Thematic Bible: Ministers should
Thematic Bible
Doctrines of the The Gospel » Ministers should » Attend to
Attend to your Scripture-reading, your preaching, and your teaching, till I come.
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Watch yourself and watch your teaching; stick to your work; if you do that, you will save your hearers as well as yourself.
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Doctrines of the The Gospel » Ministers should » Hold, in sincerity
I am, for I am not like most, adulterating the word of God; like a man of sincerity, like a man of God, I speak the word in Christ before the very presence of God.
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set them an example of good conduct; be sincere and serious in your teaching,
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Doctrines of the The Gospel » Ministers should » Hold steadfastly
Model yourself on the sound instruction you have had from me in the faith and love of Christ Jesus.
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he must hold by the sure truths of doctrine so as to be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and refute objections raised by any.]
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Doctrines of the The Gospel » Ministers should » Continue in
Watch yourself and watch your teaching; stick to your work; if you do that, you will save your hearers as well as yourself.
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Doctrines of the The Gospel » Ministers should » Be nourished up in
Lay this before the brotherhood, and you will be an excellent minister of Christ Jesus, brought up on the truths of the faith and on the lessons of the good doctrine you have already followed.
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Doctrines of the The Gospel » Ministers should » Speak things which become
You must instruct people in what is due to sound doctrine.
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Holiness » Ministers should » Exhort to
Aim at peace with all ??and at that consecration without which no one will ever see the Lord;
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Be obedient children, instead of moulding yourselves to the passions that once ruled the days of your ignorance; as He who called you is holy, so you must be holy too in all your conduct ??16 for it is written, You shall be holy because I am holy.
Holiness » Ministers should » Avoid » Everything » Inconsistent with
Holiness » Ministers should » Be examples of
Let no one slight you because you are a youth, but set the believers an example of speech, behaviour, love, faith, and purity.
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Holiness » Ministers should » Possess
he must be hospitable, a lover of goodness, master of himself, a just man, a religious man, and abstemious;
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Ignorance of God » Ministers should » Compassionate those in
can deal gently with those who err through ignorance, since he himself is beset with weakness ??3 which obliges him to present offerings for his own sins as well as for those of the People.
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And the Lord's servant must not be a man of strife; he must be kind to everybody, a skilled teacher, a man who will not resent injuries; he must be gentle in his admonitions to the opposition ??God may perhaps let them change their mind and admit the Truth;
Ignorance of God » Ministers should » Labor to remove
Why, as I passed along and scanned your objects of worship, I actually came upon an altar with the inscription TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Well, I proclaim to you what you worship in your ignorance.
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Joy » Ministers should » Have, in the faith and holiness of their people
I have absolute confidence in you, I am indeed proud of you, you are a perfect comfort to me, I am overflowing with delight, for all the trouble I have to bear.
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How can I render thanks enough to God for you, for all the joy you make me feel in the presence of our God?
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I have no greater joy than to hear of my children living in the Truth.
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Joy » Ministers should » Esteem their people as their
So then, my brothers, for whom I cherish love and longing, my joy and crown, this is how you must stand firm in the Lord, O my beloved.
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Why, you, you are our glory and joy!
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Joy » Ministers should » Promote, in their people
I am sure it is, and so I know I shall remain alive and serve you all by forwarding your progress and fostering the joy of your faith.
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(Not that we lord it over your faith ??no, we co-operate for your joy: you have a standing of your own in the faith.)
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Joy » Ministers should » Desire to render an account with
hold fast the word of life, so that I can be proud of you on the Day of Christ, because I have not run or worked for nothing.
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Obey your leaders, submit to them; for they are alive to the interests of your souls, as men who will have to account for their trust. Let their work be a joy to them and not a grief ??which would be a loss to yourselves.
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Joy » Ministers should » Pray for, for their people
May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, that you may be overflowing with hope by the power of the holy Spirit!
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Joy » Ministers should » Come to their people with
Then, by God's will, I shall gladly come to you and rest beside you.
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Joy » Ministers should » Finish their course with
But then, I set no value on my own life as compared with the joy of finishing my course and fulfilling the commission I received from the Lord Jesus to attest the gospel of the grace of God.
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Meekness » Ministers should » Instruct opposers with
And the Lord's servant must not be a man of strife; he must be kind to everybody, a skilled teacher, a man who will not resent injuries; he must be gentle in his admonitions to the opposition ??God may perhaps let them change their mind and admit the Truth;
Meekness » Ministers should » Follow after
Shun that, O man of God, aim at integrity, piety, faith, love, stedfastness, and suavity;
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Meekness » Ministers should » Urge, on their people
Remind them to be submissive to their rulers and authorities; they must obey, they must be ready for any good work, they must abuse no one, they must not quarrel, but be conciliatory and display perfect gentleness to all men.
