14 Bible Verses about God's Care
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What is man, that you keep him in mind? the son of man, that you take him into account?
The Lord takes care of me as his sheep; I will not be without any good thing.
You have given your blessing to the earth, watering it and making it fertile; the river of God is full of water: and having made it ready, you give men grain.
The Lord has kept us in mind and will give us his blessing; he will send blessings on the house of Israel and on the house of Aaron.
Because the Gentiles go in search of all these things: for your Father in heaven has knowledge that you have need of all these things:
For the nations of the world go in search of all these things: but your Father has knowledge that you have need of them.
But the hairs of your head are all numbered. Then have no fear; you are of more value than a flock of sparrows.
But even the hairs of your head are numbered. Have no fear: you are of more value than a flock of sparrows.
And he got up and went to his father. But while he was still far away, his father saw him and was moved with pity for him and went quickly and took him in his arms and gave him a kiss.
Will a woman give up the child at her breast, will she be without pity for the fruit of her body? yes, these may, but I will not let you go out of my memory.
Because he is a servant he has no interest in the sheep. I am the good keeper; I have knowledge of my sheep, and they have knowledge of me,
Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the church, and gave himself for it;
As a father has pity on his children, so the Lord has pity on his worshippers. For he has knowledge of our feeble frame; he sees that we are only dust.
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