50 Bible Verses about Teachers
Most Relevant Verses
My brothers, do not swell the ranks of the teachers; remember, we teachers will be judged with special strictness.
Though by this time you should be teaching other people, you still need someone to teach you once more the rudimentary principles of the divine revelation. You are in need of milk, not of solid food.
he granted some men to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to shepherd and teach,
if it is practical service, let us mind our service; the teacher must mind his teaching,
Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles?
Those who are taught must share all the blessings of life with those who teach them the Word.
doctors of the Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp.
A scholar is not above his teacher: but if he is perfectly trained he will be like his teacher.
And the Lord's servant must not be a man of strife; he must be kind to everybody, a skilled teacher, a man who will not resent injuries;
a tutor for the foolish, a teacher of the simple, because in the Law you have the embodiment of knowledge and truth ??21 well then, do you ever teach yourself, you teacher of other people? You preach against stealing; do you steal?
Anyone who teaches novelties and refuses to fall in with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine that tallies with piety,
But you are not to be called 'rabbi,' for One is your teacher, and you are all brothers;
Of that gospel I have been appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher,
That is to say, God has set people within the church to be first of all apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, and speakers in 'tongues' of various kinds.
All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for amendment, and for moral discipline,
Then a ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what am I to do to inherit life eternal?"
nor must you be called 'leaders,' for One is your leader, even the Christ.
Do not imagine I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword.
but the Helper, the holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and recall to you everything I have said.
For the grace of God has appeared to save all men, and it schools us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions and to live a life of self-mastery, of integrity, and of piety in this present world,
As for you fathers, do not exasperate your children, but bring them up in the discipline and on the admonitions of the Lord.
but hold you to what you have been taught, hold to your convictions, remember who your teachers were, remember you have known from childhood the sacred writings that can impart saving wisdom by faith in Christ Jesus.
not for a single day did they cease to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus the Christ in the temple and at home.
go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the holy Spirit, and teach them to obey all the commands I have laid on you. And I will be with you all the time, to the very end of the world."
who were annoyed at them teaching the people and proclaiming Jesus as an instance of resurrection from the dead.
With these orders they went into the temple about dawn and proceeded to teach. Meantime the high priest and his allies met, called the Sanhedrin together and the council of seniors belonging to the sons of Israel, and then sent to prison for the men.
how I never shrank from letting you know anything for your good, or from teaching you alike in public and from house to house,
and on finding him he brought him to Antioch, where for a whole year they were guests of the church and taught considerable numbers. It was at Antioch too that the disciples were originally called "Christians."
Paul and Barnabas, however, stayed on in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord along with a number of others.
So he settled there for a year and six months, teaching them the word of God.
and I was appointed to be its herald and apostle (I am not telling a lie, it is quite true), to teach the Gentiles faith and truth.
Now in the local church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Symeon (called Niger) and Lucius the Cyrenian, besides Manaen (a foster-brother of Herod the tetrarch) and Saul.
and transmit the instructions I gave you in presence of many witnesses to trustworthy men, that they may be competent to teach others.
he must hold by the sure truths of doctrine so as to be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and refute objections raised by any.]
Well, for the office of a bishop a man must be above reproach; he must be only married once, he must be temperate, master of himself, unruffled, hospitable, a skilled teacher,
Presbyters who are efficient presidents are to be considered worthy of ample remuneration, particularly those who have the task of preaching and teaching:
Let the inspiration of Christ dwell in your midst with all its wealth of wisdom; teach and train one another with the music of psalms, with hymns, and songs of the spiritual life; praise God with thankful hearts.
From Thematic Bible
Christian ministers » Teachers
he granted some men to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to shepherd and teach,
Ministers » Remuneration of » Teachers
and teach them to obey all the commands I have laid on you. And I will be with you all the time, to the very end of the world."
Well, for the office of a bishop a man must be above reproach; he must be only married once, he must be temperate, master of himself, unruffled, hospitable, a skilled teacher,
Those who have Christian believers as their masters must not take liberties with them because they are brothers; they must be all the better servants because those who get the good of their service are believers and beloved. This is what you are to teach and preach.
he must be gentle in his admonitions to the opposition ??God may perhaps let them change their mind and admit the Truth;
Names » Of ministers » Teachers
Teachers » FALSE » Admonition against
Beware of false prophets; they come to you with the garb of sheep but at heart they are ravenous wolves.
Therefore whoever relaxes a single one of these commands, were it even one of the least, and teaches men so, he will be ranked least in the Realm of heaven; but whoever obeys them and teaches them, he will be ranked great in the Realm of heaven.)
"The scribes and Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses; so do whatever they tell you, obey them, but do not do as they do. They talk but they do not act. They make up heavy loads and lay them on men's shoulders, but they will not stir a finger to remove them. read more.
