2 Bible Verses about Crops
Most Relevant Verses
Acts 14:17
though He did not fail to furnish evidences about Himself, in constantly showing His kindness to you, in sending you rain from heaven and fruit-producing seasons, in giving you food and happiness to your heart's content."
James 5:17-18
Elijah was a man with feelings just like ours, and yet he earnestly prayed for it not to rain, and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. Then again he prayed, and the heavens yielded rain and the earth produced its crops.
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- Acts of Kindness
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- Agriculture
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- Aliens
- Aliens, Believers Duty
- Assurance, basis of
- Atheism, Evidence Against
- Attitudes Towards Kings
- Attitudes While Waiting For Second Coming
- Bad Leadership
- Barns
- Be Patient!
- Bearing Fruit
- Being Patient
- Benefits Of Heaven
- Bereaved, Care For
- Blessed By God
- Blessings And Prosperity
- Blessings, Temporal
- Caterpillars
- Celebration
- Cultivation
- Day 8
- Destruction Of Plants
- Divine Delays
- Economics
- Eliminating Shame
- Entering Life
- Eternal Perspective
- Exploitations
- Farmers
- Farming
- Feast Of Tabernacles
- Feasting
- Fertile Land
- First fruits
- Food Is Fitting
- Foreigners
- Fruit
- Fruitfulness, Natural
- Fruitfulness, Spiritual
- General Revelation
- Generosity, God's
- Gestures
- Giving Without Expecting Return
- Giving, Of Possessions
- Gladness
- God Cursing
- God Doing Good
- God Gave The Land
- God Sending Rain
- God Will Be Angry
- God, Activity Of
- God, Revelation Of
- God, The Provider
- Goodness
- Grain
- Hard Work
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Harvest
- Heart, Human
- Human Emotion
- Hundredfold Return
- Ignorance, Of God
- Increasing Fruit
- Insects
- Kindness
- Knowing God, Nature Of
- Knowledge, Of God
- Land Producing
- Land, As A Divine Responsibility
- Literal Planting
- Living Water
- Locusts
- Loneliness
- Maranatha
- Mixing Materials
- Money, Stewardship Of
- Month 7
- Mowing
- Nettles
- New Jerusalem
- New Year, The
- No More Famine
- Not Reaping What You Sow
- Occupations
- Olives
- One Hundred
- Orderliness In Creation
- Orphans
- Partakers
- Patience
- Patience, Accompanied By
- Patient People
- Planting Seeds
- Ploughing
- Polluting The Land
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Prayer, And Faith
- Prayer, Answers To
- Prayer, Persistence In
- Prayerfulness
- Providence, Of God In Nature
- Pruning
- Rain
- Reapers
- Rebirth Of Israel
- Rejoicing In Prosperity
- Respect, For Environment
- Respecting Your Body
- Rest, Eternal
- Riches, Believers Attitudes
- Riddles
- Sabbaths Instituted
- Sabbatical Year
- Satisfaction
- Second Coming Of Christ
- Seed
- Seeds
- Servants, Working Conditions Of
- Seven Days
- Sin, Effects Of
- Six Years
- Sixties
- Sowing And Reaping
- Sowing In Vain
- Sowing Seeds
- Spiritual Famine, Relief Of
- Survivors Favoured
- Taxation
- The Environment
- The Fact Of Toil
- The Holy Spirit Giving Life
- The Righteous Prosper
- The Soul Winners Joy
- The Timing Of His Coming
- The Water Of Life
- The Witness Of God
- Thirty
- Thorns
- Threshing Floor
- Thrift
- Time Of Peace
- Tithes And Offering
- Towers
- Tree Of Life
- Unfruitfulness
- Unity, Of God's People
- Unkindness
- Valley Of Dry Bones
- Vines
- Vineyard
- Waiting On The Lord
- Wealth And Prosperity
- Weather Forecasts
- Weather, God's Sovereignty Over
- Widows
- Wine
- Winepress
- Witnessing
- Years
- Celebrating
- Denial of Jesus Christ
- Dew
- Doubt, results of
- Drinking
- Drought, physical
- Eternity
- Ethics, social
- Negativity
- Patient
- Patients
- Providing
- Sowing
- Testimony
- Worms
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