8 Bible Verses about Adventure
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He said to them, "Come! Follow me, and I will make you fishermen for catching men."
I have served Him on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my own people, dangers from the heathen, dangers in the city, dangers in the desert, dangers at sea, dangers from false brothers,
But thanks be to God, for He always leads me in His triumphal train, through union with Christ, and everywhere through me keeps spreading the perfume of the knowledge of Him.
These people all died victoriously as a result of their faith, although they did not receive the blessings promised; that is, because they really saw them in the far-off future and welcomed them, and so professed to be only foreigners and strangers here on earth.
Keep up the good fight for the faith. Keep your hold on eternal life, to which God called you, when before many witnesses you made the good profession of faith.
I have fought the fight for the good, I have run my race, I have kept faith.
He said to them, "Come and you will see." So they went and saw where He was staying, and they spent the rest of the day with Him; it was about four in the afternoon.
When He stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Push out into deep water, and set your nets for a haul."
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