Offence » Ministers should » Be cautious of giving
I put no obstacle in the path of any, so that my ministry may not be discredited;
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Offence » Ministers should » Remove that which causes
Righteousness » Ministers should » Pray for the fruit of, in their people
He who furnishes the sower with seed and with bread to eat will supply seed for you and multiply it; he will increase the crop of your charities ??11 you will be enriched on all hands, so that you can be generous on all occasions, and your generosity, of which I am the agent, will make men give thanks to God;
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your life covered with that harvest of righteousness which Jesus Christ produces to the glory and the praise of God.
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Righteousness » Ministers should » Follow after
Shun that, O man of God, aim at integrity, piety, faith, love, stedfastness, and suavity;
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So shun the lusts of youth and aim at integrity, faith, love and peace, in the company of those who invoke the Lord out of a pure heart.
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Righteousness » Ministers should » Be armed with
true words, the power of God; with the weapons of integrity for attack or for defence,
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Righteousness » Ministers should » Be preachers of
if he did not spare the ancient world but kept Noah, the herald of righteousness, safe with seven others, when he let loose the deluge on the world of impious men:
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Righteousness » Ministers should » Be clothed with
Righteousness » Ministers should » Reason of
but when he argued about morality, self-mastery, and the future judgment, Felix grew uneasy. "You may go for the present," he said; "when I can find a moment, I will send for you"
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Self-will and stubbornness » Ministers should » Pray that their people may be forgiven for
Self-will and stubbornness » Ministers should » Warn their people against
Therefore, as the holy Spirit says, To-day, when you hear his voice, harden not your hearts as at the Provocation, on the day of the Temptation in the desert, where your fathers put me to the proof, and for forty years felt what I could do. read more.
Therefore I grew exasperated with that generation, I said, 'They are always astray in their heart': They would not learn my ways; so I swore in my anger, 'they shall never enter my Rest.' Brothers, take care in case there is a wicked, unbelieving heart in any of you, moving you to apostatize from the living God.
Therefore I grew exasperated with that generation, I said, 'They are always astray in their heart': They would not learn my ways; so I swore in my anger, 'they shall never enter my Rest.' Brothers, take care in case there is a wicked, unbelieving heart in any of you, moving you to apostatize from the living God.
Self-will and stubbornness » Ministers should » Be without
[For a bishop must be above reproach ??he is a steward of God's house ??he must not be presumptuous or hot-tempered or a drunkard or violent or addicted to pilfering;
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national Sins » Ministers should » Testify against
national Sins » Ministers should » Mourn over
national Sins » Ministers should » Pray for forgiveness of
national Sins » Ministers should » Try to turn the people from
Strife » Ministers should » Reprove
For Chloe's people inform me that you are quarrelling.
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you are still worldly. For with jealousy and quarrels in your midst, are you not worldly, are you not behaving like ordinary men?
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But in giving you the following injunction I cannot commend you; for you are the worse, not the better, for assembling together. First of all, in your church-meetings I am told that cliques prevail. And I partly believe it.
Strife » Ministers should » Warn against
Brothers, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ I beg of you all to drop these party-cries. There must be no cliques among you; you must regain your common temper and attitude.
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Remind men of this: adjure them before the Lord not to bandy arguments ??no good comes out of that, it only means the undoing of your audience.
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Strife » Ministers should » Avoid
And the Lord's servant must not be a man of strife; he must be kind to everybody, a skilled teacher, a man who will not resent injuries;
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not a drunkard or violent, but lenient and conciliatory, not a lover of money,
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Strife » Ministers should » Avoid questions that lead to
But avoid foolish controversy, and let genealogies and dissensions and strife over the Law alone, for these are fruitless and futile.
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Shut your mind against foolish, popular controversy; be sure that only breeds strife.
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Strife » Ministers should » Not preach through
Some of them, it is true, are actually preaching Christ from envy and rivalry, others from goodwill; the latter do it from love to me, knowing that I am set here to defend the gospel,
Truth » Ministers should » Approve themselves by
true words, the power of God; with the weapons of integrity for attack or for defence,
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I disown those practices which very shame conceals from view; I do not go about it craftily; I do not falsify the word of God; I state the truth openly and so commend myself to every man's conscience before God.
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I told him of my pride in you, and I have not been disappointed. No, just as all I have had to say to you has been true, so all I said about you to Titus, all my pride in you, has also proved true.
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Truth » Ministers should » Speak
(If I did care to boast of other things, I would be no 'fool,' for I would have a true tale to tell; however, I abstain from that ??I want no one to take me for more than he can see in me or make out from me.)
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Am I your enemy to-day, because I have been honest with you?
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Truth » Ministers should » Teach in
and I was appointed to be its herald and apostle (I am not telling a lie, it is quite true), to teach the Gentiles faith and truth.
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Works, good » Ministers should » Exhort to
Charge the rich of this world not to be supercilious, and not to fix their hopes on so uncertain a thing as riches but on the living God who richly provides us with all the enjoyments of life; tell them to be bountiful, rich in good works, open-handed and generous,
Works, good » Ministers should » Be patterns of
set them an example of good conduct; be sincere and serious in your teaching,
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