31 Bible Verses about Cloaks
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Then the angel said, Put on your shoes and get ready to go. And he did so. And he said, Put your coat round you and come with me.
And pulling at his coat, she said, Come to my bed; but slipping out of his coat, he went running away.
And Elijah, hearing it, went out, covering his face with his robe, and took his place in the opening of the hole. And there a voice came to him saying, What are you doing here, Elijah?
And if any man goes to law with you and takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe from him.
If a man gives you a blow on one side of your face, then let the other side be turned to him; from him who takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe.
And a woman, who for twelve years had had a flow of blood, came after him, and put her hand on the edge of his robe: Because, she said to herself, if I may but put my hand on his robe, I will be made well.
When she had news of the things which Jesus did, went among the people coming after him, and put her hand on his robe. For she said, If I may only put my hand on his robe, I will be made well.
Came after him and put her hand on the edge of his robe, and straight away the flowing of her blood was stopped.
With the request that they might only put their hands on the edge of his robe: and all those who did so were made well.
And wherever he went, into small towns, or great towns, or into the country, they took those who were ill into the market-places, requesting him that they might put their hands even on the edge of his robe: and all those who did so were made well.
And they gave him a hearing as far as this word; then with loud voices they said, Away with this man from the earth; it is not right for him to be living. And while they were crying out, and pulling off their clothing, and sending dust into the air, The chief captain gave orders for him to be taken into the army building, saying that he would put him to the test by whipping, so that he might have knowledge of the reason why they were crying out so violently against him.
The coat which I did not take from Troas and which is with Carpus, get when you come, and the books, specially the papers.
If ever you take your neighbour's clothing in exchange for the use of your money, let him have it back before the sun goes down: For it is the only thing he has for covering his skin; what is he to go to sleep in? and when his cry comes up to me, I will give ear, for my mercy is great.
But be certain to give it back to him when the sun goes down, so that he may have his clothing for sleeping in, and will give you his blessing: and this will be put to your account as righteousness before the Lord your God.
Then straight away everyone took his robe and put it under him on the top of the steps, and, sounding the horn, they said, Jehu is king.
And got the ass and the young one, and put their clothing on them, and he took his seat on it. And all the people put their clothing down in the way; and others got branches from the trees, and put them down in the way.
And they took the young ass to Jesus, and put their clothing on him, and he got on his back. And a great number put down their clothing in the way; and others put down branches which they had taken from the fields.
And they took him to Jesus, and they put their clothing on the ass, and Jesus got on to him. And while he went on his way they put their clothing down on the road in front of him.
So he went away from there and came across Elisha, the son of Shaphat, ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen, he himself walking with the twelfth; and Elijah went up to him and put his robe on him.
And Ahijah took his new robe in his hands, parting it violently into twelve.
Then Elijah took off his robe, and, rolling it up, gave the water a blow with it, and the waters were parted, flowing back this way and that, so that they went over on dry land.
And hearing this, with signs of grief and pulling out the hair of my head and my chin, I took my seat on the earth deeply troubled.
And at the evening offering, having made myself low before God, I got up, and with signs of grief, falling down on my knees, with my hands stretched out to the Lord my God,
Let my haters be clothed with shame, covering themselves with shame as with a robe.
He put on cursing like a robe, and it has come into his body like water, and into his bones like oil. Let it be to him as a robe which he puts on, let it be like a band which is round him at all times.
Who has gone up to heaven and come down? who has taken the winds in his hands, prisoning the waters in his robe? by whom have all the ends of the earth been fixed? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if you are able to say?
Yes, he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and salvation as a head-dress; and he put on punishment as clothing, and wrath as a robe.
For it is common knowledge among you that we never made use of smooth-sounding false words, and God is witness that at no time were we secretly desiring profit for ourselves,
As those who are free, not using your free position as a cover for wrongdoing, but living as the servants of God;