24 Bible Verses about Darkness Of Evil
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Daily, was I with you, in the temple, and yet ye stretched not forth your hands against me! -- But, this, is your hour, and the authority of darkness.
And, this, is the judgment: That, the light, hath come into the world, - and men loved, rather the darkness than the light, for, wicked, were their, works.
But, if thine eye be, evil, thy whole body, shall be, in the dark; - if therefore, the light which is in thee, is, darkness, the darkness, how great!
The lamp of thy body, is thine eye: Whensoever, thine eye, may be, single, even the whole of thy body, is, lighted up; but, whensoever it may be, useless, even thy body, is darkened.
Be looking to it, therefore, lest, the light that is in thee, be, darkness.
Alas! for them who would fain have been too deep for Yahweh by giving secret counsel, - and therefore in the dark, have been their doings, and they have said Who can see us? and - Who can understand us?
And be not joining in fellowship in the unfruitful works of darkness, but, rather, be even administering reproof;
The night, is far spent and, the day, hath drawn near; let us, then, cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light, -
If we say - We have, fellowship, with him! and, in darkness, are walking, we are dealing falsely, and not doing the truth;
From them who forsake the paths of rectitude, to walk in this ways of darkness;
He that saith he is, in the light, and hateth, his brother, is, in the darkness, until even now!
Whereas, he that hateth his brother, in the darkness, dwelleth, and in the darkness, walketh; and knoweth not whither he is drifting, because the, darkness, hath blinded his eyes.
The way of the lawless, is like darkness, they know not, at what they stumble.
That their light may be withdrawn from the lawless, and, the lofty arm, be shivered.
By day, they encounter darkness, and, as though it were night, they grope at high noon.
Let their way become dark and slippery, with, the messenger of Yahweh, pursuing them.
As for the wise man, his eyes, are in his head, whereas, the dullard, in darkness, doth walk, - but, I myself, knew that, one destiny, happeneth to them, all.
They know not, neither can they perceive, In darkness, they wander, All the foundations of the earth do shake.
Of the pestilence that, in darkness, doth walk, Of the plague that layeth waste at noonday.
For lo! the lawless, bend the bow They have fixed their arrow upon the string, To shoot in the darkness at the upright in heart:
In the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the midst of the night, and the gloom;
For, in the case of all such, morning to them is the death-shade, For, to be recognised, is a death-shade terror.
Because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but, against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-holders, of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies.
Have respect to thy covenant, For the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of violence.
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