40 Bible Verses about Positive Thinking
Most Relevant Verses
Stop looking after your own interests only but practice looking out for the interests of others too.
And I have a right to think this way about you, because I always have you in my heart, whether shut up in prison or out defending and vindicating the good news, for you are sharers with me of God's favor.
Now, brothers, practice thinking on what is true, what is honorable, what is right, what is pure, what is lovable, what is high-toned, yes, on everything that is excellent or praiseworthy.
If anyone claims to have the prophetic spirit, or any other spiritual gift, let him recognize that what I now am writing is the Lord's command.
They want to be teachers of the law, although they do not understand the words they use or the things about which they make such confident assertions.
These were but the shadow of what was coming; the reality belongs to Christ.
Tell me, you who want to be subject to law, will you not listen to what the law says?
and the parts of it we deem devoid of honor we dress with special honor, and our ill-shaped parts receive more careful attention,
Keep on reminding men of these things. Solemnly charge them before God to stop petty debating, which does no good at all but brings destruction on those who hear it.
Through Him He picked us out before the creation of the world, to be consecrated and above reproach in His sight in love.
Whatever is born of the physical is physical, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spiritual.
so that you may always approve the better things, and be men of transparent character and blameless life,
If anyone is willing to keep on doing God's will, he will know whether my teaching comes from God, or merely expresses my own ideas.
For those who sleep at night and those who get drunk are drunken at night,
for I did not get it from any man; I was not taught it, but I got it through a revelation given by Jesus Christ.
But the father who stands firm in his purpose, without having any necessity for doing so, and he has made the decision in his own heart to keep her single, will do what is right.
Were you called while a slave? Stop letting that annoy you. Yet, if you can win your freedom, take advantage of such an opportunity.
Where is your self-congratulation? For I can testify that you would have torn out your very eyes, if you could, and have given them to me.
Indeed, when heathen people who have no law instinctively do what the law demands, although they have no law, they are a law to themselves,
ever happy in hope, always patient in suffering, ever persistent in prayer,
"The eye is the very lamp of the body. If then your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.
Make it your practice to receive into full Christian fellowship people who are overscrupulous, but not to criticize their views.
with perfect humility and gentleness, with patience, lovingly bearing with one another,
So the report got out among the brothers that this disciple was not going to die. But Jesus did not tell him that he was not going to die; He said only, "If I wish him to wait until I come, what is that to you?"
to men who have no written law, like one without any law, though I am not without God's law but specially under Christ's law, to win the men who have no written law.
Do you think so little of the riches of God's kindness, forbearance, and patience, not conscious that His kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
So if you have been raised to life in fellowship with Christ, keep on seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life myself. Whoever continues to believe in me will live right on even though he dies,
But the product of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
And this is the message that we have heard from Him and now announce to you: God is light, and there is no darkness at all in Him.
also keep up your ambition to live quietly, to practice attending to your own business and to work with your own hands, as we directed you,
Now if, in our efforts to come into right standing with God through union with Christ, we have proved ourselves to be sinners like the heathen themselves, does that make Christ a party to our sin? Of course not.
I have written this to you who believe in the person of the Son of God, so that you may know that you already have eternal life.
I cannot do anything by myself. As I get orders, so I judge, and my judgment is a just one, for I am not trying to do my own will but the will of Him who has sent me.