15 Bible Verses about False Hopes
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At the death of an upright man his hope does not come to an end, but the hope of the evil-doer comes to destruction.
The desire of the upright man is only for good, but wrath is waiting for the evil-doer.
Do not be turned from the right way by foolish words; for because of these things the punishment of God comes on those who do not put themselves under him.
The hope of the upright man will give joy, but the waiting of the evil-doer will have its end in sorrow.
Have you seen a man who seems to himself to be wise? There is more hope for the foolish than for him.
Have you seen a man who is quick with his tongue? There is more hope for a foolish man than for him.
Give orders to those who have money and goods in this life, not to be lifted up in their minds, or to put their hope in the uncertain chances of wealth, but in God who gives us in full measure all things for our use;
So is the end of all who do not keep God in mind; and the hope of the evil-doer comes to nothing:
But the eyes of the evil-doers will be wasting away; their way of flight is gone, and their only hope is the taking of their last breath.
For what is the hope of the sinner when he is cut off, when God takes back his soul?
He has said in his heart, I will not be moved: through all generations I will never be in trouble.
For I was looking for good, and evil came; I was waiting for light, and it became dark.
We were looking for peace, but no good came; and for a time of well-being, but there is only a great fear.
A horse is a false hope; his great power will not make any man free from danger.
This is what the Lord of armies has said: Do not give ear to the words which the prophets say to you: they give you teaching of no value: it is from themselves that their vision comes, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.
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