by my life, says the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, truly Moab will become like Sodom and the children of Ammon like Gomorrah, given up to waste plants and salt pools and unpeopled for ever: the rest of my people will take their property, the overflow of my nation will take their heritage.

Verse ConceptsPlunderingSaltWeedsAmmonitesSurvivors FavouredSournessPets

Its prophets are arrogant and treacherous. Its priests have contaminated the sanctuary. They give perverse interpretations of the Law.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesSanctuaryTreacheryCorrupt PriestsPollutionsWicked ProphetsLack Of HolinessUnfaithful

The just Jehovah is in her midst; He will not act perversely. Every morning He gives His justice to the light; He fails not; but the perverse knows no shame.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, God's Attitude TowardGod, Righteousness OfMorningRegretUnceasingGod Always WorkingGod Doing RightDoing RightEvery MorningAbsence Of RegretInjustice

“Then I will give to the peoples [clear and pure speech from] purified lips [which reflect their purified hearts],
That all of them may call on the name of the Lord,
To serve Him shoulder to shoulder (united).

Verse ConceptsShouldersCalling upon GodHoliness, Purpose OfPurity, Moral And SpiritualCompanionshipLanguagePuritySpeechpeople

Make melody, O daughter of Zion; give a loud cry, O Israel; be glad and let your heart be full of joy, O daughter of Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersJoy, Of IsraelShoutingRejoicingShouting For JoyRejoicing In God's Workszion

Behold, at that time I will deal with all those who afflict you, and I will save those who are lame, and gather those who were driven away. I will give them praise and honor, whose shame has been in all the earth.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesEliminating ShameGod HealsNo DealingsPeople Have Honouruncertainty

At that time I bring you in, Even at the time of My assembling you, For I give you for a name, and for a praise, Among all peoples of the land, In My turning back to your captivity before your eyes, said Jehovah!

Verse ConceptsHomeProphecy, Methods Of OtGathering IsraelPeople Have HonourPraising Specific PeopleGiving Back