Thematic Bible: The Dragon
Thematic Bible
the Dragon » Illustrative » Of the devil
And he seized the dragon--the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan--and bound him [for] a thousand years,
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And when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison
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And the beast that I saw was similar to a leopard, and its feet [were] like a bear's, and its mouth [was] like the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave it his power and his throne and great authority.
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the Dragon » Illustrative » Of cruel and persecuting kings
Speak, and you must say, 'thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Look! I am against you, Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the great sea monster, the [one] lying down in the midst of his Nile streams, who says to me, "[It is] my Nile, and I made [it] [for] myself."
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On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword Leviathan, [the] fleeing serpent, and Leviathan, [the] twisting serpent, and he will kill the sea monster that [is] in the sea.
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Awake! Awake; put on strength, O arm of Yahweh! Awake as [in] days of long ago, [the] generations of a long time back! [Are] you not the one who cut Rahab in pieces, [the] one who pierced [the] sea-dragon?
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the Dragon » Found in » Deserted cities
And I will make Jerusalem as heaps [of ruins], a lair of jackals, and the towns of Judah I will make a desolation, {without inhabitants}.
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And hyenas will answer in its palaces, and jackals in the pleasure palaces; and its time {is coming soon}, and its days will not be prolonged.
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the Dragon » Found in » Dry places
And thorns shall go up her citadel fortress, weeds and thistle plants in her fortresses; and it shall be [the] settlement of jackals, green grass for [the] daughters of an ostrich.
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The animals of the field will honor me, jackals and daughters of [the] ostrich, for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in [the] desert, to give a drink [to] my chosen people,
Verse Concepts
the Dragon » A species of, in rivers
You split open [the] sea by your strength; You broke [the] heads of [the] sea monsters in the waters.
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On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword Leviathan, [the] fleeing serpent, and Leviathan, [the] twisting serpent, and he will kill the sea monster that [is] in the sea.
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the Dragon » Illustrative » (poison of,) of wine
Their wine [is] the poison of snakes, and [the] deadly poison of horned vipers.
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the Dragon » Described as » Poisonous
Their wine [is] the poison of snakes, and [the] deadly poison of horned vipers.
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the Dragon » Described as » Powerful
And his tail swept away a third of the stars from heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, in order that whenever she gave birth to her child he could devour [it].
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the Dragon » Often of a red color
And another sign appeared in heaven, and behold, a great fiery red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads [were] seven royal headbands.
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the Dragon » Its swallowing of its prey alluded to
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon has devoured me [and] sucked me dry; he has made me an empty vessel; he has swallowed me like the sea monster; he has filled his belly with my delicacies; he has rinsed me.
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the Dragon » Its snuffing up the air alluded to
And wild asses stand on [the] barren heights, they gasp [for] breath like the jackals. Their eyes fail because there is no vegetation."
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the Dragon » Illustrative » Of enemies of the church
You will tread on lion and viper; you will trample young lion and serpent.
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the Dragon » Illustrative » Of wicked men
But you have crushed us in a place of jackals, and have covered us with deep shadow.
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the Dragon » Found in » The wilderness
but Esau I have hated. I have made his mountain ranges a desolation, and [given] his inheritance to the jackals of [the] desert."
the Dragon » Described as » Of solitary habits
I am a companion for [the] jackals and a companion for {ostriches}.
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the Dragon » Its mournful voice alluded to
On account of this I will lament and wail. I will go about barefoot and naked. I will make a lamentation like the jackals, and a mourning ceremony like the {ostriches}.
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the Dragon » Its wailing alluded to
On account of this I will lament and wail. I will go about barefoot and naked. I will make a lamentation like the jackals, and a mourning ceremony like the {ostriches}.
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