Besides, all they do is done to catch the notice of men; they make their phylacteries broad, they wear large tassels, they are fond of the best places at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues; they like to be saluted in the marketplaces and to be called 'rabbi' by men. But you are not to be called 'rabbi,' for One is your teacher, and you are all brothers; you are not to call anyone 'father' on earth, for One is your heavenly Father; nor must you be called 'leaders,' for One is your leader, even the Christ. He who is greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever uplifts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be uplifted. Woe to you, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you shut the Realm of heaven in men's faces; you neither enter yourselves, nor will you let those enter who are on the point of entering. ??- Woe to you, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when you succeed you make him a son of Gehenna twice as bad as yourselves. Woe to you, blind guides that you are! you say, 'Swear by the sanctuary, and it means nothing; but swear by the gold of the sanctuary, and the oath is binding.' You are senseless and blind! for which is the greater, the gold or the sanctuary that makes the gold sacred? You say again, 'Swear by the altar, and it means nothing; but swear by the gift upon it, and the oath is binding.' You are blind! for which is the greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred? He who swears by the altar swears by it and by all that lies on it; he who swears by the sanctuary swears by it and by Him who inhabits it; he who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits upon it. Woe to you, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and omit the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faithfulness; these latter you ought to have practised ??without omit ting the former. Blind guides that you are, filtering away the gnat and swallowing the camel! Woe to you, you irreligious scribes and Pharisees! you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are filled with your rapacity and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! first clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside may be clean as well. Woe to you, you irreligious scribes and Pharisees! you are like tombs white-washed; they look comely on the outside, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all manner of impurity. So to men you seem just, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe to you, you irreligious scribes and Pharisees! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the tombs of the just, and you say 'If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have joined them in shedding the blood of the prophets.' So you are witnesses against yourselves, that you are sons of those who killed the prophets! And you will fill up the measure that your fathers filled. You serpents! you brood of vipers! how can you escape being sentenced to Gehenna?
"Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? They do not wash their hands when they take their food." He replied, "And why do you transgress the command of God with your traditions? God enjoined, Honour your father and mother, and, He who curses his father or mother is to suffer death. read more.
But you say, whoever tells his father or mother, 'This money might have been at your service but it is dedicated to God,' need not honour his father or mother. So you have repealed the law of God to suit your own tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah made a grand prophecy about you when he said, This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me: vain is their worship of me, for the doctrines they teach are but human precepts." Then he called the crowd and said to them, "Listen, understand this: it is not what enters a man's mouth that defiles him, what defiles a man is what comes out of his mouth." Then the disciples came up and said to him, "Do you know that the Pharisees have taken offence at what they hear you say?" He replied, "Any plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind, and if one blind man leads another, both of them will fall into a pit." Peter answered, "Explain this parable to us at anyrate." He said, "And are you totally ignorant? Do you not see how all that enters the mouth passes into the belly and is then thrown out into the drain, while what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart ??and that is what defiles a man. For out of the heart come evil designs, murder, adultery, sexual vice, stealing, false witness, and slander. That is what defiles a man; a man is not defiled by eating with hands unwashed!"
Teachers » Samuel, head of school of prophets
Teachers » Elisha, head of, at gilgal
Titles and names of ministers » Teachers
he granted some men to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to shepherd and teach,
FALSE » Shepherds » Teachers
Still, false prophets did appear among the People, as among you also there will be false teachers, men who will insinuate destructive heresies, even disowning the Lord who ransomed them; they bring rapid destruction on themselves,
Anyone who teaches novelties and refuses to fall in with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine that tallies with piety,
through plausible sophists who are seared in conscience ??3 men who prohibit marriage and insist on abstinence from foods which God created for believing men, who understand the Truth, to partake of with thanksgiving.
doctors of the Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp.
for the time will come when people will decline to be taught sound doctrine and will accumulate teachers to suit themselves and tickle their own fancies;
Topics on Teachers
Christian Teachers
Acts 11:26and on finding him he brought him to Antioch, where for a whole year they were guests of the church and taught considerable numbers. It was at Antioch too that the disciples were originally called "Christians."
Deception Through False Teachers
2 Corinthians 11:13'Apostles'? They are spurious apostles, false workmen ??they are masquerading as 'apostles of Christ.'
False Apostles, Prophets And Teachers
Matthew 7:15-16Beware of false prophets; they come to you with the garb of sheep but at heart they are ravenous wolves.
False Teachers
2 Peter 2:1-3Still, false prophets did appear among the People, as among you also there will be false teachers, men who will insinuate destructive heresies, even disowning the Lord who ransomed them; they bring rapid destruction on themselves,
False Teachers, Characteristics Of
Galatians 1:6-8I am astonished you are hastily shifting like this, deserting Him who called you by Christ's grace and going over to another gospel.
False Teachers, Description
Acts 20:29I know that when I am gone, fierce wolves will get in among you, and they will not spare the flock; yes.
False Teachers, Examples Of
Revelation 2:14But I have one or two things against you: you have some adherents there of the tenets of Balaam, who taught Balak how to set a pitfall before the sons of Israel by making them eat food which had been sacrificed to idols and give way to sexual vice.
Teachers Of The Law
John 3:10Jesus replied, "You do not understand this? ??you, a teacher in Israel!
Teachers, Of False Doctrines
Romans 16:17-18Brothers, I beg of you to keep your eye on those who stir up dissensions and put hindrances in your way, contrary to the doctrine which you have been taught. Avoid them.
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