20 Bible Verses about Beginning Of Salvation

Most Relevant Verses

Deuteronomy 3:24

'Lord Yahweh, you have begun to show your servant your greatness and your strong hand, for what god [is there] in the heaven or on the earth who can do according to your works and according to your mighty deeds?

1 John 2:24

[As for] you, what you have heard from the beginning must remain in you. If what you have heard from the beginning remains in you, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.

Luke 21:28

But [when] these [things] begin to happen, stand up straight and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!"

Acts 1:22

beginning from the baptism of John until the day [on] which he was taken up from us--one of these [men] must become a witness of his resurrection together with us."

1 Corinthians 14:36

Or has the word of God gone out from you, or has it come to you only?

Luke 1:2

just as those who were eyewitnesses and servants of the word from the beginning passed on to us,

Luke 1:3

it seemed best to me also--[because I] have followed all [things] carefully from the beginning--to write [them] down in orderly sequence for you, most excellent Theophilus,

Philippians 4:15

Now you also know, Philippians, that at the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you alone,

Colossians 1:6

that has come to you, just as also in all the world it is bearing fruit and increasing, just as also among you from the day you heard about and understood the grace of God in truth,

Acts 11:15

And [as] I was beginning to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them, just as also on us at the beginning.

Revelation 2:5

Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do {the works you did at first}. But if you do not, I am coming to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

1 John 2:7

Dear friends, I am not writing a new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the message which you have heard.

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